Tag Archives: children in poverty

Truly a nation of contrasts, Chile spans over 2,000 miles of South America’s western coastline, with deserts in the north, rainforests in the south and the snowcapped peaks of the Andes Mountains ranging throughout. Although a politically progressive country when it comes to human rights, millions of Chileans live in abject poverty.

Thanks to caring people like you, since 1964, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of children living in poverty in Chile.

There is a striking disparity between the rich and the poor here, which stems in part from the education system. A good education in Chile is expensive, and parents must pick up the bill for tuition costs. It’s a cycle — inadequate education yields unskilled workers who earn insufficient funds to cover tuition expenses for their children. As a result, parents work long hours for low wages, and children often get jobs at a young age to help support their families, preventing them from getting an education.

Challenges for Children in Chile

 In Chile, children’s very lives and futures are at risk, as they struggle with poverty and a lack of educational resources. Right now, children in Chile need your help.

  • According to UNICEF, there are 703,045 children and adolescents living in income poverty
  • As of 2020, 15.6% of children in Chile are impoverished
  • Healthcare inequalities among the poor are a major issue in Chile meaning poor families often get low-quality services or none at all
  • Child labor in Chile keeps children from attending school and receiving an education, which would help them break the cycle of poverty within their household

Thanks to caring people like you, since 1964, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of children living in poverty in Chile.

We work with our volunteer coordinators in local communities to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other essentials that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Our strategy is to focus on individual children through our sponsorship program, ensuring they are receiving exactly what they need on a regular basis.

Your support makes all our work possible to help children in crisis in Chile.


How do I sponsor a child in Chile?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Each year, our volunteer coordinators write letters to our office to let us know their first-hand experiences with just how powerful sponsorship is for children at their schools.

Today we hear from Monica at Gouge Elementary School in North Carolina about how our program has helped children this past year, all thanks to our caring sponsors.

A letter from Monica

“I can’t believe it is that time of year again. I have been thinking for a while on a story to share that has stuck out in my mind. As usual, Children Incorporated always comes through and it always is when someone needs it the most.”

“The Children Incorporated sponsored children, just like children anywhere, are rough on what they have. But the book bags were tough, and lasted all year, which I was happy with.”

“We had a child enrolled at our school not long ago. This child and her parent had to walk to school just to enroll her. Right away, my first thought was that Children Incorporated will help make what this family is going through a little easier. She will be able to be taken care of while she is at the school and have all the things she needs. She will be able to go on field trips and be dressed how she needs.”

“It is times like this when I wish our sponsors could be a fly on the wall. To physically see and be able to feel and know how much their sponsorship and dedication really does for so many would really be stunning for them. And it is not just for the child. It also impacts their family, the school, and me. The sponsors have even made a change in my own children, who are not even enrolled in the sponsorship program. My own children see what I buy and keep at the house during the summer to make sure that all of the items go to the sponsored children as soon as school starts in the fall. This has shown them how you are supposed to treat those that are in the most need. So Children Incorporated does much more than just give money to a child. They change the lives of so many around them.”

Thankful for our sponsorship program 

Thanks to our sponsors, children at Gouge Elementary School are receiving much-needed support.

“I am privileged to be part of this wonderful program. I am grateful that I can see how happy these children are, especially when I get to see them wear their new clothes. Last year, I was also able to buy all of them brand new, good quality backpacks which they carried with them all year long. The Children Incorporated sponsored children, just like children anywhere, are rough on what they have. But the book bags were tough, and lasted all year, which I was happy with.”

“At the end of this past school year, though, I realized I would not have enough funds to buy the newer bookbags for the next school year. At first, I thought about buying cheaper ones, but I didn’t want to and was so frustrated about how outrageously expensive things are in the stores and how it takes a lot to stretch out funds just to get children the basic things they need. I hated that inflation meant children would have less.”

“But like I said, Children Incorporated always comes through right on time. I talked with Renée, who is the Director of U.S. Programs, and she was able to designate Hope In Action Funds for me to buy the wonderful bookbags. I will also be able to buy shoes and clothes for the new year, thanks to the Back to School Fund!”

“Thank you all for what you do for each of us! You inspire us to become better!”



How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

After many years of planning, our first affiliated site in Puerto Rico was established and is called Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis. Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis is located in Carolina, and the church was created from an older congregation called Bautista Cristo Restaura, which is located in Levittown. Our sponsorship program currently serves children who live in the areas surrounding both Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis and Bautista Cristo Restaura, but is operated under just one name.

Children have been enrolled in our sponsorship program who come mostly from the congregation’s most vulnerable families.

