Tag Archives: help children in the united states

While visiting Martin County, Kentucky last fall, I first met with Kara, our site coordinator at Martin County High School, and I was absolutely blown away by her caring nature and the extent of services she and her assistant offer the young people at her school.

Kara stated that she feels her main goal is to help the teenagers at her school look and feel good, just like everyone else, so that they will fit in and are not ostracized because of what they do not have. As such, she often provides the children with tennis shoes and assorted clothing items, and she keeps boys’ dress clothes and an assortment of prom dresses on hand for those who would otherwise not get to go to the prom or other special school functions.

Kara says her program could not exist without the financial support from Children Incorporated.

Kara also helps the children get their choir outfits (black pants and shirts) and makes sure that all the children she serves get at least one official school t-shirt, sweatshirt, or hoodie. Much of the clothing Kara shares is the result of Children Incorporated Hope In Action grant money. Kara says her program could not exist without the financial support from Children Incorporated.


While at Martin County High, I also met two students, Patrick and Kristen.* These children proudly took me for a tour of the beautiful building and grounds of the school, and it was a real pleasure to talk with them. Patrick said that his sponsor does write to him, and he has been very blessed to have her in his life. While his home situation is not good, he has an extremely positive attitude and is now making post-graduation plans to attend a local college and train to become a travel nurse. Kristen is very interested in criminal investigation work and has plans to attend Ohio State University, provided she can get enough financial support to afford it.

Martin County High School is perhaps one of the nicest and most well-maintained public school facilities that I have ever seen. It is bright and inviting, and just an overall beautiful building with very nice grounds.


Ron stands with Kara outside Martin County High School.

Next, our volunteer coordinator, Jennifer, welcomed me quite warmly to Martin County Middle School. Jennifer is extremely organized and makes master lists of all the various activities she oversees for the Family Resource Youth Service Center. For Children Incorporated, Jennifer has a spreadsheet that lists each Children Incorporated enrolled child, along with their clothing sizes, sheet and linen sizes, food preferences, and assorted other wants and needs. This makes it much easier for Jennifer to purchase items for the children in our sponsorship program.

Jennifer shared that the biggest issue facing her children is food insecurity. She said that families in Martin County are struggling like never before to make ends meet on a very limited food budget. During the COVID pandemic, the amount of food stamps a family of four received was approximately $1000 per month. Post-COVID, that amount has been reduced closer to $400 per month, a decrease of 60%, yet the cost of food has risen significantly. Jennifer said that she has called on Children Incorporated several times for money to purchase non-perishable food items for children in her program. She maintains an incredible food pantry in her office consisting of pop-top and easy-to-open non-perishable food items (mac and cheese cups, vienna sausages, canned soups, juice boxes, etc.), and she tries to always keep individually-wrapped snacks (bars, chips, small cereal boxes, candy, etc.) on hand for children who come to school without lunch or snacks.

Jennifer also maintains a very impressive clothing closet. She is a bargain shopper and purchases pants, shirts, and underwear on clearance at the local Paintsville Walmart and other stores. She also buys shoes anytime she sees them at a reduced price. Using primarily Children Incorporated funds, she recently bought 76 pairs of new shoes from the reduced price racks from a Huntington shoe store.

I was totally impressed with Jennifer’s program and how she manages it.

While I was visiting Jennifer, a young girl came in and asked for a pair of sneakers. Jennifer opened the closet and let the child choose a pair that she liked. Another young girl came in and got a light-weight jacket. Jennifer admitted that some of the money received from Children Incorporated, especially Hope In Action Funds, may also help children at the school that are not enrolled in the Children Incorporated program. I told her that that is absolutely fine as long as the needs of Children Incorporated-enrolled children are met first.

I was totally impressed with Jennifer’s program and how she manages it. She is a very organized coordinator as far as how she maintains her office, food pantry, food closet, and the services she provides to her school.

*Names changed to protect the children. 



You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


Many of our affiliated sites in Eastern Kentucky were greatly impacted by flooding last year, which left communities devastated and families homeless. Thanks to our Hope In Action Fund, which allows us to respond to emergency situations that arise, we were able to help many people start to rebuild their lives.

“To be confident in one’s appearance is a must, and Children Incorporated and their generous sponsors help these students break social barriers and reach their full potential.”

