Tag Archives: opportunity

When I started working for Children Incorporated in 2003, one of the first things I heard about was Dr. Richard Carlson’s mention of the organization in his landmark best-selling book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff.

I was told that Dr. Carlson’s kind words about Children Incorporated had generated literally thousands of new child sponsorships, and that even more lives had been changed by contributions resulting from the same. I recall that Mrs. Marian Cummins, who was serving as our President and Chief Executive Officer at the time, thought very highly of Dr. Carlson, and they talked on the telephone often. I spoke with him a time or two, myself, and found him to be incredibly warm and caring. Dr. Carlson was much-loved by our staff, and his sudden death in December of 2006 came as a huge shock to us all.

There are now nine books in the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff series.

Since that time, Richard Carlson’s work has been carried on and greatly expanded by his wife, Kristine Carlson. Over the last eleven years, many more volumes have been added to the Don’t Sweat book series, and Kristine is now a best-selling author and world-renowned speaker in her own right. She and her family have continued to support the work of Children Incorporated since Richard’s passing, and Kristine reached out to me earlier this year and shared her desire to do even more to assist us in our work of providing for impoverished children. I recently had the opportunity to chat with her about this subject.

RC: Kris, as you celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, can you tell me a little about what initially led your husband, Dr. Richard Carlson, to write the first book?

KC: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff was Richard’s tenth book. He pioneered the short chapter, “how to” book of advice as a new structure for writing his wisdom, which focuses on the psychology of mental health and well-being, and how to practice a happy life. There are now nine books in the Don’t Sweat series, for everyone from moms to teens, and for every topic from work to love. These books specifically tailor anecdotes for how to deal with minor annoyances that cause big stress, and how to choose happiness and peace over stress in all situations in life.

RC: Did you – or he – have any idea at the start that Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff would have such a universal impact? Did you ever envision an entire series of the Don’t Sweat books?

Every child in this world should have their basic needs met so that they have the same opportunity for happiness — to explore their human potential.

KC: I don’t think anyone could have had any idea of the kind of phenomenal success and impact that the flagship book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, had on the world. That was inconceivable. What I can tell you is that Richard was incredibly tenacious. He was a talented writer on his path, and he just kept on writing.

One day, he almost quit; but the very next day, he was flying to be on The Oprah Show, for the first time, in a panel discussion. The Oprah producer claimed that she was bent down in an aisle her library, and Richard’s book You Can Be Happy No Matter What flew off the top shelf and hit her in the back of the head. It was the perfect book and author to feature on a show about stress and how to manage it.

This event marked a pivotal moment in Richard’s career, and he wrote Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff three years later. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff has been translated in over forty languages and sold in over 125 countries. No one can preconceive that kind of impact, and we have always felt immeasurable gratitude for being instruments of love, in service to the world through our writing.

RC: Richard’s mention of Children Incorporated in the first book was one of the most meaningful things to ever happen to our organization. Thousands of impoverished children were helped as a result of his simple words: “There are many fine agencies to choose from, but my personal favorite is Children Incorporated.” Do you recall how he first became interested in Children Incorporated?

All of the books in the series show you how to practice and choose happiness, and live the best and most vibrant life you possibly can.

KC: I wish I knew how Richard found Children Incorporated, though it was likely through a friend. We always loved donating in small ways before we could donate in big ways — and he loved kids, as I do. Every child in this world should have their basic needs met so that they have the same opportunity for happiness — to explore their human potential. I can speak for Richard when I say “we” are overjoyed by this contribution. It shows the power of ONE. One person wrote one chapter, and it multiplied into thousands of sponsors! I am simply in awe of his wisdom, and the grace by which he lived – his impact on me to live in the same way and carry on.

RC: You are now challenging your friends and the many people who follow you on the internet and through other means to sponsor a child in honor of this special twentieth anniversary of Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. The goal is to get 2,000 new sponsors to assist 2,000 additional children. What made you decide to continue supporting our work in this very special way?