It all began thanks to a wonderful man named Jesus Garcia. In February 2020, I began conversations with Jesus, who at the time was the pastor of Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis, about the possibility of an affiliation with Children Incorporated. But the start of the pandemic lockdown in March 2020 put the plan on hold. In the winter of 2020-2021, Jesus and I talked further. At that time, Jesus identified two volunteer coordinators, Marilyn and Carleen, who he felt would be great to run our sponsorship program.

Getting the program off the ground

In early 2021, the development of the coronavirus vaccine was a hopeful sign that things would get back to normal for many of us around the globe. In February of the same year, Children Incorporated sent a Hope In Action Program grant for media equipment to Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis so that Jesus and the coordinators could reach families with information on needed resources, infection control, wellness checks, and much more. In May 2021, Children Incorporated received from the coordinators, Marilyn and Carleen, the first 20 children’s applications for enrollment. Our organization sent another Hope In Action Fund program grant to buy clothing for the children while they waited to be matched over time with sponsors.

The first year went very smoothly. The children were assigned, communication was regular, and financial reporting was received. Then, in August 2022, we learned that Jesus, who was the impetus for our affiliation, had accepted a call to move and to serve a congregation in Connecticut effective immediately. Our coordinators continued to provide for the children while the search committee reviewed and interviewed candidates. During this period, I asked the coordinators if they would be able to accommodate a visit from Children Incorporated in the spring of 2023, and they expressed pleasure at the prospect.

Getting to know Children Incorporated

Eventually the church’s search committee found the right people in its own backyard. Congregation members and married couple Ricartel and Luz Omayra were selected and hired in December 2022 as the new pastoral leadership team. They went through an orientation process to learn their new responsibilities, and Jesus told them about Children Incorporated.

In March 2023 we held a Zoom meeting with the former pastor and the new pastoral team as well as one of our coordinators, Carleen. A visit was scheduled for April 2023 with Renée Kube and Kristen Walthall, the two Children Incorporated staff members who run our U.S. Programs Department, and me. We looked forward to this visit very much.

When we arrived in April, Ricartel and Omayra picked us up at the airport in San Juan, and we started our time together with a driving tour of the area. They showed us Residencial Luis Llorens Torres, which is the largest public housing project in Puerto Rico. It opened in 1953, and it is badly showing its age. The complex goes on for block after block and is believed to be home to about 3,000 people. (There are about 325 public housing projects on the island, but this one is by far the largest.) Like virtually all public housing projects, this one is mired in generational poverty and social problems.

Ethan, Valeria and heir mother were happy to get to meet the Children Incorporated team during their visit.

Our sponsorship program in Puerto Rico is helping families who are struggling to make ends meet.

There are two schools within this public housing project, and while neither is presently affiliated with Children Incorporated, there may be an opportunity to do so in the future as our outreach grows.

After the driving tour, Ricartel and Omayra took us to a restaurant for a dinner meeting with our coordinator, Carleen, who had just gotten off work and had driven to meet us. We had previously learned the other coordinator, Marilyn, could no longer continue serving. We had discussed finding a replacement for Marilyn so that Carleen would have some coverage and support.

There is truly nothing like a face-to-face meeting. Ricartel, Omayra, and Carleen are dedicated to making lives better, and they have a passion for serving. All three asked questions and developed a better understanding of our organization (especially Ricartel and Omayra, who are new to Children Incorporated).

Seeing our affiliated site

After dinner, we drove to the Carolina area where Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis is located. It was dusk, almost full dark, and as we entered the surrounding neighborhood, Ricartel and Omayra explained it can be dangerous at night, especially for strangers. They showed us a few streets where some of our sponsored children live, but we did not get out and walk around.

Both explained they want the church to do even more outreach in the community than it has already been doing. To start, children have been enrolled in our sponsorship program who come mostly from the congregation’s most vulnerable families. This gave staff (including the pastor, the coordinator, and the bookkeeper) the chance to assess whether Children Incorporated is a reliable partner. They have been highly satisfied. Ricartel and Omayra said their inaugural outreach as pastors was a holiday visitation in the neighborhood around the church. They, along with the congregation’s families and children, strolled around, approached people, and gave the children small gifts and invitations to come to the church. They and Carleen want to enroll the children in this neighborhood without regard to whether their parents join the church, but they have to get the parents to trust them and to come to them for help. Continuing dialog is a high priority.

