Tag Archives: poverty

Puerto Rico has had a special place in my heart ever since I first visited the island in 2018 to help rebuild homes after the devastation of Hurricane Maria. Since then, we at Children Incorporated have been working hard to establish our first affiliated site in Puerto Rico, partnering with Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis to help support children and families for the long-term. This past April, I was able to return to Puerto Rico for the first time in five years to visit with our volunteer coordinators and hear more about how our sponsors and donors are changing the lives of those in need.

The urgent need to help with building repairs was the reason I first made a trip to Puerto Rico.

In this edition of Stories of Hope, I want to dive into the history of Puerto Rico and talk about the current situation that citizens face in order to give our supporters a better understanding of why I felt affiliating with Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis was so fitting for Children Incorporated’s mission and values, and why your donations are important to this vulnerable territory.

A Visual of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico has a rich history that spans hundreds of years, which is memorialized throughout the capital of San Juan.

Puerto Rico is an archipelago between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. It is located approximately 1,000 miles southeast of Miami, Florida. It is east of the Dominican Republic and west of the Virgin Islands.

Puerto Rico is presently a territory of the United States with Commonwealth status, and includes the main island and several smaller islands. The main island is almost rectangular in shape. It is about 110 miles long and 35 ½ miles wide, making it larger than Rhode Island and smaller than Connecticut. It would take about three hours to drive from the east end of the island to the west end.

Puerto Rico is about 60% mountainous terrain with the exception of its coastal areas. The main island has a beautiful and incredibly varied landscape consisting of beaches, caves, deserts, rain forests, rivers, and the sea and ocean. The central mountains and rivers carry water throughout the island. The north coast tends to get more rain and is thus more fertile. The south coast is drier.

Puerto Rico is located along the Mona Passage, a strait that separates Puerto Rico and the island of Hispaniola (comprising the countries of the Dominican Republic and Haiti). The passage is a key shipping lane to the Panama Canal. Puerto Rico’s capital, San Juan, also has one of the best natural harbors in the Caribbean.

The history of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico has a complicated colonial history and political status. As it is a U.S. territory, its residents are U.S. citizens. But while subject to U.S. laws, residents of the island cannot vote in U.S. presidential elections, and the island lacks voting representation in Congress. Its status as a territory means it is neither a U.S. state nor an independent country.

When Christopher Columbus landed on the island in 1493, native Tainos inhabited the land. Columbus claimed the island for Spain, and for 400 years, Puerto Rico was under Spanish colonial rule. In 1517, the Spanish crown authorized the importation of enslaved Africans. During the time of Spanish colonial rule, the people of Puerto Rico experienced extreme poverty, repression, and taxation. In 1868, a revolt and uprising were attempted, and this was a turning point in relations between the native and enslaved people and the Spanish crown. Spain began to grant the natives some autonomy, and political parties were born. In 1873, slavery was finally abolished.

The political reforms had scarcely any time to develop. In 1898, just thirty years after the attempted uprising, the United States declared war on Spain. U.S. troops invaded Puerto Rico and occupied it during the remainder of the Spanish-American War. When the treaty was signed, Spain ceded Puerto Rico to the U.S.

In addition to its manufacturing sector, the island’s beautiful beaches and tropical climate contribute to a robust tourism industry.

For literally hundreds of years, the people of Puerto Rico have worked to decolonize their home. But there has been a long disagreement on how best to resolve this. Then, in November of 2020, Puerto Ricans voted in a nonbinding referendum on statehood. About 53% favored it, while 47% rejected it. However, the larger problem was that only 55% of Puerto Ricans voted in the referendum at all. Thus, while statehood proponents viewed the results as proof most citizens wanted statehood, opponents questioned the validity of the votes, citing their belief that their referendum was promoted by the pro-statehood group and the fact that it was non-binding anyway.

Economy and Poverty in Puerto Rico

For hundreds of years during its colonial period, Puerto Rico had an agricultural economy based on coffee, sugar, and tobacco. With industrialization, the economy changed. Today, Puerto Rico is known for the manufacturing of medical and pharmaceutical products. Agricultural biotechnology is growing. Much of the workforce is highly educated. The island has a university system that, as noted by its Department of Economic Development, “generates a steady stream of new talent.”

In addition to its manufacturing sector, the island’s beautiful beaches and tropical climate contribute to a robust tourism industry.

So — why is there so much poverty in Puerto Rico? There are several contributing factors which include:

  • Puerto Rico’s relatively small size as an island and the fact there are few natural resources to
    produce highly profitable raw materials (e.g. oil, coal, natural gas, or metals) for sale/trade
    over very long periods of time).
  • A federal funding shortfall means that Puerto Rico doesn’t always get the support
    it needs to build its economy.
  • The island’s shrinking population of young working people due to outmigration.
    This means its population is aging more rapidly than most other countries.
  • Natural disasters and the COVID-19 pandemic, which have caused further economic
    blows to the economy in more recent years. The impact of Hurricane
    Maria in 2018 was devastating, and its impact is still being felt today.

Rebuilding after Hurricane Maria

Hurricane Irma had struck Puerto Rico less than two weeks before Maria, and 80,000 people were still without power as Hurricane Maria approached. Disaster supplies had been distributed for Hurricane Irma, but there was no time to replenish them before Hurricane Maria struck. The damages and outages caused by Hurricane Maria overwhelmed the island’s aging infrastructure and annihilated the power grid.

The capital of San Juan is home to many beautiful buildings, which showcases Puerto Rico’s diverse and artistic influences.

Sadly, it is estimated that 3,000 people lost their lives. Almost immediately, Puerto Rico was declared a federal disaster zone. In the week after the hurricane, 95% of the island had no electricity or cell phone service, and less than half of the island had potable water. Debris-clogged roads added to logistical problems. One month after the hurricane, all hospitals were running, but were still relying on backup generators with limited power. Almost one year after the hurricane, there were still numerous areas without electricity. To date, it is the longest blackout in U.S. history at eleven months.

The urgent need to help with building repairs was the reason I first made a trip to Puerto Rico. It was the connection through Grace Baptist (long time donors to Children Incorporated) that gave me an opportunity to serve the children on this beautiful island.

To this day, five and a half years after Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico is still considered in recovery due to the billions of dollars of damage and destruction that were sustained. The Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA] has dedicated billions for infrastructure resilience efforts, but much has still not been spent.

More difficulty for a small island

To further cause strife to its residents, starting on December 28, 2019 and progressing into early 2020, Puerto Rico was struck by an “earthquake swarm,” consisting of hundreds of very small quakes. However, eleven were magnitude five or greater. The most damaging was an earthquake measured at 6.4 on January 7th. Power was lost island-wide. The southern part of the island suffered the most damage, especially the city of Ponce, the closest city to the earthquake’s epicenter. Lives were lost, businesses and homes were damaged and families were displaced.

At first, the island’s relative isolation helped slow the transmission of COVID-19, but eventually Puerto Rico was overwhelmed just like the rest of the world. COVID-19 reached its first peak in Puerto Rico in November 2020. There was another surge from mid-March to mid- April 2021 which was attributed to people returning to in-person work, as well as to dining and shopping indoors. Families had also gathered to celebrate Holy Week. Another surge struck around January 2022, when the omicron variant reached the island.

Pandemic restrictions had a significant negative impact on the island’s economy. The loss of jobs within Puerto Rico’s tourism industry, which comprises almost 30% of its gross domestic product, resulted in a significant increase in unemployment.

Although tourism has rebounded in the past year, the impact of the pandemic can still be felt as families attempt to recover from months of job losses, increased food insecurity and rising debt.

Next week, I look forward to sharing with you all about my visit to Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis from April 2023.

When Hurricane Fiona struck Puerto Rico in September of 2022, it was a Category 1 storm. But it caused additional damage to an already vulnerable island that was still recovering from damage caused five years prior by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. The hurricane struck hardest in the southwestern part of the island. In the remote areas, it made life even harder.

While Fiona did not have winds as strong as Maria, it had more rain. Torrential rains caused severe flooding across the island (30” in some areas of the south), and the flooding was actually more widespread than during Maria. Roads that had finally been repaired after Maria were swept away again.

Experts say hurricanes cannot be studied as unique events. Instead, to properly assess long term economic impacts, one must study the compounding effects of multiple storm events. While not to the same degree as Maria’s damage, Fiona was still a multi-billion-dollar damage event that added to Puerto Rico’s economic burden.

Next week, I look forward to sharing with you all about my visit to Iglesia Bautista de Metrópolis in April 2023, when I had a chance to meet with our volunteer coordinators and hear more about the ways in which our sponsors and donors are helping children and their families in the community in Puerto Rico.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


A few months ago, I had the privilege of getting to meet our volunteer coordinator, Katalina, from Cardinal Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia. Katalina, like so many of our volunteer coordinators around the world, feels strongly about the value of our sponsorship program, mostly because she grew up in a family that had to work to make ends meet and didn’t always have access to basic needs. For her, helping kids at her school has a personal meaning, and she is endlessly grateful for the support of Children Incorporated sponsors.

Today, we hear from Katalina, who wrote us a letter to thank all of our supporters for what she is able to provide to the children at Cardinal Elementary School, all thanks to their donations.

“The families served by Children Incorporated are so grateful, as I am, for the comfort it brings to these children.” 

A letter from Katalina

“This is the second year I have had the opportunity to partner with Children Incorporated through their affiliation with Communities in School at Cardinal Elementary School. I am so amazed and thankful for the difference they make in the lives of children.”

“This school year, I had 24 children enrolled in the Children Incorporated sponsorship program, and the impact has been incredible. Each of the children received items they otherwise would not be able to buy. I also had two families this year that were recipients of Hope In Action Funds. The first family, which has two children sponsored, was struggling after a job loss and their lights had been cut off. Children Incorporated was able to step in and help pay their electric bill just in time for the cold winter months as they worked hard to get back on their feet.”

Helping when emergencies strike

“The second family experienced a devastating house fire that destroyed everything. The family’s three girls, who were also in the sponsorship program, were overjoyed to get not only clothes, but educational toys and arts and craft supplies. I had the joy of dropping these items at their new home, and it felt like Christmas morning to them. The girls were going through the bags so excitedly, as they smiled seeing new books and other gifts. The parents were really excited that they received workbooks to help them with their reading and math skills.”

“The other children in the program received a great deal of support as well. They were able to get new clothes at the beginning of each new season, so they stayed warm in the winter and were able to adjust when the weather got hot again in the spring.”

“Having appropriate clothing is something that we often take for granted, but for these children, clothing is hard to come by, and it is difficult to concentrate and learn if you are cold or too hot. The children get so excited about the new clothes and shoes they receive, and it never fails that many come to me and show off their outfits when they wear their new items to school.”

Making birthdays and holidays special

“In addition to the monthly gifts which help so much, several sponsors give additional extra funds to the children for the holidays or for birthdays. These extra funds made such an impact. In every instance, I met with the child and explained that they had received some extra funds from their sponsor and told them what they could spend it on. Then I would get their direct input on what they wanted, and we would shop online for the gifts. This brings the children so much joy – one little girl, Megan, asked for roller blades for Christmas, and when I brought them to her home, she immediately put them on and started skating around.”

“In addition to the monthly gifts which help so much, several sponsors give additional extra funds to the children for the holidays or for birthdays. These extra funds made such an impact.”

“Another child, Mark, really wanted a Lego set — the expression on his face when receiving it was indescribable. He began to cry with happiness, and his mom was overwhelmed with gratitude. I only wish the sponsors themselves could see first-hand how they are changing the lives of these children. I am honored to be able to be a part of this program throughout the year.”

“Most of the families at my school are of very low socioeconomic status, and as a result, their children don’t always get what they need. The children are also growing so fast it’s hard for parents to keep up with well-fitting clothing and shoes. The families served by Children Incorporated are so grateful, as I am, for the comfort it brings to these children.”  



You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Our volunteer coordinators are the backbone of our organization, and we couldn’t do our work without them. Today we hear from our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, as she visits with Lucy at Dennehotso Boarding School in Arizona, who works hard to ensure children in our program are getting everything they need all year long.

Meeting with Lucy

“Dennehotso is a small community about 27 miles northeast of Kayenta, Arizona. It is close to the intersection of U.S. Hwy 160 (an east-west route) and U.S. Hwy 191 (a north-south route),” said Renée.

“Lucy said our organization is so important to the school, and they are grateful for our long-standing partnership,” said Renée.

“Upon my visit, I was greeted by our very long-serving volunteer coordinator, Lucy. Lucy showed me around the school grounds, and as we walked, she shared how things have been going for her at the school.”

“Lucy explained that the school has capacity for 150 students, but at present just 113 are enrolled. The dorm was closed in March 2020 due to the pandemic and has still not reopened. Lucy said families have reached out to the school administration and expressed their desire for the dorm reopening, but the administration is still not ready. The administration and board are concerned about the children living in such close proximity, but another big stumbling block is that they are currently very short staffed,” said Renée.

“The children here are really struggling academically, largely due to disruptions associated with the pandemic. Many have witnessed the serious illnesses or even deaths of family members. During the school years of virtual instruction, many lost ground in their studies. At present, the average math and reading proficiency rates are just 10%-14% (depending on the grade), which is lower than the Arizona state average of 45%.”

An important partnership

“Lucy said that since the pandemic started, she has been given extra duties around the school in addition to her full-time job as Parent/Family Liaison. Her regular job involves gaining more involvement from parents and guardians in the children’s education; working with them in identifying and achieving various goals for their students (e.g. attendance); accessing support services (e.g. speech); administering programs to bridge the gap between home and school; and assessing students’ needs in order to implement plans to remove barriers to the students’ academic success and overall well-being. The latter two duties are where Children Incorporated’s sponsorship program fits in. Lucy said our organization is so important to the school, and they are grateful for our long-standing partnership,” said Renée.

Lucy, our volunteer coordinator, is pictured with two of our sponsored children.

“Lucy explained to me that being able to buy appropriate clothing for rapidly growing children is a blessing, all thanks to our sponsors. The children are excited, and the parents are incredibly grateful. Lucy said that she will usually drive out of state and shop in Farmington, New Mexico. This is 100 miles east, or a 200 mile round trip. However, she’s thinking of broadening her options and may start shopping in Cortez, New Mexico as well which is 92 miles one way, but has both a Walmart Supercenter and a Hibbets Sports Shop that sells athletic shoes.”

Hope In Action Helping those in need

“Lucy said she uses the sponsorship program funds for ‘tops and bottoms,’ because that’s what the parents and children request most. Whenever she can, she will supplement with additional gifts to buy shoes, which are expensive. Lucy said she would love to have extra funds for shoes, and she needs funds to supply a clothes closet for accidents, containing underwear, socks, pants, and tees. She would also like to have funds in the springtime for lice medicine, and I let her know I would be working to get those requests fulfilled through our Hope In Action Program,” said Renée.

“Despite the staff shortage that’s creating an extra workload, Lucy is striving to do her best for the Children Incorporated sponsored children. Overall, she is doing well in challenging circumstances, and we are equally as proud to work with Dennehotso Boarding School as they are to work with us.”


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

As she continues with her first visits to our affiliated sites in Navajo Nation since the pandemic, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, tells us about her trip to Kayenta Community School, where she met with our former volunteer coordinator, Lora, and a special student who took the time to show her and our U.S. Programs Specialist, Kris, around the school.

“Kendrick had done a wonderful job in putting a smile on my face,” said Renée.

Visiting Kayenta

“Kayenta Community School is located in the town of Kayenta, which is about 43 miles northeast of Shonto, Arizona, and serves approximately 258 children in grades kindergarten through 8th grade. Its student population declined during the pandemic due to family migrations, but its count is now rising faster than other schools in the region. It was one of the first schools to return to in-person instruction after the pandemic, and parents appreciated that,” said Renée.

“Kayenta Community School is renowned for its athletic department. The children like all of the sports offerings – and all of the winning seasons. When we visited our other affiliated site in the area, Shonto Preparatory School, our volunteer coordinators said that the school bus for Kayenta drives right up to the Shonto school grounds, and children who live in the Shonto community climb on and are taken to Kayenta to participate in their well-known sports program.”

Our former volunteer coordinator, Lora, (left) poses for a photo with Kendrick and Kris.

“As I entered the front door, I was stopped by a woman named Lora who told me that she was the Children Incorporated coordinator before our current coordinator, Mae. I remembered working with Lora, and I greeted her warmly, happy to see a familiar face,” said Renée.

“Lora explained that, unfortunately, Mae was out for the day — there had been an outbreak of COVID-19 in the Kayenta dormitory where Mae worked, and as Lora was speaking with us, the dorm was in the process of closing in an effort to halt the spread of the infection. Parents, guardians, and relatives in distant areas were being instructed to come to the dorm and take their students home. Lora was not sure how long things would be closed.”

Meeting Kendrick

“Additionally, the school was in disruption due to renovations that had begun during summer break, but were still not finished. The desks for those in the main office (the principal, secretary, etc.) had been temporarily moved to the library. Nonetheless, Lora invited me to come inside to have a tour of the building and grounds. For my arrival, Lora and Mae had previously chosen a student to be our tour guide, and I was very excited to meet him,” said Renée.

“Kendrick was one of the most well-spoken children I’ve ever met. He was not fazed in the least at meeting and escorting two strangers around the school, and he was unintentionally hilarious because he took his job so seriously. At each area, he would calmly pause and say, “Yes, as you see…”

“After the tour, we thanked Kendrick for being such an excellent guide, and we said goodbye to Lora — although I didn’t have the opportunity to meet with the other students at the school, Kendrick had done a wonderful job in putting a smile on my face,” said Renée.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


As a part of our ongoing Stories of Hope blog series, we want to share with you our June 2023 Impact Report as a way to say “thank you” to all our supporters who make our work possible.

