Tag Archives: sponsor children

Since 2018, we have partnered with Organic Baby Food Shop to bring awareness to our U.S. Feeding Program which provides for children in need who otherwise don’t have access to nutritious food items.

Today, we hear from Organic Baby Food Shop about their work and dedication to helping babies and kids by supporting Children Incorporated.

Today, we hear from Organic Baby Food Shop about their work and dedication to helping babies and kids by supporting Children Incorporated.

SC: Tell us about Organic Baby Food Shop and the work that you do.          

Organic Baby Food Shop was founded by parents for parents. As new parents, we spent countless hours trying to find the best formula for our infants. After reading the ingredient lists of several dozen US-made formulas, we nearly gave up hope and planned to settle for the “least worst” options.

After lots of research, we came across Lebenswert Bio Formula–  with only organic ingredients and no additives like extra sugar, corn syrup, soy or artificial ingredients. We ultimately found that many parents were raving about the quality of this formula, but it was nearly impossible to find in the United States.

We finally found a few suppliers online, but felt we paid way too much, experienced poor customer service and frequently received packages that were near the expiration date. Today Organic Baby Food Shop works to fix all those issues by providing outstanding customer service, and the best organic baby formula in the world shipped directly to thousands of parents in the US. We import Lebenswert, Holle and HiPP directly from Germany to our four offices in Austin, Texas; Los Angeles, California; New Jersey/New York; and Chicago, Illinois. We provide the lowest prices, the fastest shipping, and the best customer service.

SC: What is one of your favorite aspects of your work?

As parents we know it’s best for a baby to be breastfed. Unfortunately, some mothers aren’t able to breastfeed or don’t produce enough milk. There are many reasons why mothers choose to start formula feeding and we love providing them with the healthiest alternatives possible.

In addition, these products are the most ecologically-friendly baby formulas. Just like Holle, Lebenswert strongly respects and believes in organic farming. They treat plants, soil, animals and nature itself with respect and harmony. Lebenswert formula uses milk produced by organic, biodynamic farms, which guarantee species-appropriate feeding and ethical treatment of their animals.

SC: How did you find out about Children Incorporated?

We at Organic Baby Food Shop truly believe in giving back. That’s why we love to support different organizations through monetary, in-kind and product donations meanwhile surprising our customers with special giveaways and promotions. Black Friday is our biggest sale of the year, and in 2018 we renamed it “Baby Friday” and donated  $1 per box sold to an organization that supports children in need. We searched for a respected organization that was aligned with our values and gratefully found Children Incorporated. Together we decided that we can best help their U.S. Feeding Program thrive, and today that partnership has become especially important amidst COVID-19.

SC: What made you want to get involved with our organization?

When we started to donate to the U.S. Feeding Program through our “Baby Friday” Campaign in 2018, we found it heartbreaking that in the United States, 1 in 6 children don’t know where they will get their next meal.

We at Organic Baby Food Shop truly believe in giving back. That’s why we love to support different organizations through monetary, in-kind and product donations meanwhile surprising our customers with special giveaways and promotions.

We are extremely grateful to support this awesome program and contribute towards providing children with food to take home on weekends when they otherwise might not receive regular meals.

Especially in these challenging times it’s more important than ever that we take care of each other and those most vulnerable. That’s why our team has since decided to support Children Incorporated on a monthly basis during COVID-19 and beyond – in addition to our promotional campaigns.

SC: What about Children Incorporated do you feel relates to the Organic Baby Food Shop mission and vision?

We at Organic Baby Food Shop share your belief that each child deserves access to water and food, as well as education so that they may access empowering opportunities and become contributing members of their communities. Our mission is to provide easy and affordable access to the absolute best organic formula in the world, recommended by pediatricians.

We strive to help families feed their babies with wonderful nourishment while avoiding artificial additives in other formulas without being overcharged. Through it all, we recognize that being able to choose the very best for our baby truly is a luxury when we consider how many children experience extreme food insecurity.

Ultimately, we both want to protect those most vulnerable – the children – and provide them with the resources needed to thrive and grow up healthy. We deeply appreciate the work of Children Incorporated and are proud of our partnership.



As we have seen, the COVID-19 outbreak hit most countries in the world, and our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, has been working to offer support to families in their time of need.