KC: I believe one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is to give to others; it is the foundation of truly living gratefully and abundantly. It is a blessing to be in a position to help a little or a lot. When we think of the change in our pockets that we spend on lattes and coffees, that little bit could go to feeding a child. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the success of our series than to do our best to challenge our community to sponsor a child in honor of Richard’s impact on their lives. The Richard Carlson Memorial Foundation will also match up to $5,000 in additional donations that are made in the book’s name this year. I am most excited to see this challenge come to fruition!

RC: We know that people all over the world have experienced life changes as a result of the wisdom shared in the Don’t Sweat books. I’d like to turn it back to you. Can you tell me what the books have meant to you personally?

KC: It’s rare to see two writers in one family. I wouldn’t have even dreamed of aspiring to such a fulfilling career, but my husband knew I was a writer long before I did. He invited me into the series as his co-author in Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff in Love. I had already been helping him with chapter titles and ideas for Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff with Your Family (I was home sweating the small stuff with our two young girls while he was on the road promoting his latest book!). Then, after the success of Love, he asked me to write my first solo book in the series: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Women. I gulped and accepted the challenge — then discovered that I, too, am a writer. It was like an otter taking to water — and I’ve been writing ever since. These books have changed the trajectory of my life, and they’ve given me great purpose to carry on for Richard. While we couldn’t have known he would pass from an embolism at such a young age and so quickly, he brilliantly prepared me to step into his world.

Thousands of impoverished children were helped as a result of his simple words: “There are many fine agencies to choose from, but my personal favorite is Children Incorporated.”

RC: Is there a particular bit of wisdom – perhaps some especially moving nugget of truth from the Don’t Sweat series — that you would like to share with us at this time?

KC: For twenty years, the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff books have pointed readers toward living a focused and happy life. The latest research on happiness shows that happiness is a choice, and it’s all how you practice life that matters most in achieving a high level of contentment and happiness. All of the books in the series show you how to practice and choose happiness, and live the best and most vibrant life you possibly can.

RC: Helping children live the most vibrant and promising lives that they possibly can is also the goal of Children Incorporated. Our work is all about offering those who struggle the possibility of a better education, a sense of hope, and opportunities to improve their place in life. We are indebted to you, Kristine — and of course, to Richard — for your incredible support of our work. Thank you!



You can sponsor a child with Children Incorporated in one of three ways – call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members, email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org, or go online to our donation portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


According to the National Retail Federation, last year’s back to school shopping reached $27 million. It is the second largest shopping season for retailers, after the winter holidays. In fact, the beginning of a new school year is a little like Christmas; the children are excited, and everything is shiny and new. But just like during the holiday season, many families wince at the economic pinch they feel as fall approaches, having to stock up on school supplies for their children at the close of summer break.

Our Back to School Fund helps kids, especially those still waiting hopefully for sponsors of their own, to experience the happiness of getting the things they need to have a great start to the school year.

Most of us have fond memories of back to school shopping – the happiness of opening a new box of crayons, with their bright colors, waxy smell, and perfect pointy tips; the fun of choosing spiral-bound notebooks with your favorite movie or television characters; the pride of having new shoes. However, for impoverished parents and guardians, these are memories they can’t afford to make with their children.

The pride of new supplies

Over the years, as I have traveled to our affiliated schools in the United States and talked with our dedicated volunteer coordinators, I have often heard that back to school time is difficult, and often very stressful for the families in the communities we serve.

Our Back to School Fund helps our coordinators stock cabinets full of supplies for children for when they return to school from summer break.

When a summer electric bill is due or food stamps have run out, or the old car needs a repair so you can get to your part-time job at the mini-mart on time, getting your child new clothing and supplies for school is something that gets moved to the back of the line. And if there is a big brother or sister who needs new clothes and supplies as well, then the cost has doubled. These items may be essential for kids, but they can also be impossible for parents to afford.

