Tag Archives: help children

In this edition of our Stories of Hope blog series, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube continues her visits to our affiliated sites in Arizona, where she meets with administrators at Greyhills Academy to talk about how the school is helping children prepare for the future and how our sponsorship goes a long way in supporting those efforts. 

“If parents choose Greyhills, then their children could maintain their sponsors’ support and encouragement through high school graduation.”

Getting to know Greyhills

“Greyhills Academy High School is located in Tuba City, a busy and bustling place on the Navajo reservation. When I first contacted our volunteer coordinator, Roger, about the proposed site visit in late 2022, he said the school’s pandemic policy does not allow visitors on school grounds at this time. I proposed that Roger and I have an off-site meeting at a local restaurant, and he readily agreed.”

“Despite the different surroundings and my disappointment at not seeing any of the students, we had an excellent meeting. Roger explained that their Governing Board had voted to go on lockdown back in March 2020 and had not lifted that order until this 2022-2023 school year. Greyhills was not only fully virtual during the rest of the 2019-2020 school year, but remained virtual through the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years as well. There was no hybrid option.”

Adjusting after the pandemic

Students at Greyhills Academy are benefiting thanks to theirs sponsors.

“Roger said in-person instruction returned on August 9, 2022. The school has daily temperature checks, maintains social distancing, and does vigorous contact tracing. So far there have been no outbreaks of COVID-19, although they were concerned at the time about rising influenza and RSV.”

“Roger says two other staff help him with our sponsorship program: Lee, the school’s Special Education teacher and Zelda, the Homeliving Manager. He’s grateful for their support to run our program smoothly.”

“The school’s enrollment is currently 197 students in grades 9th through 12th. The student to teacher ratio is 10:1. Roger was very proud to share that the graduation rate is over 90%, and he attributes this to the high level of attention and instruction. Yet, Roger still expressed his concern about the impact of the pandemic on their students and families – enrollment has declined 23% over the past five years.”

A wonderful partnership

“One of the developments Roger was happy to share was a partnership between the high school and Arizona State University. Juniors and seniors can take engineering classes through a portal called ASU Prep Digital. The students get a taste of how a college course feels while earning college credits. Roger said the students are hungry to learn and are so appreciative of the opportunity.”

“Native American students are underrepresented on college campuses. Demographic data shows that only 3.5% of people who live on Arizona’s reservations have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher. Programs like ASU’s can make high school students more confident and ready.”

“Roger also shared that this year the school is beginning an initiative to recruit more students in an organized and purposeful way. In the past, the administration would usually sit back and let parents come to them, and they had plenty of students. But with the pandemic and sharply declining enrollment, they must work to spread the word of the benefits that Greyhills Academy High School has to offer. In addition to the personal attention from faculty and staff, the school offers student learning opportunities, STEM programs, and the Miss Greyhills Pageant.”

“Roger and I both agreed that Children Incorporated’s sponsorship program is one of those benefits and advantages that the school has to offer. Several of the elementary schools that feed into Greyhills are also affiliated with our organization. Thus, if parents choose Greyhills, then their children could maintain their sponsors’ support and encouragement through high school graduation.”


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


In late 2022, when our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, was getting the chance to visit our affiliated sites again after two years, she found that many of them, especially in the Navajo Nation region of the country, were still adjusting since the pandemic. Although for Renée it meant restrictions on seeing children in the schools, it didn’t deter her from having much-anticipated meetings with our volunteer coordinators, and getting to see the schools in person after a few years of not traveling.

Today, we hear from Renée about her trip to Tuba Boarding School in Arizona, where she got a better idea of how administrators and students are adjusting to new rules and regulations regarding the handling of COVID-19.

Today, we hear from Renée about her trip to Tuba Boarding School in Arizona, where she got a better idea of how administrators and students are adjusting to new rules and regulations regarding the handling of COVID-19.

Hearing from Renée

“Tuba City Boarding School is named after the city in which it is located, which is a hub for business and connections across the reservation. As I approached the main office, I could see colorful Halloween decorations, which I’m sure the children enjoyed. A banner hung on the fence announced Red Ribbon Week. This is the largest drug and alcohol awareness and prevention program in the country, sponsored by the National Family Partnership. The children wear red ribbons and distribute them to family members, and also participate in activities ranging from essay and poster contests, to decorating school doors, to fun runs and more,” said Renée.