We hear from Luis today about the help we are providing to our affiliated projects in the Philippines, thanks to donations from our sponsors and donors:

We hear from Luis today about the help we are providing to our affiliated projects in the Philippines, thanks to donations from our sponsors and donors.

“I was informed by one of our programs in the Philippines that the families we support are mostly day workers, so most of them have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 restrictions. In response, they are providing food bags to families in addition to items purchased with sponsorship funds,” said Luis.

“The government of the Philippines has authorized one-time cash support to certain families under certain criteria. The government will give cash assistance to low-income families, solo parents, pregnant or lactating mothers, senior citizens, and some taxi drivers.”

“Not all Filipinos will receive cash assistance. The families of the children in our sponsorship program are qualified to receive the cash assistance from the government – roughly $98,” explained Luis.

“Of course, this one-time support does not cover the cost of living expenses for a month, as you can imagine. With the funds we have provided, our coordinators purchased rice, produce, bread and canned goods, as well as other fresh food items.”

A mother of one of our sponsored children receiving food at her home. Our volunteer coordinators are making home deliveries of essential items during the COVID-19 outbreak.

“The provision of the aid has been complicated for our coordinators to distribute as a result of the mandatory quarantine. Children and parents have to come to the center wearing a mask and following strict distancing rules. Other items are dropped off at the homes of our sponsored children by our coordinators.”

A message from our volunteer coordinator at Fortune’s Children at Parang


The beginning of the year was a busy one for the students. For the month of January, they were able to complete four lessons, which culminated in a unit test. The lessons continued well into the month of February. The last class was held on March 10, and then class was suspended.

March was the beginning of the COVID-19 spread in our country. On the evening of March 9th, President Duterte formally declared a state of public health emergency in the Philippines. [He suspended] all classes in public and private schools, in all levels, in Metro Manila from March 10-14 as a precaution.

As the cases continued to increase, [on March 12th], the president announced a partial lockdown on Metro Manila beginning on midnight of March 15th. This meant that most of our children’s parents had to stop working. Others who are included in essential services were allowed to either [work] from their homes or go to work on a non-daily basis.

The families of Children Incorporated sponsored kids were all greatly affected by this health emergency, and Damayan at Tiyaga Foundation responded by distributing food packs to them as well as [to] our less fortunate brethren in nearby communities.

Our coordinators worked in three groups and bought the necessary items for the kids: hygiene kits, canned goods and noodles, snacks, bread, milk, oatmeal, and other food items that the kids requested.

It was a challenging task, as there were limits to how much of some particular items (like milk, noodles, canned goods) we could buy in the groceries. Only one person per household was allowed to go out for grocery runs, hence, buying all the food pack items took from two to four days at most. We were able to distribute food packs in three waves to the less fortunate, including [to] the families of our [Children Incorporated] kids. We included rice, canned goods, noodles, biscuits, coffee, sugar, bread, some vegetables, and milk in our food packs. We also received a lot of requests for milk, as there are really a lot of families with small kids in the communities where the [Children Incorporated] kids live. These food packs cost about P300 or $6 each. About 50 families in the neighboring communities were given these food packs in different batches.

During the [second] week of April, we received the sponsorship funds, and [the] last week of April [we received funds from the] Hope in Action Fund for the children. Our coordinators worked in three groups and bought the necessary items for the kids: hygiene kits, canned goods and noodles, snacks, bread, milk, oatmeal, and other food items that the kids requested. We were able to finish our distribution by May 3rd, a Sunday.

Our volunteer coordinators are working hard to get supplies to children and families during school closures.

Presently, we are still under enhanced community quarantine tentatively until May 15th. Life as we know it has changed a lot. The children are yet unsure of whether they will be allowed to physically return to school for the coming school year, but the Education Department has already announced that classes will resume in August, albeit through a modified delivery. Unless a vaccine for the virus is released, our kids are confined to their homes and not allowed to go out for any reason. This is for their own safety.

On behalf of the [Children Incorporated] kids, we are very grateful to the sponsors who have continued helping them by sending their monthly subsidies and gifts. We pray for all of you at Children Incorporated, as well as our sponsors, that you may remain in good health until this pandemic has passed.