Then we arrived at the church where Carleen, who had driven ahead, joined us. We received a full tour of the grounds, including rooms where they’d like to hold after-school and summer programs for children. Next, we went into the building, and we were proudly taken to the area where they keep the equipment purchased with the first Hope In Action Program grant. The equipment is deeply appreciated and is used every week.

Meeting our sponsored children

Finally we got to the best part – meeting some of the children and their families. They had come to meet us, to say thank you, and to hand deliver letters for their sponsors.

Ethan, the first child we met, is five years old and will turn six in July. He was just enrolled in our sponsorship program in March, and at this time he has still not been matched with a sponsor. (However, we will be assigning him as a substitute in place of one of our 12th grade graduates.)  At the time of our visit, Ethan was in kindergarten and was doing very well. He loves cartoon characters (especially Mario) and superheroes (especially Spider-Man). Ethan lives with his parents and older sister in a small house with a cement floor, cement walls, and a cement roof. His parents are responsible and loving, but their combined low wages in a bakery and a hospital do not adequately cover their expenses or provide for their children. Having a sponsor’s help with school clothing, shoes, and classroom supplies will mean a lot to Ethan.

Valeria is Ethan’s older sister. She is 12 years old, and she’s looking forward to becoming a teenager in July. She is in the seventh grade, and her favorite subject in school is family life. In her free time, she loves to draw. Valeria is excited to have a sponsor and is hopeful her little brother will be matched with a sponsor soon.

Jayden, another one of the sponsored children, is just finishing fourth grade. He loves science, drawing, and cartoons. He and his little brother, Nathan, live with their mother, a homemaker and father, a door-to-door salesman. The parents are struggling to make ends meet, and having Jayden matched with a sponsor has been a blessing.

A special moment was when I got to meet one of my sponsored children, Esteban. Esteban is 18 years old and is preparing to graduate from high school. He likes computers and loves basketball. He and his younger sister live with their single mom in a small apartment. The mom works as a nanny for very low wages. Esteban is thinking about becoming a chef but is not sure yet.

I feel Ricartel and Omayra have a good sense of our organization’s mission, and they are grateful that our sponsors and donors can provide much needed support to the children, families, and communities.

The last child we visited, George, was 10 years old at the time of our visit, and he has now turned 11. He is finishing fourth grade, where his best subject is math. George’s mom works in an accounting office, and his dad is in the U.S. Army. He is an enlisted soldier, not an officer, and his pay is low. The parents are ambitious for a better life, and they hope that soon they will no longer need outside assistance of any kind. But for now, they are glad there’s help for their son with his basic and educational needs. [NOTE: Using basic pay as the measure of military compensation, about 4.5 percent of enlisted personnel earn less than the poverty thresholds, according to the Center for Naval Analysis. Many more hover at the threshold or just above it.]

We said our goodbyes to the children and their mothers and left the church. Afterwards, we went to an administration building and had a business meeting. I went over the Specific Assistance Report, which shows all of the financial support provided by Children Incorporated from both our Hope In Action and Sponsorship Programs. Ricartel and Omayra were impressed and touched to see the impact.

Overall, this was a very successful trip. We went into the visit feeling cautiously optimistic about the new leadership, but we left enthusiastic. I feel Ricartel and Omayra have a good sense of our organization’s mission, and they are grateful that our sponsors and donors can provide much needed support to the children, families, and communities. We all also feel there is real room to grow. 


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in that is available for sponsorship.


For a number of years, Children Incorporated longed to provide assistance to children and families in Puerto Rico, yet due to various situations and circumstances, our progress in getting started there was slow. Through a connection with a Richmond, Virginia-based church, we finally started providing aid to the island a few years after the ravages of Hurricane Maria.

We at Children Incorporated want to provide as many of these resources as possible, and your help is desperately needed.

Initially, we helped replace furniture, bedding, clothing, and assorted other household items that were lost in the storm, as well as helped repair some homes that were damaged by high water and heavy winds. Just last year, Children Incorporated established our first two child sponsorship sites through a partnership with Iglesia Bautista De Metropolis, a ministry located in the city of Carolina, just outside of San Juan.

This past year, two of my co-workers and I were honored to travel to the “island of enchantment,” as Puerto Rico is called, and meet with the staff of Iglesia Bautista. Their hospitality and welcome were in abundance, and we were quite impressed by the passion they displayed for the children and families they serve.

They treated us to a delicious meal of traditional Puerto Rican fare including mofongo, empanadillas, and tostones, among other delicacies, and then, with a number of the children enrolled in our program and their parents present, hosted a gathering in our honor. I was blessed to actually meet two of the three children I sponsor in Puerto Rico, and they were an absolute joy. One of those young men, Esteban, has since graduated from high school with honors.