We know that receiving a new outfit and school supplies provides concrete benefits above and beyond confidence and self-esteem – these items help kids stay on track to attend school regularly and to keep up with their classmates. Giving them the tools to learn sets them up for success for the entire school year.

Wanting to Fit In

In addition to poverty, many of the children we serve are also dealing with some kind of trauma. The family situation may be chaotic and unhappy. Yet, while coping with poverty and instability, the children in our program want to look and feel just like any other kid. They want to fit in. Imagine the joy on a little girl’s face when she receives a new backpack emblazoned with Disney princesses, when she has never had a new book bag to start school; for once, she feels “normal”.

In the midst of their struggles, Children Incorporated and our caring sponsors and donors serve as a safety net. Our Back to School Fund helps kids, especially those still waiting hopefully for sponsors of their own, to experience the happiness of getting the things they need to have a great start to the school year. Your contributions will bring happiness, hope, and success to many children in need.



You can donate to the Back to School Fund in one of two ways – call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members, or go online to our donation portal, create an account, and donate to the Back to School Fund.

After hearing story after story from her friend Hilary about child sponsorship through Children Incorporated, Kathy Niles decided she wanted to sponsor a child of her own. Little did she know that sponsorship would lead to unforgettable travels with her friend, getting to know several children – and an even deeper understanding of and appreciation for Native American culture.

We caught up with Kathy to find out about her experiences as a child sponsor, and about the impact those moments have had on her life.

SC: Tell us a little about yourself.

Kathy’s sponsored child in Arizona

KN: My home is in Ashaway, Rhode Island, and I am 64 years old. I have two children of my own, and was a single mom for most of their childhoods. I held several manufacturing jobs off and on, but finally started my own cleaning business fifteen years ago, of which I am the only employee.

It hasn’t been an easy road for me – especially career-wise. My grandmother used to say, “You have to have the bitter to appreciate the sweet!” The bitter can be very hard; but in many cases, it forms the mold in which one becomes stronger, more caring, and driven to work harder to succeed.

 SC: How did you get involved with Children Incorporated?

KN: I learned about Children Incorporated through a friend of mine, Hilary, who was sponsoring a child in Appalachia. So in 2007, I sponsored my first child, Joel*, who attended the same school as Hilary’s sponsored child – and Hilary and I traveled to the school together to spend the day there and visit our sponsored children. It’s something any sponsor should do if they have the opportunity, because it was so rewarding, and I felt very blessed to have been able to visit the project.

In 2011, Joel moved to a different area, and that’s when I started sponsoring Chelsea* – and I have been sponsoring her ever since!

Hilary’s stories of Children Incorporated made me want to do something for a child in need; I didn’t have grandchildren, so I figured I would spend my money on sponsorship. And I decided that I would like to have the chance to help a child get ahead, and to have the chance to fight through their struggles to go on to college and better themselves.

SC: How many children have you sponsored through Children Incorporated?

I decided that I would like to have the chance to help a child get ahead, and to have the chance to fight through their struggles to go on to college and better themselves.

KN: I followed Hilary’s lead and started sponsoring children on the Navajo Reservation, too. Some of them have moved away, so I have had a few different ones there; but I don’t want stop sponsoring there, because I feel bad for these kids that need help.

SC: When you signed up, did you specify preferences for your sponsored child?

KN: Yes – originally, I wanted a sponsored child in Appalachia; I started sponsoring in the Navajo Reservation when I decided to add an additional sponsorship.

I visited the Shonto Preparatory School in Arizona with Hilary, who was traveling there to see her sponsored child graduate high school. It was a very inspirational, rewarding experience for me. In this world stricken with poverty and strife, there is a strong family bond that I noticed, and we were welcomed and accepted – even as minorities.

That’s when I decided to sponsor a Native American child, too. I just recently received information on a new child there, and I am hoping that this will be a lasting relationship, for as long as she is in the school.

Kathy also sponsors a young girl in Kentucky.

SC: Is there anything more you can tell us about the projects you have visited?

KN: The volunteers at the schools are people that give of their time, hearts, and souls to help.