God bless us all,


About the Philippines

The Philippines comprise a vast island nation in Southeast Asia. This archipelago of more than 7,000 islands boasts sandy beaches, towering mountains and volcanoes, tropical rainforests, and an incredible wealth of natural resources and biodiversity. Humans have called these islands home for thousands of years, predating historical records. Today, the Philippines incorporate a staggering number of languages, ethnic groups, religions, and cultures. Despite its status as an emerging market, however, nearly half of all Filipinos still earn less than $2 a day. Adequate sanitation, access to healthcare, and access to potable water are still daily challenges in this widely underdeveloped country, which is also prone to typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic activity.

About our affiliated projects in the Philippines

Pinagpala Children’s Center
Tagaytay City, Philippines

Located in the city of Tagaytay, the Pinagpala Children’s Center was established by members of a local church in 2000 to provide educational assistance to local needy children and their families. The name Pinagpala means “blessed.”

The Pinagpala Children’s Center recognizes that providing for the educational needs of impoverished children is an essential step in giving these deserving young minds the tools necessary to break the cycle of poverty and rise above the problematic socioeconomic circumstances that they face. The center receives its funding from individual contributions and organizations like Children Incorporated. They envision many goals for future growth, including building a multipurpose community center with a media center or library. This will facilitate training programs, afterschool care, and recreational activities for children and their families, expanding their educational assistance programs to improve the children’s lives further and providing safe transportation to and from school each day.

Fortune’s Children at Parang
Parang, Marikina, Philippines

In Marikina’s Fortune neighborhood, most residents rent modest homes — typically little more than shacks constructed from scrap wood and corrugated metal sheets, with no running water, indoor plumbing, or even beds. Eight to twelve family members often share these dwellings.

Tragically, hunger, malnutrition, health issues, and lack of sufficient clothing often cause children to miss school or drop out altogether. Established by the Damayan at Tiago Foundation, the Fortune’s Children at Parang functions as both a school and daycare center, which also offers community-building programs to assist teenagers and adults facing poverty-induced issues. In this way, children and their families may rise above the difficult socio-economic circumstances from which they come.

Visayans Community Center at Bliss
Sagkahan, Tacloban City, Philippines

The  Bliss Housing Project in Sagkahan, where the Visayans Community Center at Bliss is located, is a community established by the Filipino government for Tacloban’s poor. Only fifteen percent of residents own the land on which they live. Most locals inhabit concrete dwellings, but many others live in shacks fashioned from nipa palm shingles, bamboo, and castoff boards.

Amid this devastating poverty and its socioeconomic effects, the Visayans Community Center at Bliss serves as a beacon of hope. Founded by the local group, Volunteer for the Visayans, the center is dedicated to facilitating community development, providing healthcare, and promoting education.


How do I sponsor a child in the Philippines?

You can sponsor a child in the Philippines in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our donation portal, create an account, and search for a child in the Philippines that is available for sponsorship.


We recently heard from our affiliated project, the Parikrma Home, in India, wanting to let us know how grateful they are for the support from our sponsors and donors. Recently sent funds to the project are being used to purchase food for children and families in need who otherwise would go hungry during this challenging time. The Parikrma Home is also providing school assignments for children to do at home so they can keep up with their studies during school closures.

Today we hear from Anuradha Roy Chowdhury, Head of Operations of the Parikrma Home, about their work in India during the COVID-19 crisis.

Hope for the future in India

Today we hear from Anuradha Roy Chowdhury, Head of Operations of the Parikrma Home, about their work in India during the COVID-19 crisis:

“In the middle of this bizarre COVID pandemic, I have found much to be thankful for. Over the last three weeks, our donors have overwhelmed us – not just with the generosity of their contributions, but also with the faith that they have reposed in us. It is this faith and trust that keeps us going in our objective of ensuring that our badly hit communities are somehow able to survive this time and emerge on the other side, to take up their lives as best as possible. Beyond the financial support, many of our donors have even reached out to us with their time – offering to help us with the actual distribution of the dry rations in the schools, despite knowing the real possibility of being infected. We are very grateful.

Our alumni have been a revelation in the enthusiasm of their response to our call for help. They have reached out to us, some through financial donations and some through their unstinting work in the schools during the weekly distribution of the rations. Our alumni validate all our efforts over the years and make it all worthwhile.

Bags of food that have been packed for distribution.

As of April 20, 2020, we have distributed food rations and basic sanitation to over 1,802 children from 1,050 families and will be reaching out to our families residing in over 70 slums in Bengaluru. We have now started giving out lesson plans, worksheets, and storybooks to our children every time we do distribution of rations to the families. Our teachers have gone virtual too – working out strategies and means to reach out to our children in the slums.