The needs of children and families in Puerto Rico are many and diverse. In addition to the constant need for food, clothing, and hygiene items, our partner, Iglesia Bautista, wants to establish before-and-after-school care for children in the vicinity of the church, to provide these precious children with a safe place and to keep them off of the dangerous streets. They are also looking to update the bathrooms in their center, construct a stormproof storage area where supplies can be kept dry, and to provide child-size work tables and benches where the children can do their homework and create crafts. Sports and audiovisual equipment are always in demand, and a big dream is for a van to transport the children and their families to and from the center and within their community.

We at Children Incorporated want to provide as many of these resources as possible, and your help is desperately needed. Will you please consider a gift to support our expanding work in Puerto Rico? We can make a difference if we all work together.

From the heart,

Ronald H. Carter
President and Chief Executive Officer


With each affiliated site I am fortunate enough to visit, I am perpetually reminded of just how invaluable it is to meet with our impassioned volunteer coordinators face-to-face on a regular basis. Through meeting with them, I am humbled and emboldened by their contagious passion, gratitude for Children Incorporated support, and desire to always do more — even if that means longer hours that bleed into their personal time.

As the day came to a close, I found myself so inspired by each and every one of these four women.

In mid-October of last year, I had the pleasure of meeting with an incredibly lively Geraldine in Page, Arizona, who is one-half of the Parent Liaison of Student Support Services dream team for the Page Unified School District. In that district, we are affiliated with four schools: Desert View Elementary School, Lake View Elementary School, Page Middle School, and Page High School. Upon picking me up, she immediately and proudly jumped into narrating the route that we were taking to get from my hotel to her office and talked about what I could expect to see and experience in the full day ahead of me.

Once we arrived at our meeting location at the Student Support Services office, I sat at a round table to meet with the elegant Lorraine, our current coordinator from the Indian Education Office; Geraldine; a smiling Virgie, the other half of Geraldine’s team; and an excited Sharon, Coordinator of Student Support Services. This was to be our new coordinator team, each member of which would exercise their distinctive talents and strengths in carrying out our program with Lorraine’s oversight: Geraldine would handle the finances, Geraldine and Virgie would do the shopping, and Sharon would manage our sponsorship program overall. All three women maintain regular contact with their community’s families.

A group photo of Kris (center) with our amazing coordinators from the Page United School District.

We immediately got down to business: the nuts and bolts of a smooth partnership for optimum assistance for the community they serve —  which led to a brainstorming session about how we could all do more to reach an even greater number of students through our affiliation. Their wonderfully-maintained and secure campus includes Page Preschool, some of whose 76 high-need students they will begin enrolling under the Lake View/Desert View Elementary School affiliation umbrella. The preschool and Desert View Elementary School are next door to one another, and the preschool uses the elementary school cafeteria and gymnasium. The grounds also house Manson Mesa High School, a school created out of necessity for students who qualify per alternative standards, because they are considered at risk of dropping out of school due to challenges to their obtaining an education.

Our Hope In Action Fund recently provided Manson Mesa with a foosball table and an air hockey table; when I was taken into the recreation room to see them, there was a young lady sleeping on a cushioned bench in there. As we walked out of the rec room, with knowing eyes, Geraldine punctuated the encounter with a comment that the students who attend Manson Mesa live especially difficult lives; the school adopts the approach of meeting these troubled teens wherever possible with the end goal of doing its very best to keep the kids in school, and have them eventually graduate.

We passed a music room where many students were engrossed in tinkering away at a variety of instruments alongside a mentor who was doing the same. I was introduced to enthusiastic staff member after enthusiastic staff member, all of whom sparkled when they were informed that I was from the organization whose donors had provided those tables to their rec room: “They are an invaluable recreational and distracting tool for our students,” they each told me gratefully, and in their own way.

We went off campus to visit Lake View Elementary School, which more than lives up to its name. Directly across from the school playground is Lake Powell, with water as deep blue as the sky at dusk, and which meanders through tall sun-dried canyons; the ladies explained that for Page residents, the lake serves as a great source of pride, as well as a meaningful source of income, as tourists visit the site for a boating experience unmatched anywhere else.

The reason Lake View Elementary School serves grades kindergarten through second, and Desert View Elementary School, third through fifth, is because when both schools served all primary grade levels, the district found that children’s parents were transferring students from one school to the other all too often, and for all sorts of reasons. In order to avoid the continuation of this issue of instability, the district opted to modify the grades that each respective school serves so that all Page Unified School District primary school students will now attend both elementary schools.