“After I signed in, the receptionist ushered me into a meeting room. I was shortly joined by our volunteer coordinator, Valli; her assistant, Elvira, and the principal, Mr. Coffland.”

Tuba Boarding School exterior view

“Tuba City Boarding School has a very old and established affiliation with Children Incorporated. The boarding school was established in 1898. It was moved twice before finding its permanent site in 1901. From its beginnings through the 1940s, the boarding school was operated by the U.S. Army. After that, it came under the direction of the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Some of the old buildings are still in use. There is a growing awareness of the abuses and injustices that many Native American children experienced in the BIA boarding school system, but this is not addressed on the school’s web site. The community may recognize that the boarding schools did harm in the past, but at present, they also serve a purpose that many parents need and value for their children’s education and welfare,” explained Renée.

Home of the Thunderbirds

“This is also one of the largest schools we serve in the United States. The enrollment is about 1,135 children in grades DK (developmental kindergarten for ‘young five year olds,’ with birthdays from June through December) through 8th grade. The DK offers structured learning opportunities, but at a slower pace that includes more play and rest times than regular kindergarten. The school’s demographics are 100% Native American from 100% low income families. The school is divided into ‘educational thirds’: Little Thunderbird Academy for pre-kindergarten to 2nd grade; Rising Thunderbird Academy for 3rd to 5th grades; and Thunderbird Academy for 6th through 8th graders.”

“At present, the majority of the children are day students. In part due to the pandemic and worries about spreading the virus in close proximity, the residential hall’s enrollment has declined to just 20 children. Mr. Coffland was able to use some of the federal pandemic grants to implement some badly needed improvements in the dorms, primarily to the HVAC and the bathrooms. There is also a new playground. And the athletic fields were improved with new sod and a sprinkler system. He feels these improvements will make the residential hall a more attractive option for parents who are deciding where to enroll their children who need a residential facility during the week as well as schooling,” said Renée.

Thanks to their sponsors, children at Tuba Boarding School are receiving much-needed support throughout the year.

“Our meeting opened with the principal stating the school’s pandemic policy included no visitors beyond the reception area. In their ongoing efforts to stop transmission of the virus, visitors could not have contact with students, nor could they go into the classrooms or dorms. Mr. Coffland explained he is being extremely cautious and is trying to keep the children in school and healthy, as well as protect their families.”

“During our meeting, Valli also shared that Elvira, who had formerly helped only with shopping trips, is now doing more. Mr. Coffland then said that Elvira will be a big help to Valli in the upcoming school year, and that the two of them should be able to begin enrolling more children. All three expressed their appreciation for our organization and all of our sponsors,” explained Renée.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


I spent the last three days of my trip to the Philippines with our volunteer coordinators, WimWim and Ester, visiting our affiliated sites in Tacloban, all operated under the Volunteer for the Visayans organization, or VFV.

After visiting the Visayans Center at Bliss and the Santo Nino Center in previous days, it was time to visit our final site, the Cancumbang Center, located in the Cancumbang neighborhood about an hour outside of the city center.

Making the trek to Cancumbang

On my last day, I met WimWim and Ester at the VFV office early in the morning, the cargo truck that was taking supplies to the Cancumbung Center for distribution was already fully loaded. Cartons of eggs, large bags of rice, and boxes of canned goods and hygiene items were stacked high on the floor and benches, with enough room in the back for the three of us to sit comfortably. As WimWim, Ester and I loaded ourselves in, other VFV staff members hopped on small motorbikes to make the trek, heading out in front of us, knowing our vehicle would have to drive slowly to not disturb the dry goods.

I could only imagine what it was like for the families to have to endure potential flooding whenever it rained.

We made our way out of the city, and the drive was noticeably different than the route the day before to the Santo Nino Center — although located in a rural community, we still remained in what felt like city limits yesterday. Today, once we turned off the main road to head towards Cancumbang, rice fields surrounded the truck on both sides of the road, and houses were barely noticeable in the distance.

As she saw me ponder our surroundings, WimWim commented that for the sponsored children and their families here, the biggest issue they faced was transportation costs. Even to get to some of the schools, families needed to hire a motorbike, and those expenses cut into purchasing food and other basic necessities they required. But for these residents, living where the work was among the rice fields was their only option for employment, and relocating to the city to look for work was not a guarantee for a better or easier life.

