High Enrollment and High Hopes in Kentucky

Valley Elementary School serves nearly 1,000 children in Pike County

Nestled in picturesque mountains and steeped in a rich cultural heritage, Pike County is situated in the very heart of Appalachia – an economically depressed area that stretches from the Virginias to Tennessee and Kentucky. This was once a thriving region, as a result of the success of its then bustling coal and lumber industries. In 1994, however, the Eastern Division of The Pittston Company closed its coal mines. Unfortunately, rugged terrain has effectively blocked […]

Making a Difference in the Lives of Children in Need

Corporate sponsorship can have a huge impact on kids living in poverty

Companies choose to partner with charitable organizations for a variety of reasons, and a successful corporate partnership benefits both the nonprofit and its sponsor. When you make the decision to partner with Children Incorporated, you are choosing to make a lasting impact not only on impoverished children, but also on their families, and entire communities as well. About Children Incorporated Founded by Jeanne Clarke Wood in 1964, Children Incorporated is an international nonprofit organization with […]

25 Years in Pike County

Children Incorporated celebrates two and a half decades of work in Pike County with a coordinators’ breakfast

Recently, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, and our U.S. Projects Specialist, Shelley Oxenham, visited one of our longest-standing and most stable partnerships – the Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC) of Pike County in Kentucky. Children Incorporated began our outreach in Kentucky not long after the founding of our organization in 1964. At that time, our program was in only one county in the state: Menifee. Unfortunately, when our volunteer coordinator in Menifee […]

A Decade of Sponsorship – Half a Century of Gratitude

A former sponsored child’s visit to our headquarters reminds us of our Why?

The children in our program not only have the opportunity to obtain an education and experience the hope that lies therein – they also witness firsthand the transformative impact of giving in their lives. This culture of benevolence often perpetuates itself, and those who have received give back when they are able. Such is the case of a humble and sincere gentleman who visited the Children Incorporated headquarters in North Chesterfield, Virginia over the summer […]

Supplying Families in Guatemala City with Food

At Casa Central, our volunteer coordinator sends bags of food home with children to ensure they don’t go hungry

After spending three days visiting our affiliated projects in Guatemala, Luis Bourdet, our Director of International Programs; Ron Carter, our President and Chief Executive Officer; and I arrived at the last project we would be visiting: Casa Central in Guatemala City. Founded in the mid-nineteenth century and run by the nuns of the Sisters of Charity, Casa Central has a long and honorable history of ministering to children living in poverty, offering them a place […]

Our Incredible Work in the Land of Eternal Spring

Our President and CEO, Ron Carter, reflects on his fondness for our affiliated projects in Guatemala

I first traveled to Guatemala in 2004. That trip was strictly for personal reasons, as I was going there to meet my Guatemalan-born daughter, who was in foster care at the time, as my family and I awaited final approval of our adoption. Even though I was quite focused on the task at hand, I couldn’t help but notice the many contrasts in the “Land of Eternal Spring.” Beautiful modern buildings stood side-by-side with tiny […]