Our donors and our alumni are our proverbial silver lining. The biggest THANK YOU is insufficient, but we would like to say it anyway.”

A note from the Founder

Shukla Bose, Founder of the Parikrma Home, shares her observations during this crisis.

“In spite of all our personal introspection, mindfulness, and self-awareness practices, it’s during moments of deep crisis that self-realization takes on a different dimension.”



How do I sponsor a child in India?

You can sponsor a child in India in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our donation portal, create an account, and search for a child in India that is available for sponsorship.

written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

*Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work.


Letcher County is located in the southeastern corner of Kentucky and shares a border with Wise County, Virginia.

“Letcher County is very beautiful. On its eastern border runs a vast tract of the Jefferson National Forest, which is shared with Virginia,” explained our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube.

Jenkins Independent School is a long-established project with Children Incorporated, and our sponsorship programs are much needed and appreciated by the students.

“A point of pride in the county is Pine Mountain. It’s the second-highest mountain in Kentucky and is also an exceptionally long mountain whose ridge runs about 100 miles from just below the West Virginia line south through the Kentucky-Virginia border to Tennessee, including the entire length of Letcher County.”

“The county is trying hard to develop the tourist industry by promoting the scenic beauty to be enjoyed in its trails and parks. These include the Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail, Bad Branch Falls, and the Pioneer Horse Trail,” said Renée.

The need for tourists

The reason the county is working so diligently to promote tourism is due to the collapse of the coal industry. There used to be dozens of coal camps in Letcher County, each employing an average of 30 to 300 men who lived in the camps with their families. However, with the rise of automation, coal extraction and processing could be done with a significantly reduced number of workers. This was devastating for the families, and also devastating for communities that lost the tax base for their schools and community services.

“Letcher County has formally asked the U.S. government to construct a federal penitentiary on the site of an abandoned mountain top strip mine. Letcher County Judge-Executive, Jim Ward, was interviewed by NBC News about the prospective prison. He said the economic situation is desperate in Letcher County. He has talked to residents who have lost their jobs and homes. He has talked with parents who see no hope for their children to be successful if they grow up and stay in the county. He said residents are willing to try or do almost anything to save their rural way of life,” said Renée.

Running programs to help children in need

The front view of Jenkins High School

Jenkins Independent School is a long-established project with Children Incorporated, and our sponsorship program is much needed and appreciated by the students. The school serves students in seventh through twelfth grade in a  two-story building comprising twenty classrooms, two computer labs, a cafeteria, a gymnasium, an art room, a band/music room, a library, a guidance office, and four special education rooms.

Our volunteer coordinator, Angie, is an experienced coordinator who works tirelessly to bring resources for her students. She runs a Backpack Feeding Program for those who struggle to cope with food insecurity. She maintains clothing and supply closets, and she is always reaching out for more donations within the small community to further help children and their families.

Angie’s “Back to School Bash” is one of the key programs that she hosts every year, where she brings in informational booths to set-up on the school’s softball field, giving parents and children a chance to learn about any number of services the school and the community offers.

During a visit to the school last year, Renée had the chance to hear more about the programs Angie runs within the school. Then, Angie brought in a couple of students to her office for Renée to meet.

Angie’s “Back to School Bash” is one of the key programs that she hosts every year, where she brings in informational booths to set-up on the school’s softball field, giving parents and children a chance to learn about any number of services the school and the community offers.

Much-needed support for kids in need

Brian* is a sweet and rather shy seventh-grader. In school, he likes math, music, and playing baseball. Brian is not sure about his future plans, but he is interested in becoming a firefighter or maybe a construction worker.

“After he returned to class, Angie told me that Brian’s father had died unexpectedly, and his mother has struggled with raising him as a single parent. Angie was so grateful that Brian had the support of his sponsor because she knew he needed the help,” said Renée.

Next, Renée met Julia.* When Julia joined our sponsorship program in 2011, when she was in elementary school, she was matched with a sponsor who is still supporting her today. Even though Julia has moved multiple times over the years, Angie always made sure she still stayed connected with her sponsor.

“Julia told me that her sponsors feel like grandparents to her. She is grateful for their financial help, and just as appreciative for the emotional support. They sent packages, additional money gifts, and letters that are precious to Julia,” said Renée.