Today we hear from Linda at Highland Turner Elementary School, who writes to tell us about how our donors and sponsors helped children in our program during the flooding, while also offering them much-needed support throughout the year.

A Note from Linda

“As a new coordinator starting a new job and coming into the school year dealing with a historic flood and extensive loss in the county, I consider Children Incorporated to be a blessing. The ability to request assistance in the form of a mini grant and to receive Hope In Action funds helped not only sponsored children but many other students in need at our school, providing shoes and basic needs that are necessary for children to thrive emotionally and academically.”

“Sponsored students enjoy receiving gifts, cards and letters from their sponsors, but for the students at my school, it’s more than just recieving mail and packages — it’s knowing that there are people out there in the world who care about them, people who are invested in their well-being and want to see them succeed.”

Breaking Social Barriers

Sponsorship provides children with basic needs, and gives them a sense of self-esteem, which is just as important to their growth and development.

“There is no argument that education is important, but a child’s self-esteem is equally vital, and that’s where the cards, letters, special gifts, and funds provided by Children Incorporated sponsors come in. The sponsored students’ accomplishments include completion of 6th grade certificates, medals, and citizenship awards. Students who receive citizenship awards in particular have shown that they care for their fellow classmates. They are leaders. They are strong and kind. To be confident in one’s appearance is a must, and Children Incorporated and their generous sponsors help these students break social barriers and reach their full potential, whether it be in the form of new school clothes, a pair of shoes or basic hygiene needs such as deodorant, lotion, soap, or toothpaste.”

“Academic success involves educating the whole child, and Children Incorporated sponsors see that this success is possible through their kindness and generosity. Sponsors who recognize birthdays reiterate the belief that they do truly care, and I can’t stress this enough. Birthdays and holidays are extremely important to our students, and the extra cards, special funds, gifts, and letters are greatly appreciated. Those smiles and statements such as ‘I love my sponsor’ or ‘Wow, how did they know I wanted that or I needed that?,’ make it a privilege to be a part of such a great program.”

“After a shopping trip and item distribution to sponsored students, the children are so excited to look through their new items. Some will even stop by my office to show off their new outfits. These gifts remove social barriers for our students and build self-confidence that is evident in the smiles on their faces.”

“With the end of the school year at hand, the last shopping trip included necessary items needed for field trips and for summer fun like hats, sunglasses, swimsuits, and swimming trunks as well as new shorts, summer dresses, shirts, underwear, and flip flops. As a coordinator, it’s a relief to know that these students will embark on summer break with these needs met. Thank you, sponsors! Thank you, Children Incorporated! Keep up the good work.”




You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Our sponsors might not realize just how far their donations go to help children in need, but our volunteer coordinators, who see our sponsored children throughout the year, get to see first-hand how powerful sponsorship really is for kids and their families.

Today we hear from Melania at Crossroads Elementary School in Kentucky about how grateful she is for our program, and how it has affected so many people in her community.

“I have never been so thankful to receive funds to purchase new underwear, shoes, and socks. This removed a lot of my worry because I simply didn’t have the funds to purchase them.”

Hearing from Melania

“Dear Children Incorporated,

“On behalf of our wonderful students and the Family Resource Center here at Crossroads Elementary, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing us to participate in your wonderful program. The sponsorship program has allowed the Family Resource Center to help supply our students with various needs for their educational journey. Whether it be new school supplies, hygiene items, or new clothing and shoes, there’s nothing like seeing the pride and confidence on their faces after receiving the items. Even the school’s staff notices how proud the students are when they come to school the next morning wearing their new clothes and shoes that they received after a shopping trip, made possible by your wonderful sponsors and donors!”

Thanks to their sponsors, children at Crossroads Elementary School are receiving support throughout the year.

“I would like to share a couple of stories about how the Children Incorporated program and its donors have helped with our students’ needs. I have a grandmother who is raising her grandson who I speak with quite often over the phone. She’s tremendously grateful for the Children Incorporated program. She told me that she would not be able to make ends meet if it wasn’t for the program and it helps lift the burden of worrying about where she is going to find the extra money for clothing, shoes, and other needs her grandson requires.”