SC: Please tell us about the children you currently sponsor.

KN: Chelsea in Appalachia is fifteen and in the tenth grade; she lives with her mom and four sisters, two brothers, and some cats. She likes playing games, and is good at building things – and not surprisingly, she wants to be a mechanical engineer when she grows up!

I would love to be able to go to her high school graduation; that is my goal. And I would love for my kids to join me when I do. I pray that Chelsea continues to do well, and that she finds a special interest that she can pursue for her future. She is a beautiful young woman; I always get a new picture of her every year.

And Cari* in the Navajo Reservation is also in the tenth grade, and enjoys studying global issues in school. She likes to listen to music, and she’s good at singing; she especially likes the music of singer-songwriter Ed Sheeran. She lives with her mom, and has two brothers and one sister – and she wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up!

SC: Do you communicate with them regularly?

KN: Yes – I send them packages and letters. I send Chelsea money for her birthday, back to school, Christmas, and sometimes in the spring. I also buy her school supplies and hygiene articles; and I know she likes to read, so I have gotten her a gift card to Barnes and Noble. And every once in a while, I get a thank-you note from her, and it always touches my heart!

SC: What do you know about Arizona?

For those who can afford to help, I strongly suggest that you give to a child in need. It can and will make a huge difference in their lives and in their future; it will help mold them into strong individuals.

It was an eye-opener to go to Arizona and see children in their native regalia, and to hear children speaking their native language; it was beautiful!

SC: Is there any advice you might have for someone considering sponsoring a child?

KN: Children Incorporated is a great program, and it has helped many. For those who can afford to help, I strongly suggest that you give to a child in need. It can and will make a huge difference in their lives and in their future; it will help mold them into strong individuals.

I pray that my help has touched each one of these children that I have at some point given to.

*Names changed for children’s protection.



You can sponsor a child in Appalachia in one of two ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our Sponsorship Specialists, or email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org.


You can help children in Arizona in one of two ways – our Hope In Action Fund provides for children in special cases, such as in emergencies, and when special items, like eyeglasses, mattresses, and bedding are needed. Our Warm Clothing Fund and our Back to School Fund support children in the Navajo Nation as well.

Last November, Children Incorporated staff members Renée Kube, Shelley Oxenham, and Chuck Smith helped rebuild a playground at G.H. Reid Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia, where we partner with Communities in Schools of Richmond (CIS) to support sponsored children in the Richmond area, near our headquarters.

Just a few months prior, over summer break, the old playground was set on fire, and it spread around the equipment, melting and disfiguring most of it, and leaving the 750 Richmond public school children with few options for outdoor play.

Partners in Rebuilding

Fun supplies makes for a good time for kids

A few of the donated supplies for kids at G.H. Reid Elementary

Renée, our Director of U.S. Programs, explained that the playground rebuild project was able to happen thanks to KaBOOM, a national nonprofit that builds playgrounds, especially in low-income areas.

The CarMax Foundation also stepped up to contribute funds and materials for the build, and Renée attended the volunteer workday, along with her Children Incorporated coworkers Shelley, U.S. Programs Specialist, and Chuck, U.S. Sponsorship Manager.

About 250 volunteers built the playground from the ground up in just one day. One of the jobs Renée, Shelley, and Chuck were assigned was painting maps and game boards onto the playground surface.

A Big Initiative

By the end of May, we had $1,000 to donate to G.H. Reid, and we couldn’t wait to present the check to them, as well as contribute some supplies to get them started.

In early 2017, Children Incorporated promoted Renée, Shelley, and Chuck’s story about helping to rebuild the playground. We took that opportunity to mention another initiative as well: we wanted to provide additional funding to the school for the playground’s upkeep, such as laying new mulch and repainting, which it would be in need of at the end of the school year. But by early spring, that initiative grew beyond just helping with maintenance, thanks to a special sponsor, Micah Greer – it turned into a campaign to raise funds to purchase playground supplies as well.