Through meeting with them, I am humbled and emboldened by their contagious passion, gratitude for Children Incorporated support, and desire to always do more.

Over the course of our day together the Page team informed me of a number of partnerships and programs that they maintain to supply the students they serve with the resources they need to obtain a quality education at their schools, which are cherished by so many Arizonians; some students come from even two hours away to attend the schools in Page — particularly because of the high school’s robust sports programs, which are followed and enjoyed statewide.

In addition to the support the Page team receives from Children Incorporated sponsors, McKinney-Vento Homeless Services provides funds, food, clothing, and an array of other basic necessities to the schools’ resource centers. In addition to offering a Friday Food Program, School Supply Assistance, Community Resource Connections, Advocacy, Attendance Monitoring, a Clothing Closet, and other significant programs, the women offer support in countless other ways.

Geraldine, a beautifully creative soul, for example, offers students craft projects with a purpose, such as card making for special occasions for students who are unable to afford cards; and journal making and journal keeping for those who may wish to learn a common practice for expressing their thoughts and feelings.

As the day came to a close, I found myself so inspired by each and every one of these four women; their commitment and productivity are an inspiration that will inform my work with Children Incorporated, as well as the everlasting value I attribute to our volunteers who manifest our work in the successes of the multitude of students they serve.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Kristen Walthall

Kristen is our Assistant Director of U.S. Programs who oversees Children Incorporated’s work in the United States – from the rural southeast and southwest to our urban areas in New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia. She works closely with an outstanding network of more than 100 volunteer coordinators at each affiliated site to ensure the children in our program are receiving the support they need.

» more of Kristen's stories

Our sponsors might not realize just how far their donations go to help children in need, but our volunteer coordinators, who see our sponsored children throughout the year, get to see first-hand how powerful sponsorship really is for kids and their families.

Today we hear from Melania at Crossroads Elementary School in Kentucky about how grateful she is for our program, and how it has affected so many people in her community.

“I have never been so thankful to receive funds to purchase new underwear, shoes, and socks. This removed a lot of my worry because I simply didn’t have the funds to purchase them.”

Hearing from Melania

“Dear Children Incorporated,

“On behalf of our wonderful students and the Family Resource Center here at Crossroads Elementary, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us to participate in your wonderful program. The sponsorship program has allowed the Family Resource Center to help supply our students with various needs for their educational journey. Whether it be new school supplies, hygiene items, or new clothing and shoes, there’s nothing like seeing the pride and confidence on their faces after receiving the items. Even the school’s staff notices how proud the students are when they come to school the next morning wearing their new clothes and shoes that they received after a shopping trip, made possible by your wonderful sponsors and donors!”

Thanks to their sponsors, children at Crossroads Elementary School are receiving support throughout the year.

“I would like to share a couple of stories about how the Children Incorporated program and its donors have helped with our students’ needs. I have a grandmother who is raising her grandson who I speak with quite often over the phone. She’s tremendously grateful for the Children Incorporated program. She told me that she would not be able to make ends meet if it wasn’t for the program and it helps lift the burden of worrying about where she is going to find the extra money for clothing, shoes, and other needs her grandson requires.”

“Next, I have a family with three children who are enrolled in the Children Incorporated program. The youngest came to me one morning and was extremely upset because her shoes were coming apart, and she felt embarrassed. I found her a pair of shoes to wear and told her I would make sure she and her brothers received new shoes within a few days. Thanks to the Children Incorporated program, I was able to purchase each of the three children a new pair of shoes, along with socks! Now, every time she sees me, the youngest child smiles really big and runs up to hug me. Believe it or not, this program allows us to build such heartwarming relationships with our students and their families.”

“I would like to let everyone know that there aren’t enough words to describe how wonderful the Children Incorporated program is.”

“As a Family Resource Center Coordinator, I am extremely grateful for all the services that the Children Incorporated program has to offer our students. I noticed I was very low on shoes, socks, and underwear at the center. So, I called and requested Hope In Action funds from your organization. That was one of the biggest blessings! I have never been so thankful to receive funds to purchase new underwear, shoes, and socks. This removed a lot of  my worry because I simply didn’t have the funds to purchase them.”

“As I am finishing up this letter, I would like to let everyone know that there aren’t enough words to describe how wonderful the Children Incorporated program is, and I want to thank the donors for all the contributions they graciously provide for the students and their families. Trust me, nothing goes unnoticed! We here at Crossroads Elementary School are truly blessed to be a part of the Children Incorporated program.”



How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories