Dear Friends,
Whenever Children Incorporated adds a new affiliated site to the list of schools and community centers we serve, we also enroll children right away, who are ready and waiting for their sponsorship experience to start. Inevitably, there is a period of time when the children must wait for assistance as we work hard to find caring sponsors to support them. It sometimes takes us weeks and even months to locate individual sponsors who are ready and willing to support these deserving children.
Our Shared Hope Fund, or our Assistance for Unsponsored Children Fund, is a special fund created for the specific purpose of providing sponsorship-like services to children not-yet linked to a sponsor.
Thankfully for us, we have amazing sponsors and donors just like you to help us along the way. Because of your thoughtful and generous donations, we are able to send supplemental funds to the sites to make sure that some of the children’s needs are being met until consistent, long-term sponsors are matched with the newly enrolled students.
Unfortunately, sometimes, the amount and scope of assistance offered to unsponsored children is somewhat limited and sporadic, leaving the child waiting not only for a sponsor but for basic needs as well. For these special students, their excitment about the idea of having a sponsor and having their basic needs met can often make them feel left out when they don’t start getting support soon after enrollment.

Our Shared Hope Fund allows us to help children while they wait for a caring sponsor to support them.
This is where our Shared Hope Fund comes into play. Our Shared Hope Fund, or our Assistance for Unsponsored Children Fund, is a special fund created for the specific purpose of providing sponsorship-like services to children not-yet linked to a sponsor. Shared Hope is also available to aid children who, for whatever reason, may lose their sponsors suddenly, as well as for older children, for whom it is often more difficult for us to find individual sponsors.
Shared Hope is one of our most meaningful special funds. Hundreds of children are supported through Shared Hope each month, which not only makes it a very valuable fund, but one that is desperately in need of continuous support. We are always in need of funding for Shared Hope, and what it offers for children in need is absolutely life-changing.
That is why I am coming to you, our loyal supporters, to ask for help. Please consider making a donation to our Shared Hope Fund today so that children all over the world won’t miss a single month of receiving the help that they need to ensure they can stay in school and get an education.
We can’t do our work without you.