Tag Archives: poverty

Dear Friends,

Whenever Children Incorporated adds a new affiliated site to the list of schools and community centers we serve, we also enroll children right away, who are ready and waiting for their sponsorship experience to start. Inevitably, there is a period of time when the children must wait for assistance as we work hard to find caring sponsors to support them. It sometimes takes us weeks and even months to locate individual sponsors who are ready and willing to support these deserving children. 

Our Shared Hope Fund, or our Assistance for Unsponsored Children Fund, is a special fund created for the specific purpose of providing sponsorship-like services to children not-yet linked to a sponsor.

Thankfully for us, we have amazing sponsors and donors just like you to help us along the way. Because of your thoughtful and generous donations, we are able to send supplemental funds to the sites to make sure that some of the children’s needs are being met until consistent, long-term sponsors are matched with the newly enrolled students. 

Unfortunately, sometimes, the amount and scope of assistance offered to unsponsored children is somewhat limited and sporadic, leaving the child waiting not only for a sponsor but for basic needs as well. For these special students, their excitment about the idea of having a sponsor and having their basic needs met can often make them feel left out when they don’t start getting support soon after enrollment.

Our Shared Hope Fund allows us to help children while they wait for a caring sponsor to support them.

This is where our Shared Hope Fund comes into play. Our Shared Hope Fund, or our Assistance for Unsponsored Children Fund, is a special fund created for the specific purpose of providing sponsorship-like services to children not-yet linked to a sponsor. Shared Hope is also available to aid children who, for whatever reason, may lose their sponsors suddenly, as well as for older children, for whom it is often more difficult for us to find individual sponsors. 

Shared Hope is one of our most meaningful special funds. Hundreds of children are supported through Shared Hope each month, which not only makes it a very valuable fund, but one that is desperately in need of continuous support. We are always in need of funding for Shared Hope, and what it offers for children in need is absolutely life-changing. 

That is why I am coming to you, our loyal supporters, to ask for help. Please consider making a donation to our Shared Hope Fund today so that children all over the world won’t miss a single month of receiving the help that they need to ensure they can stay in school and get an education.

We can’t do our work without you. 


Education, Stories of Hope

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written by Ron Carter

Ron Carter is President and CEO of Children Incorporated. He is responsible for overseeing all operations of Children Incorporated, with a specific goal of honoring the original vision and mission of our founder, Jeanne Clarke Wood, who established the organization in 1964.

» more of Ron's stories

Letters from our volunteer coordinators around the world are one of our favorite ways to show the impact that our sponsors have on children in our program. Today, we hear from Traci about how our sponsors help children throughout the school year at Valle Crucis Elementary School in North Carolina.

A warm thank you from Traci

“This year, Children Incorporated helped our school give extra support to the special children who are a part of this wonderful program. Last winter, we were able to send specific winter clothing, shoes, and holiday wish items to their homes.”

A sponsored child poses with a box of food he received thanks to his sponsor.

“Each child also received a holiday reusable bag of stocking stuffers which included a Valle Crucis School t-shirt, a water bottle, socks, toothpaste and toothbrushes, hats, scarves, gloves, candy, gum, Band-Aids, hair ties, body wash, wrapping paper and scotch tape.”

A trip to remember

“Their families were ecstatic to pick up these extra stocking stuffers at the school that were already bought and ready to go for their children. It made their holiday so much brighter. Our two 8th grade students who graduated this spring each received a Valle Crucis School yearbook with a slip inside that told them that Children Incorporated provided the book and wished them well as they transition to high school.”

“Children Incorporated also paid the cost of their 8th grade field trip to a whitewater center. They had never gotten to whitewater raft before so it made for an experience they will never forget!”

Ready for the summer break

“This spring, we also did a round of spring and summer clothing orders, shoes, swimsuits and a few outside summer toys that were sent to their homes. We also were able to purchase for each child a plastic tote they can reuse and filled it with summer fun and hygiene items that included a beach towel, hypoallergenic sunscreen and lip balm, a hairbrush, laundry detergent, flossers, Clorox wipes, granola bars, water balloons, sidewalk chalk, bubbles, board games and craft sets depending on their ages. It was a really nice gift to send off with them the last week of school to get them ready and excited for summer break!”

“The families are always so appreciative of everything Children Incorporated is able to help with for their children.”

“The families are always so appreciative of everything Children Incorporated is able to help with for their children. During this time when the cost of everything is rising, this program is becoming even more important and valuable for everyone. They grow out of clothes so quickly; I have seen that the most requested items from our families are clothing and shoes because it’s hard to keep them in the right sizes.”