Micah is the founder of Operation Optimist, a web-based clothing company in Austin, Texas, and he is a personal trainer. Micah has been a sponsor through Children Incorporated for more than a year, and he decided to take his involvement to new heights by making the generous offer to donate ten percent of all of his merchandise sales to our organization. When Micah sent Children Incorporated a check for $500 in April, we decided we would use the funds to purchase supplies for children to use in support of healthy living, since that’s one of Micah’s primary focuses. And we asked donors to match it – which they happily did! By the end of May, we had $1,000 to donate to G.H. Reid, and we couldn’t wait to present the check to them, as well as contribute some supplies to get them started.

Presenting the check to our volunteer coordinator to purchase even more playground supplies for the fall

The Dream List

With the funding in place, Renée asked for a “dream list” of playground supplies from G.H. Reid, which was provided by Mr. Vickers, the physical education teacher there. Mr. Vickers told our volunteer coordinator, Sydney Capito, that the children could use detachable hurdles, a handled parachute, dumbbells, basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, kick balls, and hula-hoops. Renée purchased some of the items, including a flag football set and wiffle ball bats. We were so excited to take fun supplies to the school last week, and to present a check to Sydney, who knows the children will be thrilled to have all this new gear to play with in the upcoming school year.



You can sponsor a child in Richmond in one of two ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our sponsorship specialists, or email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org.


The first question Shelley Oxenham, U.S. Projects Specialist for Children Incorporated, asked Michael Helton, our volunteer coordinator at Magoffin County High School, on her recent visit was what he saw for the future of the county and region. Shelley was meeting with Michael as a part of her trip to Kentucky, in conjunction with Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube’s, visit to Martin County schools.

Carrie said that the children mostly receive clothing, shoes, and school supplies with the funds their sponsors provide. She also stated that Children Incorporated is the center’s greatest resource; she does not know how she would provide for the children without our program.

Michael sighed and quietly said, “No matter what anyone says or promises, coal is never coming back. This area will continue to decline unless another industry moves in and creates jobs.”

Magoffin County has the highest unemployment rate in the state of Kentucky. As of this year, unemployment is at 18.9 percent — seven percentage points higher than the next-highest county (Elliott County at 11.6 percent). The coal mines have been shut down for many years, and a local factory shut down two years ago — meaning even more unemployment in the area.

Trying to Create Jobs

To deal with the lack of employment opportunities, the county is trying to get a veterans’ nursing home built in Salyersville, which would create a lot of jobs.

Also, a small mine has re-opened; but there are few jobs available, and they are not the same high-paying jobs of the past. Many of the coal plants have closed down, never to reopen, having been replaced permanently by natural gas plants. Years ago, Magoffin was a tobacco-producing area as well – but that industry has also moved out along with the coal industry.

Currently, the school board is the largest employer in Magoffin County. Most of the other jobs in the area are part-time or minimum wage jobs at local fast food chains, and stores like Dollar General.

One of the students Shelley met with told her he works as a cashier at McDonald’s, and he fears that one day in the near future, his job will not exist because of the rising popularity of automation, in which customers place their food orders on a screen instead of giving their order to a cashier. Fast food chains have already been testing this idea in larger cities. The rise of self-ordering and self-checkout could really wipe out what remains of employment opportunities for high school or newly-graduated students.

A Special Delivery for a Sponsored Child

At North Magoffin Elementary School, Shelley met with Carrie Allen, the Family Resource Center Coordinator, and her assistant, Deana Branch. Carrie and Deana are both long-time veterans of the center. They are so kind, and really care about the well-being of all of the students in their care. Carrie said that the children mostly receive clothing, shoes, and school supplies with the funds their sponsors provide. She also stated that Children Incorporated is the center’s greatest resource; she does not know how she would provide for the children without our program.

Support from sponsorship helps parents as well as kids

One of our sponsored children with her mother

While Shelley was visiting the school, one of our sponsored children, Allison*, received a package from her sponsor. Allison’s little face lit up when Deana told her about the package. She slowly and carefully opened the box, and examined each item very seriously. She then colored a picture for her sponsor as a thank-you. Deana asked Allison what she wanted to tell her sponsor, and in a small, quiet voice, she said, “I love you.”