*Names changed to protect the children.


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of two ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members or email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org.


During the COVID-19 crisis, so many of our sponsors and donors have contacted us to find out how they can help. The dedication to the children and families we support has been beyond amazing, and we are incredibly grateful for each and every one of our supporters who are concerned for kids in need at this time — and all year long.

Laura recently decided, that due to the COVID-19 outbreak, she wanted to donate half of her Arbonne sales to help children in our program.

Today we wanted to highlight one of our sponsors, Laura Knight. Laura wears many hats in her life — one of which is as an Arbonne consultant. Arbonne is a company that creates products focused around a holistic approach to health, beauty, and well-being. All products are 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and free of toxins and fillers. Arbonne is a Certified B Corporation which means it is held to the highest regulations of environmental impact, employee welfare, customer welfare, community impact, and company governance.

Laura recently decided that, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, she wanted to donate half of her Arbonne sales to help children in our program. I spoke with Laura on the phone recently to find out more about her work and how she became involved with Children Incorporated.

SC: Laura, tell us more about Arbonne and your work.

LK: My name is Laura Knight. I am a mother of two, a former elementary school teacher, a positive discipline educator, a mindfulness optimist, and an Arbonne consultant. I inspire parents to feel better about themselves, in their partnership, and with their children.

As a life-long teacher who cannot stop learning and sharing how to bring more joy into each day, I spend most waking hours helping parents and children find more moments of calm and happiness in the chaos of life. I do that through teaching parenting tools, mindfulness, and offering health and wellness products through my Arbonne business.

SC: What about Arbonne’s holistic approach to health and beauty do you feel is important for customers?

I started my Arbonne business because I was looking for a more like-minded community, but I fell in love with the multi-level marketing model because it affords our family a monthly opportunity to generate asset income. I also believe that it is my responsibility, as a consumer, to use my purchasing power to buy from companies that are ethical, sustainable, and doing good for the world, and Arbonne is just that.

Arbonne has been such a gift in my life, and I am paying it forward by donating 50% of my monthly sales to Children Incorporated.

SC: How did you find out about Children Incorporated?

After the shelter-in-place began, I was sitting at home in California with my two children – their bellies full of food and our home safe and warm. I began to reflect on all the children that are not enjoying their time at home right now. The children who rely on school lunches for daily food and who use their school time as a safe haven from the chaos of home life.

How could I help these children in need? What organizations were already doing meaningful work in this area? Luckily, I remembered my good friend and Mental Health Lead at Expedia, Laura DeCook, had been a sponsor with Children Incorporated for many years. I reached out to her and learned that Children Incorporated is making a huge effort to help children that are dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I believe that all families should be supported so that they can give their hearts, attention and time to their children — this is how we continue to help the world — one kind act at a time.

SC: What about our organization made you want to help?

When I taught first grade and kindergarten, I saw first hand the effects that the home environment has on children’s wellbeing; the importance of not just meeting the material needs of children, but also the social and emotional needs. When I then became a parent myself, I learned another lesson in nurturing the whole child.

When parents lack the resources they need to meet the material and physical needs of their children, it puts extra stress on an already demanding job. I believe that all families should be supported so that they can give their hearts, attention and time to their children — this is how we continue to help the world – one kind act at a time.

I am helping Children Incorporated because, in the words of Mr. Rogers, “Anyone who does anything to help a child is a hero to me.” Children Incorporated is doing heroic work and it really is an honor to help.

SC: You are new to sponsoring a child with us. What about the sponsorship experience do you look forward to?

What has been most meaningful thus far is seeing the excitement of my seven-year-old son and five-year-old daughter. They can’t wait to write letters and send care packages in the mail to the child we sponsor. Sponsoring a child, of course, is a valuable gift to that child. It also has a profound impact on the family that is doing the sponsoring — teaching empathy and altruism. We are grateful for this opportunity to incorporate these deeper lessons on kindness into our family.

SC: This is a stressful time in all our lives. As an educator, can you offer some advice on how we all can take care of ourselves?

Healthy products are a great way to take care of yourself. When we eat in a clean way and use makeup and skin cleansers that are free of toxins, we are taking a great step towards our overall wellbeing. Another way we can support ourselves, especially in this time of stress, is with mindfulness. 

There are some simple ways that you can start to cultivate a mindfulness practice (the keyword being practice, as the intention is to be patient and easy on yourself as you learn this new skill).