Beyond what you already provide to children through our sponsorship program, your donations to our Special Funds and Special Projects allow us to help families and communities as well, often in times of crisis.

All of our volunteer coordinators around the world are incredibly grateful for your support of children in need.


Just in this past month, our donors have:

– Provided funds to purchase musical equipment for students at the Santa Rosa School in Bolivia

– Provided funds to purchase menstrual hygiene items for girls for an entire month at the Santa Isabel Ana Seton School in Guatemala

– Provided funds for bedding and clothing for children in our program at Warfield Elementary School in Kentucky

– Provided funds to purchase meals for 25 students for a month at the Dandora Center in Kenya

– Provided funds to purchase new bookcases for the literacy room at Swansboro Elementary School in Virginia

– Provided funds to purchase food for the family of a sponsored child at Menifee Central Elementary School after a house fire

– Provided funds to purchase hygiene items for Floyd County’s Back to School Bash at Martin County High School in Kentucky

– Provided funds for nutritious meals for 25 students for a month at the Fortune’s Center in the Philippines

– Provided disaster relief funds to purchase hygiene items and cleaning supplies for the family of a sponsored child at Menifee Central Elementary School in Kentucky

… all in addition to the support you already provide through sponsorship to children in our program. Thank you for everything you do for children in need!



You can donate to Children Incorporated in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at hello@children-inc.org and a staff member can assist you with making a donation; or go online to our donation portal, create an account, and choose a particular fund in which to make a donation.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

In this edition of our Stories of Hope blog series, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube continues her visits to our affiliated sites in Arizona, where she meets with administrators at Greyhills Academy to talk about how the school is helping children prepare for the future and how our sponsorship goes a long way in supporting those efforts. 

“If parents choose Greyhills, then their children could maintain their sponsors’ support and encouragement through high school graduation.”

Getting to know Greyhills

“Greyhills Academy High School is located in Tuba City, a busy and bustling place on the Navajo reservation. When I first contacted our volunteer coordinator, Roger, about the proposed site visit in late 2022, he said the school’s pandemic policy does not allow visitors on school grounds at this time. I proposed that Roger and I have an off-site meeting at a local restaurant, and he readily agreed.”

“Despite the different surroundings and my disappointment at not seeing any of the students, we had an excellent meeting. Roger explained that their Governing Board had voted to go on lockdown back in March 2020 and had not lifted that order until this 2022-2023 school year. Greyhills was not only fully virtual during the rest of the 2019-2020 school year, but remained virtual through the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years as well. There was no hybrid option.”

Adjusting after the pandemic

Students at Greyhills Academy are benefiting thanks to theirs sponsors.

“Roger said in-person instruction returned on August 9, 2022. The school has daily temperature checks, maintains social distancing, and does vigorous contact tracing. So far there have been no outbreaks of COVID-19, although they were concerned at the time about rising influenza and RSV.”

“Roger says two other staff help him with our sponsorship program: Lee, the school’s Special Education teacher and Zelda, the Homeliving Manager. He’s grateful for their support to run our program smoothly.”

“The school’s enrollment is currently 197 students in grades 9th through 12th. The student to teacher ratio is 10:1. Roger was very proud to share that the graduation rate is over 90%, and he attributes this to the high level of attention and instruction. Yet, Roger still expressed his concern about the impact of the pandemic on their students and families – enrollment has declined 23% over the past five years.”

A wonderful partnership

“One of the developments Roger was happy to share was a partnership between the high school and Arizona State University. Juniors and seniors can take engineering classes through a portal called ASU Prep Digital. The students get a taste of how a college course feels while earning college credits. Roger said the students are hungry to learn and are so appreciative of the opportunity.”

“Native American students are underrepresented on college campuses. Demographic data shows that only 3.5% of people who live on Arizona’s reservations have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. Programs like ASU’s can make high school students more confident and ready.”

“Roger also shared that this year the school is beginning an initiative to recruit more students in an organized and purposeful way. In the past, the administration would usually sit back and let parents come to them, and they had plenty of students. But with the pandemic and sharply declining enrollment, they must work to spread the word of the benefits that Greyhills Academy High School has to offer. In addition to the personal attention from faculty and staff, the school offers student learning opportunities, STEM programs, and the Miss Greyhills Pageant.”

“Roger and I both agreed that Children Incorporated’s sponsorship program is one of those benefits and advantages that the school has to offer. Several of the elementary schools that feed into Greyhills are also affiliated with our organization. Thus, if parents choose Greyhills, then their children could maintain their sponsors’ support and encouragement through high school graduation.”


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.