“Thank you so much to all the sponsors who make this program possible! You make an incredible difference in our children’s lives!”



How do I sponsor a child in North Carolina?

You can sponsor a child in North Carolina in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in North Carolina that is available for sponsorship.


All of our sponsors are incredibly important to us and the children they support, and we are delighted every time we receive a letter from one of our volunteer coordinators about how a sponsor went above and beyond to make a difference for children in need.

Today, we hear from Rachel at Broad Rock Elementary School in Virginia, who wrote to one of our sponsors, Sharon, after she donated toys and educational games to the school.

Today, we hear from Rachel at Broad Rock Elementary School in Virginia, who wrote to one of our sponsors, Sharon, after she donated toys and educational games to the school.

Rachel’s Letter 

“Thank you for all of the wonderful donations to our school! I was surprised and so happy to hear from the Director of U.S. Programs at Children Incorporated, Renée, when she contacted me about receiving your thoughtful gifts. Renée even offered to deliver the donations herself, since the Children Incorporated office is located near our school.”

“When Renée arrived, we loaded two small handcarts with the boxes of donations and wheeled them in — and literally as soon as we crossed the threshold, a teacher spied us. She admired the items, and when I explained what they were, she asked excitedly for the three little rubber ducks to use for a special lesson she was planning, and I gave them to her on the spot.”

Putting a smile on Sherry’s face

Renée is pictured with a car full of donations for Broad Rock Elementary School students.

“It was such an incredible surprise to open up each box of items. I selected a few things that we knew your sponsored child, Sherry*, would love, and I surprised her with them the same day. She was over the moon about the Peppa Pig figurines especially. I then let her choose some toys to take home as well. She chose the tea set, puzzles, and a sleeping bag that she’s really excited to use soon when family members visit.”

“After Sherry returned to class, I was able to distribute the rest of the toys to other classrooms. The musical instrument pad went to our music teacher, and the solar robot went to our STEM teacher. A few other items, such as the hand puppets, Legos, and a few board games, I held onto to use for students during individual time or small-groups in our resource center.”

A small act of kindness going a long way

“The rest of the items will be shared with other students in the Children Incorporated program, and what’s left will be made available to parents during parent pick-up at dismissal. Thank you again for your kindness. These items really brighten the lives of children who otherwise don’t have a lot. We appreciate you!



*Name changed to protect the child.


How do I sponsor a child in Virginia?

You can sponsor a child in Virginia in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Virginia that is available for sponsorship.


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

As our Floyd County, Kentucky virtual visit series comes to a close, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, tells us about our newest affiliated site in the area, Betsy Lane High School, and how valuable so many of our programs are to its Family Resource Center coordinator, Anita.

As our Floyd County, Kentucky virtual visit series comes to a close, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, tells us about our newest affiliated site in the area, Betsy Lane High School.

“Betsy Lane High School officially began partnering with Children Incorporated in October 2020, with a few kids transferring in from other affiliated schools. Our Volunteer Coordinator, Anita, added more enrolled students in November of the same year. Around this time, we also sent some start-up funds from the Warm Clothing Fund so the teens could have warm coats while they were waiting to be matched with sponsors.”

“The school is one of three public high schools in the county. It is located between the communities of Betsy Lane and Stanville, and is south-southeast from the county seat, Prestonsburg. The school serves about 372 students in grades 9-12. School officials are rightfully proud of its 98% graduation rate. However, this achievement is hard won, as most of the students fall below the state average on test scores. About 77% of the students come from low-income families.”

Anita pictured with one of our sponsored children.

“During our “virtual visit” via FaceTime, Anita shared she was a former Family Resource Youth Services Center coordinator who retired early to help care for her grandchildren. When they got older, she decided to come back to work and was thrilled when there was an opening at Betsy Lane.”

“Anita is very enthusiastic about working with Children Incorporated. In March 2021, there was a severe flood in the county and surrounding areas. Our organization was able to send funds for flood relief to our affiliated schools that were impacted, including Betsy Lane High School. Anita bought and delivered supplies ranging from bleach to mops and buckets to laundry detergent. The families were so appreciative.”

“This school year, Anita asked for help to establish a weekend backpack feeding program. Thanks to our U.S. Feeding Fund, we were able to respond to this need.”