Arriving to our destination

After some time, we stopped in front of a small store on a dirt road, and WimWim and Ester jumped out of the truck, gesturing for me to follow them. Between two houses that stood along the road was a small concrete walkway with a bamboo gate that was swung open. I walked down the path, and as soon as I got beyond the first row of houses, I could see the Cancumbang Center, standing on stilts, two stories above ground.

WimWim explained that this center was built to handle the flooding that occurred in the area on a regular basis, and like the Santo Nino Center, acts as an evacuation center in emergencies as well. The center was built in 2013 and had been completed only a few weeks before Typhoon Yolanda. Although the center sustained a lot of damage during the typhoon, it did not collapse, and VFV was able to repair it and reopen within a few months.

We walked up the stairs to reach the front doors of the center, and as I entered, there was already a lot of activity in the large gathering area. WimWim introduced me to John, the local staff member who lived in the neighborhood and took care of day-to-day operations at Cancumbang, like seeing that the children who wanted to use the computer lab and printer had access, and that the feeding program was running a few days a week. This made things much easier for WimWim, who otherwise only needed to make the drive out to the center a few times a month, so she could focus her efforts on operating the Visayans Center at Bliss. She told me another staff member also lives near the Santo Nino Center, and serves the same purpose of helping on a more daily basis.

At least these families, who were receiving support thanks to Children Incorporated sponsors, could rely on the Cancumbang Center and the VFV staff to help ensure they had what they needed.

Providing the care the community needs

The staff worked quickly to unpack the truck and to bring all the supplies up the stairs, unpacking boxes and unloading egg crates onto tables. Each group of items had their own place to make sure the children each got exactly the same items and everything was accounted for precisely, just like the distributions at the other two VFV centers.

Before long, the children had arrived with their parents and made their way into the center, where they sat in folding chairs facing the front of the room. Each child’s name was called, and without instruction, they filed in line to fill their reusable bags with rice, soap, canned meats, and toothpaste, among other items. I could only imagine what it was like for the families to have to endure potential flooding whenever it rained, which would sometimes keep them from leaving the neighborhood for days at a time. At least these families, who were receiving support thanks to Children Incorporated sponsors, could rely on the Cancumbang Center and the VFV staff to help ensure they had what they needed, which gave them less to worry about in a place where their livelihood, whether in a storm or not, was already fragile.

As all the other sites had, the Cancumbang Center impressed me a lot, and I felt that I was able to leave the Philippines feeling confident that Children Incorporated, and especially our sponsors, were making a huge and lasting difference for these families. And thanks to our amazing partners, just like the VFV, we can continue to offer sustainable support to kids well into the future.


How do I sponsor a child in the Philippines?

You can sponsor a child in the Philippines in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in the Philippines that is available for sponsorship.


Dear Friends,

Each summer, as the time for a new school year approaches, businesses launch their latest “Back to School” sales pitches. They roll out the big promotions to encourage consumers to purchase everything from pencils and pens to backpacks, calculators, and laptop computers. Many states even have days when they suspend sales taxes to encourage greater spending on these school items. According to the National Retail Foundation, people in the United States spent an astounding $37 billion dollars on back to school supplies in 2022. That breaks down to roughly $864 per student, up from nearly $200 from just two years before.

The strong need for support

For families already living in poverty and struggling to just get by, back to school shopping is a huge burden; in fact, they often just cannot do it.

For families already living in poverty and struggling to just get by, back to school shopping is a huge burden; in fact, they often just cannot do it. When we visit with our voluneer coordinators at our affiliated site locations, many which are school-based, we often hear stories of how many children do not have the supplies they need to do their schoolwork. Though most schools now provide access to computers and laptops that students may use, many young learners still lack basic educational materials. These items are essential to students not only being prepared for class, but without them, they may feel ashamed or embarrassed to be lacking where their classmates are not. 

With our help, children can start the school year off right, thanks to donations to our Back to School Fund.