Before you get out of bed in the morning, bring your attention to your breath. Count 5 mindful breaths. Do this throughout the day.


Use everyday sounds to bring you back into the moment of the day. Do you notice the neighbor’s dog barking? Do you hear a bird chirping outside your window? Pause for a moment, what sounds can you hear right now?


Pay attention to each bite of food. What does it smell like? How does the texture of the food feel in your mouth before you chew? What tastes do you notice on your tongue?


Sit for two minutes and observe your thoughts. Can you watch them float past like clouds in the sky? After you notice a thought, try to refocus your attention on your breath.


Develop a daily gratitude practice. Take a moment right now to write down 5 things that you are grateful for. Studies show that a daily gratitude practice enhances empathy and reduces aggression, improves your psychological health, and can even help you sleep better.  

SC: Thank you, Laura! How can our readers find out more about you and your work?

You can learn more on my website, www.lauralinnknight.com. If you would like to purchase Arbonne products and have the donation go to helping Children Incorporated, please email me (lauralinnknight@gmail.com) and I will be more than happy to assist you. You can also find out more by reading the full newsletter in the link below. Thank you!


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

*Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work.


Located in rural and mountainous Letcher County, the community of Fleming-Neon, Kentucky, has deep roots in the coal mining industry.

The Elkhorn Coal Corporation moved into the area in 1913, establishing the mining town of Fleming and several satellite communities, including a town called Chip.

“They said that while students enrolled in our program waited to be sponsored, it meant the world to them to receive coats and warm clothes, as well as school supplies and other basic essentials,” expressed Renée.

Local tradition holds that when the train that hauled coal from the mine in Fleming made stops in nearby Chip, the conductor would holler instructions to people climbing aboard to “knee on,” and that this exclamation morphed into the town’s present name, Neon. Coal from this region once fueled factories, powered locomotives, and heated millions of homes.

However, with the sharp decline of the coal industry due to automation and the increased use of other fuels, the lack of employment opportunities has fueled widespread poverty and depopulation throughout the region.

Today, the Fleming-Neon community has a population of only about 650 people – roughly half of what it was in 1980. Moreover, the median household income here is lower than even the Letcher County average, and nearly half of this community’s population lives below the poverty line. Families here struggle to afford even basic needs.

Meeting with Candi and Anne

Our affiliated project, Fleming-Neon Middle School, serves children in grades 6th through 8th.

“Fleming-Neon Middle is the feeder school for our affiliated, Martha Jane Potter Elementary School. For our sponsors at these projects, they have the best continuity with their relationships with the kids, as they can follow them from elementary school through middle and on to Letcher County Central High School as well,” explained Renée.

Candi and Anne with one of our sponsored children at Fleming-Neon Middle School.

While recently visiting the school, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, met with the school’s guidance counselor, Candi, as well as the Family Resource Youth Services Center Coordinator, Anne, who run our sponsorship program together.

“While meeting with Candi and Anne in Candi’s office, they expressed how thankful they were for not only Hope In Action Funds that we provided to the school but for Warm Clothing Funds as well.”

“They said that while students enrolled in our program waited to be sponsored, it meant the world to them to receive coats and warm clothes, as well as school supplies and other basic essentials,” expressed Renée.

Patiently waiting for a sponsor

After their meeting concluded, Renée met with a few unsponsored children who have benefited from our special funds.

Ben* is a sixth-grader who is full of humor and has an outsized personality. He loves to wear boots and camouflage clothing. Ben and his younger sister live with their parents, both of whom are disabled and unemployed.

“Ben is utterly confident in who he is. I asked him if he has begun thinking about his interests and what he might do with his future, and he said probably a coal miner or a diesel mechanic or a Marine,” said Renée.

Next, Renée met Crista.* Crista is in sixth grade. She enjoys science and solving puzzles, and she is interested in becoming a doctor because the idea of diagnosing illness sounds interesting to her. She has two older sisters and one younger brother. Crista’s mom is a homemaker. Her father is unemployed at this time, but he gives back to the community by serving as a volunteer firefighter.

After Crista returned to class, Candi and Anne told Renée that Crista’s parents are responsible and loving but are really struggling. They feel a sponsor will be a huge help and boost in confidence for Crista.

*Names changed to protect the children.


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of two ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members or email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org.