Carrie and Deana wish more sponsors would write letters and send packages to their sponsored children. It has such a great impact on the children’s self-esteem, emotional well-being, and school attendance. They wish sponsors could see children’s faces light up when they get something in the mail.

An Unsponsored Child’s Scars

Shelley also met a little girl named Stephanie*, who is currently unsponsored. She is eight years old and very small for her age; she still wears toddler-sized clothes. Stephanie has year-round allergies and breathing issues. When she was five years old, she was burned in a house fire and has severe burns on her legs as a result. A school staff member has to rub lotion on her legs every day because they are so dry.

The winter is especially hard on her; because of the burns, she gets cold really quickly. She will need snow boots and warm winter clothes to protect her legs from the brutal mountain winters. Hopefully, she will have a sponsor by then. Stephanie also has a lot of emotional scars from her tough upbringing. Having a sponsor this year would be a big help to her and her family. Her mother visits the resource center a lot to get hygiene products and other necessities, and she is always extremely appreciative of what she receives.

They wish sponsors could see children’s faces light up when they get something in the mail.

Saving for College as a Kid

During her visit to Magoffin County High School, Shelley met with Alan*, a high school senior who works twenty hours a week while also going to school full-time.

After high school, Alan wants to get his associate degree in carpentry. He skipped his senior trip to Washington, D.C. and Virginia Beach so that he could put in a full week’s worth of work in order to save for his college expenses.

He said that having a sponsor has helped him be able to save money for college. He commented that it’s the little things, like a new pair of comfortable pants that fit, that make life easier.

Alan has had the same sponsor since he was a child. It makes him feel good that there are people in the world who care, and that his sponsor committed to helping him all the way through graduation. He hopes to one day do the same for another child.

Boosting Confidence and Self-esteem for the Future

But smiles don't mean they aren't in need

Sponsored kids love smiling for the camera!

Jonnie Risner is our coordinator at South Magoffin Elementary School. She says Children Incorporated helps out with getting clothing for children in need; but a lot of what she buys for her students is soap, shampoo, conditioner, and laundry detergent. She said that our program is her greatest resource, and she doesn’t know what she would do without us. The children are in great need, and the program is such a boost to their confidence and self-worth. She said that sponsors who write letters open the eyes of the children to the rest of the world.

Shelley also asked Jonnie about the future of the county, and she said that the future looks grim. There aren’t any jobs, and the hope that coal mining will make a comeback does not seem realistic. There are two new Dollar General stores being built in town; these will give other people some jobs, but they will put local grocery stores at risk of going out of business. The worry is not only for the parents and adults in Eastern Kentucky, but also whether there will be jobs for today’s children once they graduate.

Regardless of what the future may hold for the kids of Magoffin County, Kentucky, your sponsorship and contributions make a world of difference today – as well as working toward making a different world for them tomorrow.

*Names changed for children’s protection.



You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of two ways – call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our sponsorship specialists, or send us an email at sponsorship@children-inc.org.


In May, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, visited Martin County in Kentucky, where she met with many of our sponsored children at our affiliated schools, as well as at some of their homes. The breadth and depth of the poverty in Martin County is staggering. Over the many years that Renée has been visiting Eastern Kentucky, she has seen the homes of the impoverished on the sides of main roads; but it still amazed her that home visits would take her off state roads, and onto tiny county roads, where along gravel lanes and dirt ruts, there is even more dire poverty. Some homes are so far into the mountain hollows that Renée can’t even begin to imagine how the homes were placed there.

Grandparents Stepping Up

Upon visiting with Billy* at his school, Renée found his situation to be very representative of many Martin County children, because his grandparents are raising him and his little sister, Kristen*. Both grandparents are disabled and subsist on small disability allotments from the government.