Our volunteer coordinators do their best to maintain a supply of composition books, notebook paper, pencils, pens, rulers, glue sticks, staplers, and backpacks in their offices to meet the many needs of these children. They also maintain essential clothing such as pants, shirts, underwear, shoes, and socks for those children whose own wardrobes are worn, dirty, or ill-fitting. Snacks such as granola and protein bars and juice boxes are also badly needed as children return to school each year and throughout all of the months that follow. But sometimes, there is just not enough. This is where Children Incorporated comes in.

our Back to School Fund to the rescue

Money contributed to our affiliated school sites, all thanks to Children Incorporated donors, enables our coordinators to stock their shelves and supply closets at the beginning of the school year and beyond. This is why our Back to School Fund is an absolutely essential part of what we offer and why we are asking for your support of this essential fund. 

If you can, please consider what you can afford to give in support of our Back to School Fund, and know that your dollars are contributing to the growth of future generations of leaders. When we help students start the school year off right, we set a path for them to stay confident for the entire year. Together, we can make a huge difference.

Thank you for your loyal support of children in need.

From the heart,

Ronald H. Carter
President and Chief Executive Officer
Children Incorporated 



In 2017, I brought water filters with me to visit our affiliated sites in India and Sri Lanka, thanks to our partnership with the nonprofit organization, Wine to Water. Wine to Water is based out of Boone, North Carolina, and works to provide clean water solutions to some of the more than 2 billion people globally who lack access to a safe water drinking source. The water filters, which I distributed to our volunteer coordinators along with instructions for use, can last for up to 10 years when maintained properly.

The water filters, which I distributed to our volunteer coordinators along with instructions for use, can last for up to 10 years when maintained properly.

Supporting communities in crisis

I have since stayed in touch with Wine to Water, following their international relief efforts, as well as their work in the United States to help communities in crisis — more recently having sent teams to Ukraine and Jackson, Mississippi in 2022.

When I found out I would be visiting the Philippines in early 2023, I spoke with our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, to see if he thought I should once again request filters from Wine to Water for my trip. He asked our volunteer coordinators on my behalf, and they all agreed that yes, they would love to have water filters at our affiliated sites for the children to use for drinking and handwashing. Knowing I could get everything I needed to set up the filters once I arrived in the Philippines, I didn’t ask many more questions of our coordinators as I otherwise prepared for my departure, adding 20 water filters to my packing list.

The water filter is attached to the container on the counter and the clean water flows down to the container on the ground.

Both Joy at the Fortune Center in Manila and Nilo at the Pinagpala Center in Tagaytay were very excited to receive the filters and learn how they worked — by simply attaching them to a bucket, the filter works on gravity alone, and can filter out 99.999% of bacteria and microbes from unfiltered water, making it safe to drink even from dirty rivers or contaminated water sources. I was delighted that they thought the technology was as interesting as I found it to be, and so easy to use, which made it ideal for distributing to anyone willing to keep the filter clean and away from anything that could damage it.

A need for new filters

When I traveled to Tacloban City to meet with our volunteer coordinator, WimWim, from the Visayans Center, or VFV, I mentioned to her that I had the water filters with me, and she suggested that I bring them to the Santo Nino Center in a few days for our scheduled visit. There, she explained, they had a water tank for collecting water, but the water filters they had been using were getting older, and she was ready to replace them as well as add some additional ones.

When we arrived at the Santo Nino Center to prepare for the daily feeding program, I walked into the small one room building, and my eye was immediately drawn to a water storage container sitting on the kitchen counter. Attached to the container was the same exact water filter that I had brought with me — water filters that WimWim had yet to see because they were still in my book bag that I was wearing.

10 years after Yolanda

I excitedly told WimWim that I thought it was so strange that they had the exact same water filter already — although not an obscure product, still one I was very surprised to see. WimWim casually looked over at the filter, and said, “We received those from Wine to Water in 2013 after the Typhoon when they were here helping with the recovery efforts.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I responded slowly, so as to make sure no detail would be missed. “WimWim, did you know that the water filters I brought are also from Wine to Water?” She looked at me and shook her head, and we both started to laugh. What an amazing coincidence, I thought to myself.

