A Special Thank You to Sharon

Our volunteer coordinator at Broad Rock Elementary School expresses her gratitude to a sponsor

All of our sponsors are incredibly important to us and the children they support, and we are delighted every time we receive a letter from one of our volunteer coordinators about how a sponsor went above and beyond to make a difference for children in need. Today, we hear from Rachel at Broad Rock Elementary School in Virginia, who wrote to one of our sponsors, Sharon, after she donated toys and educational games to the […]

Stories of Hope

Showing Our Impact Through Stories of Hope

Our blog series highlights the areas in which we help children in need

Whether through our sponsorship program or through our special funds or special projects, we help tens of thousands of children around the world each year — thanks entirely to the support of our sponsors and donors. Children Incorporated supports children in many different ways, all of which fall under four areas of impact — education, health and well-being, emergency relief and community support. Our focus on these four key areas allows us to expand our […]

Working Together to Help Kids in Kentucky

Our volunteer coordinator is proud of her community’s efforts

This week’s edition of Stories of Hope continues with our “virtual tour” of Floyd County, Kentucky. Our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, visits with our volunteer coordinator, Michelle, at James D. Adams Middle School, to tell us more about their school, community, and the power of working together to help children and their families. Renée’s visit “Adams Middle School is a rather small school located in Prestonsburg, Kentucky. It has the capacity to accommodate […]

Help Save Children In India

Facts about child poverty in India and how Children Incorporated is helping

From the snowcapped Himalayans to tropical beaches, India is truly a nation of contrasts. It boasts a rich history spanning tens of thousands of years. In fact, the earliest known civilization in South Asia once called India’s fertile Indus Valley home. Today, with the world’s second-largest population, India includes a staggering variety of ethnicities, languages, religions, and cultures. Its wealth of natural resources and vibrant cultures, however, belie the abject poverty in which so many […]

Child Poverty and Education

Facts about how child poverty effects children’s education and how Children Incorporated is helping

When children are living in poverty, they have fewer resources than children who come from more affluent households. Resources missing from impoverished homes include nutritious food, adequate clothes, and hygiene items — but also educational resources such as school supplies, computers,  books, homework activities and learning games — which help equip young children for success in school. Additionally, families that live in poverty also often have parents that work long hours at multiple jobs, leaving […]

Help Save Children in the United States

Facts about child poverty in the United States and how Children Incorporated is helping

Poverty means more than a lack of income for families. It also means a lack of resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods, such as food, clothing, clean water and proper shelter, and this has detrimental outcomes for children in the United States. Children living in poverty in the U.S. often suffer from hunger and malnutrition, ill-health, and limited or no access to education and other basic services. When children are raised in impoverished households, they often […]