Feeling Loved, Challenged and Prepared

At Brookland Middle School, students are well taken care of by administrators

Brookland Middle School in Washington, D.C. serves children in grades sixth through eighth. It is located in Ward 5. This is one of the largest wards in the city, with more than 90,000 residents. It contains two railroad lines, and several major city streets go through this ward. Thus it has a large concentration of “industrial use” land. There are over 20 distinct neighborhoods of which its residents feel a lot of pride. Children Incorporated […]

Our July 2024 Impact Report

Thank you for supporting children in need this past month

Today, as a part of our July 2024 Impact Report, we share a letter from our volunteer coordinator Paula at Herald Whitaker Middle School in Kentucky, who expresses her gratitude for our sponsorship program. Hearing from Paula “Being a resource coordinator, we are supposed to do and incorporate many things into our job. I try to educate my students on hygiene, self-care, self-love, and understanding the impact and importance of this.” “The Children Incorporated sponsorship […]

Connecting Students to the Right Services

Our volunteer coordinator at the Cardozo Education Campus faces many challenges

Cardozo Educational Campus is now Children Incorporated’s longest affiliated site in Washington, D.C. It is also our only affiliated site in Ward 1. This ward has a rich architectural and cultural heritage. It is a true melting pot, with immigrants from all over the world. It is the modern heart of the city’s Hispanic/Latino community. It is also home to many of the city’s African American and Asian American small businesses. This ward has 12 […]

Loving Their Time at Grace Aaron

In India, sponsored children enjoy the center they attend

As he continues visiting our affiliated sites in India, Luis Bourdet visits the Grace Aaron Childcare Center, where students are very happy to be present. “The town of Burgampahad, in the southeastern Indian state of Telangana, is where the Grace Aaron Childcare Center is located,” explained Luis Bourdet. “Within this rice-producing region, which is susceptible to crop-destroying flooding and droughts, thousands of field laborers earn very low wages. Due to widespread poverty, only some parents […]

A Distinct and Unique Education in Bangalore

Luis Boudret concludes his site visits in India at the Parikrma School

We arrived in Bangalore, a city full of trees and gardens, and perhaps the city with the most order when driving (I did not mention that driving in India is truly chaotic and challenging. Most people walk on the streets, thousands of bikes and mopeds move without any order, and even animals are common in most boulevards and streets within the city limits). The Parikrma Foundation operates in this city. They have four schools (k-12) […]

Educational Aspirations in Rural America

Renée Kube visits Arlie Boggs Elementary School in Kentucky

Arlie Boggs is a kindergarten through eighth-grade school. It has a small population of just 128 students. It’s located in the community of Eolia, which is in the southeastern part of the county. It’s in a very rural area, sandwiched between Bad Branch State Nature Preserve and the Virginia state line. There is a lot of poverty in this community – 84% of the children come from low-income families. The children are also struggling academically. […]