I started asking WimWim a million questions about their work with Wine to Water ten years ago — how did they find out about VFV? Wine to Water had reached out. How many people from Wine to Water came to Tacloban? Two people from the organization visited at two different times in a two-year period. How many years have they been using the water filters? Between 5 and 10 years, depending on the filter. Did Wine to Water help in any other way? Yes, they dug a well, built the rainwater collection tank at the Santo Nino Center and at the Cancumbang Center, and provided enough filters for all three of the VFV centers to have clean water for a decade.

After switching out some of the older water filters with the ones I brought with me, we went about our visit to the center, meeting the children and their parents. When we returned to the VFV office later that day, I noticed two water filters in the kitchen that I had noticed only the day before — the following day, I got to see more filters in use at the Cancumbang Center. Just as I was, WimWim was grateful for the serendipitous nature of what had occurred. Almost exactly 10 years after Wine to Water had been in Tacloban to bring filters to the community, I had returned with new filters without even knowing ahead of time just how much it was needed.


How do I sponsor a child in the Philippines?

You can sponsor a child in the Philippines in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in the Philippines that is available for sponsorship.


Since I had arrived in Tacloban to visit our affiliated sites in early January, I had heard so much from our volunteer coordinator, WimWim, about Typhoon Yolanda and how it had devastated the city ten years earlier. WimWim explained that although very tragic, the entire community and the government of Tacloban learned a valuable lesson in the aftermath about emergency preparedness and the importance of having a plan in place in case a storm of such magnitude occurred again.

As WimWim, Ester, and I drove from the Volunteer for the Visayans office to the Santo Nino Center on the morning of the third day of my visit, WimWim told me about how the Santo Nino Center and the Cancumbang Center, two of the three affiliations Children Incorporated has in Tacloban, both serve as evacuation centers for the neighborhood, where residents can gather and safely wait for further instructions about how they should cautiously proceed through harsh weather — or if nothing else, stay dry when the water starts to get high.

I found myself very grateful to know that they had a place such as the Santo Nino Center to meet their daily basic needs, but also help them if an emergency were to arise.

The Santo Nino Center is roughly a 45-minute drive from the VFV office, and located in a quaint neighborhood on the outskirts of town. Although not what I would consider very rural, compared to the bustling city center where the Visayans Center at Bliss is, the Santo Nino neighborhood was very serene, where most people walked or rode on small motorbikes, and animals freely roamed the streets, not needing to be concerned for heavy traffic.

When we arrived at the Santo Nino Center, before we went inside, we walked across the street and proceeded down a narrow walkway down about 50 yards to a row of houses. Ester explained that a few of our sponsored children lived in these houses, and the support they received from Children Incorporated was especially important because most of them lived with either a single parent or only had one parent who was working, as farming or service jobs in the area paid very little or were mostly seasonal.

Sponsored children walk with their mother to the Santo Nino Center for the monthly distribution of basic needs items they receive.

I could now see exactly why the Santo Nino Center was crucial as an evacuation location for this area — the houses were little and built below the road, and even on a dry day like today, there were pools of water collecting on the ground, with little drainage and little direct sunlight due to the heavy foliage that surrounded us.

We then made our way back up the small hill to help prepare for the afternoon feeding program at the Santo Nino Center. Thanks to our sponsors, children receive four meals a week at the center, and monthly distributions of food, hygiene items and school supplies. Although a simple and small building, the center was perfect for not only the Children Incorporated programs that were facilitated there, but was more than sufficient for an evacuation site. The one room building had folding tables, a small kitchen, a storage area, a bathroom, a handwashing station and a water filtration system that all could help ensure families would stay safe as needed if they were waiting out a storm.

It was the kind of safe environment that all children and families deserve.

Once the VFV staff finished preparing a lunch of chicken, rice and stewed vegetables, the children started to arrive, each having a reusable container and drinking cup with them. The children were allowed to come eat anytime between 12 and 2 pm, depending on when they were done with school for the day. I loved the flexibility of the system in place — there was much-needed structure for when the center was open, but an understanding that the children might be on slightly different schedules.

As I watched the children enjoy their meal and chat with each other and the staff, I found myself very grateful to know that they had a place such as the Santo Nino Center to meet their daily basic needs, but also help them if an emergency were to arise. It was the kind of safe environment that all children and families deserve, and I was proud that Children Incorporated played such a huge part in all of it.


How do I sponsor a child in the Philippines?

You can sponsor a child in the Philippines in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in the Philippines that is available for sponsorship.