How do I sponsor a child in  Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Kentucky that is available for sponsorship.


written by Kristen Walthall

Kristen is our Assistant Director of U.S. Programs who oversees Children Incorporated’s work in the United States – from the rural southeast and southwest to our urban areas in New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia. She works closely with an outstanding network of more than 100 volunteer coordinators at each affiliated site to ensure the children in our program are receiving the support they need.

» more of Kristen's stories

Whether through our sponsorship program or through our special funds or special projects, we help tens of thousands of children around the world each year — thanks entirely to the support of our sponsors and donors.

Children Incorporated supports children in many different ways, all of which fall under four areas of impact — education, health and well-being, emergency relief and community support. Our focus on these four key areas allows us to expand our reach beyond the children in our program, helping their families and entire communities break the cycle of poverty.

Children Incorporated helps children living in poverty in many ways, all of which fall under four areas of impact — education, health and well-being, emergency relief and community support.

Read more about each of our areas of impact and follow our Stories of Hope blog to find out how you are directly changing the lives of individuals around the world by donating to Children Incorporated.


Families living in poverty work hard to make ends meet living on low wages. To ensure that children have the resources they need to attend school, we provide children with educational items throughout the year such as school supplies, book bags and tablets for virtual learning. We also purchase desks and school uniforms, as well as pay tuition so children living in poverty have all their basic needs met so they can go to school ready to learn.

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Health and Well-Being

One of our highest priorities is making sure children are healthy so they don’t miss school. We provide children around the world with the proper shoes, clothes, hygiene items, and vitamins on a regular basis. We also have feeding programs in the United States and internationally that provide regular and consistent meals to students as well as food to take home on the weekends.

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Emergency Relief

There are many instances when families living in poverty are not financially prepared for emergency situations. We provide emergency relief after housefires, earthquakes, hurricanes, flooding and when families find themselves in need of immediate medical support. Our ability to quickly respond to emergencies means that families can worry less when disaster strikes, and can start to rebuild as soon as they can.

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Community Support

We believe strongly in supporting children, families and communities to help generations of people break the cycle of poverty in which they live. We support construction projects, playground and greenhouse projects, renovation projects and skills training projects at our affiliated sites to lift up multiple groups of people at a time and better whole communities.

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written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

This week’s edition of Stories of Hope continues with our “virtual tour” of Floyd County, Kentucky. Our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, visits with our volunteer coordinator, Michelle, at James D. Adams Middle School, to tell us more about their school, community, and the power of working together to help children and their families.

Renée’s visit

“Adams Middle School is a rather small school located in Prestonsburg, Kentucky. It has the capacity to accommodate around 335 students in grades 6th through 8th. The poverty rate here is 64% — not as high as some other surrounding areas, but still significant and crushing for many families trying to make ends meet.”

Michelle is very proud of how quickly and well everyone worked together to create lesson plans and navigate continuing to communicate with the children while they were at home.

“Our Volunteer Coordinator at the school is Michelle. She is a long-serving coordinator for both the Family Resource Youth Services Center and for Children Incorporated.

Michelle told me during our virtual meeting that at the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, the entire staff and administration of Adams Middle scrambled to figure out how to educate and to serve the children. She is very proud of how quickly and well everyone worked together to create lesson plans and navigate continuing to communicate with the children while they were at home. The school buses even transported food to students’ homes rather than them coming to the school for bagged lunches – which prevented so many children in this community from going hungry.”

challenges for students at home

“Michelle told me that most students were able to get online to do their work, and many stayed with grandparents during the day while their parents worked. But, a sizable portion of students did not have internet access at home. The Mountain Arts Center in Prestonsburg was one of the first local businesses that invited families to park in their parking lots during the day and sit in their cars to access the WIFI from inside the building, which for some students was their only means to connect and learn.”

“Additionally, as with many other schools in Eastern Kentucky, and around the United States, the 2020-2021 school year was delayed due to rising infection rates but had since started back fully in-person. Then sadly, things got bad again.”

Consistency in uncertain times

“When this new 2021-2022 school year started, and all the kids were together playing sports and having activities and club meetings, there was a quick uptick in cases. Infection rates and hospitalizations jumped in August and September and then declined slowly through December of last year. There was another surge in January and February of this year, the highest the area had seen yet. Cases have since declined again but remain high. There is without a doubt a lot of ‘COVID fatigue’ amount students, faculty, and parents.

Despite the difficulties, Michelle has been working hard to provide for the children, and she is deeply grateful for the sponsors’ support, which offered her, and the children in our program, some much-needed consistency during such uncertain times.”


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of three ways: call our office at
1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Kentucky that is available for sponsorship.