Renée with a sponsored child and her parents

Renée noticed that Billy is cheerful and has a positive attitude. He was comfortable telling her that he loves having a sponsor, and that it has helped him very much. He was excited to talk about the opportunity to enjoy a week at Trooper Island Summer Camp in Dale Hollow Lake State Resort Park; the camp gives underprivileged Kentucky children, ages ten to twelve, some time away from their stresses so they can simply be kids. State troopers lead them in all kinds of recreational activities, and they have conversations about healthy living, safety, and making wise choices.

So Many Children in Need

Renée also met with Blake* and Ruby* at their school; these two siblings had been living with their parents in a partially burned house that had no running water. The Family Resource Center, our partnering organization in Kentucky, worked with other county partners to find the family another place to live. The kids’ housing is now better and safer, but their circumstances are still extremely bad.

As Renée spoke with the parents, they told her how much the sponsorship program has meant to them, because the kids’ sponsors have helped so much over the years.

Another sponsored child, Scott*, was just enrolled in our program in January. He lives with his grandparents, siblings, and other relatives. There are ten people in the home, which is a very dilapidated dwelling. Renée also met Stuart*, who lives in a camper trailer by a local pizza restaurant. There are ten people living in his home as well, including his first cousin, Nathan*, who is also in our program. Their home life is not only an impoverished one, but it is also incredibly unstable and rather neglectful.

Loving Parents Struggle to Provide Support

Her first visit took Renée to the home of the Johnson family, who lives in one of the most deprived trailer communities in the county. Both the mother and father are kind and loving, but have little education or physical capacity. Their children are Susan*, age fourteen and in high school; Brooke*, age eighteen and also in high school; and Holly*, age nineteen and a former sponsored child. The father is a general laborer and can find only temporary jobs. The mother has respiratory problems and is in poor health, which often causes her to be bedridden.

Homes in Eastern Kentucky, which are sometimes too small for large families

When Renée entered the home, she saw that the front door opened directly into the living room, and a small sofa was in front of her. There was a small bed against a wall, and that’s where one of the girls sleeps. To the right of the living room was the kitchen. To the left of the living room was a doorway that opened into the parents’ room, which was taken up by a king-sized mattress and box spring foundation, and is where the mother spends most of her time. The family had decorated the home with old beach towels, which hung from the walls and the ceilings.

As Renée spoke with the parents, they told her how much the sponsorship program has meant to them, because the kids’ sponsors have helped so much over the years. The Johnsons are among the poorest of the families with kids in our program; but even though it seems virtually impossible for the parents to improve their situation, Renée could tell that they have hope for their children, and that the support they receive from sponsorship is important in encouraging the girls to do well in school and succeed.

The Wilson family also welcomed Renée into their home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are the parents of Becky*, nine; Lola*, seven; and Maria*, five. All three girls are sponsored. The middle child, Lola, is extremely small for her age and has some health challenges. The parents have tried diligently over the years to support their children, and our volunteer coordinators have worked closely with them in their efforts.

These are just a few examples of how much of a difference your sponsorship and contributions make; little by little, we can help break the cycle of poverty by offering more and more children education, hope, and opportunity.

They were living in a ramshackle apartment, but are now in a public housing complex – which is a big step up for them. The parents are extremely proud of their small apartment, and the mother has decorated it with modest items purchased at yard sales, thrift shops, and dollar stores. This home is much better for the girls than their former situation.

Through her home visits, both parents and guardians told Renée over and over that the most important things for their children to have are absolute basics, like food, clothing, school supplies, and hygiene items. After paying rent and utilities, caretakers often find they have virtually nothing left over to help support their rapidly growing children, which is why our sponsorship program is so valuable to these families.

These are just a few examples of how much of a difference your sponsorship and contributions make; little by little, we can help break the cycle of poverty by offering more and more children education, hope, and opportunity.

*Names changed for children’s protection.



You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of two ways – call our office and speak with one of our sponsorship specialists at 1-800-538-5381, or email the sponsorship department at sponsorship@children-inc.org.