“Next, I have a family with three children who are enrolled in the Children Incorporated program. The youngest came to me one morning and was extremely upset because her shoes were coming apart, and she felt embarrassed. I found her a pair of shoes to wear and told her I would make sure she and her brothers received new shoes within a few days. Thanks to the Children Incorporated program, I was able to purchase each of the three children a new pair of shoes, along with socks! Now, every time she sees me, the youngest child smiles really big and runs up to hug me. Believe it or not, this program allows us to build such heartwarming relationships with our students and their families.”

“I would like to let everyone know that there aren’t enough words to describe how wonderful the Children Incorporated program is.”

“As a Family Resource Center Coordinator, I am extremely grateful for all the services that the Children Incorporated program has to offer our students. I noticed I was very low on shoes, socks, and underwear at the center. So, I called and requested Hope In Action funds from your organization. That was one of the biggest blessings! I have never been so thankful to receive funds to purchase new underwear, shoes, and socks. This removed a lot of  my worry because I simply didn’t have the funds to purchase them.”

“As I am finishing up this letter, I would like to let everyone know that there aren’t enough words to describe how wonderful the Children Incorporated program is, and I want to thank the donors for all the contributions they graciously provide for the students and their families. Trust me, nothing goes unnoticed! We here at Crossroads Elementary School are truly blessed to be a part of the Children Incorporated program.”



How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

A few months ago, I had the privilege of getting to meet our volunteer coordinator, Katalina, from Cardinal Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia. Katalina, like so many of our volunteer coordinators around the world, feels strongly about the value of our sponsorship program, mostly because she grew up in a family that had to work to make ends meet and didn’t always have access to basic needs. For her, helping kids at her school has a personal meaning, and she is endlessly grateful for the support of Children Incorporated sponsors.

Today, we hear from Katalina, who wrote us a letter to thank all of our supporters for what she is able to provide to the children at Cardinal Elementary School, all thanks to their donations.

“The families served by Children Incorporated are so grateful, as I am, for the comfort it brings to these children.” 

A letter from Katalina

“This is the second year I have had the opportunity to partner with Children Incorporated through their affiliation with Communities in School at Cardinal Elementary School. I am so amazed and thankful for the difference they make in the lives of children.”

“This school year, I had 24 children enrolled in the Children Incorporated sponsorship program, and the impact has been incredible. Each of the children received items they otherwise would not be able to buy. I also had two families this year that were recipients of Hope In Action Funds. The first family, which has two children sponsored, was struggling after a job loss and their lights had been cut off. Children Incorporated was able to step in and help pay their electric bill just in time for the cold winter months as they worked hard to get back on their feet.”

Helping when emergencies strike

“The second family experienced a devastating house fire that destroyed everything. The family’s three girls, who were also in the sponsorship program, were overjoyed to get not only clothes, but educational toys and arts and craft supplies. I had the joy of dropping these items at their new home, and it felt like Christmas morning to them. The girls were going through the bags so excitedly, as they smiled seeing new books and other gifts. The parents were really excited that they received workbooks to help them with their reading and math skills.”

“The other children in the program received a great deal of support as well. They were able to get new clothes at the beginning of each new season, so they stayed warm in the winter and were able to adjust when the weather got hot again in the spring.”

“Having appropriate clothing is something that we often take for granted, but for these children, clothing is hard to come by, and it is difficult to concentrate and learn if you are cold or too hot. The children get so excited about the new clothes and shoes they receive, and it never fails that many come to me and show off their outfits when they wear their new items to school.”

Making birthdays and holidays special

“In addition to the monthly gifts which help so much, several sponsors give additional extra funds to the children for the holidays or for birthdays. These extra funds made such an impact. In every instance, I met with the child and explained that they had received some extra funds from their sponsor and told them what they could spend it on. Then I would get their direct input on what they wanted, and we would shop online for the gifts. This brings the children so much joy – one little girl, Megan, asked for roller blades for Christmas, and when I brought them to her home, she immediately put them on and started skating around.”

“In addition to the monthly gifts which help so much, several sponsors give additional extra funds to the children for the holidays or for birthdays. These extra funds made such an impact.”

“Another child, Mark, really wanted a Lego set — the expression on his face when receiving it was indescribable. He began to cry with happiness, and his mom was overwhelmed with gratitude. I only wish the sponsors themselves could see first-hand how they are changing the lives of these children. I am honored to be able to be a part of this program throughout the year.”

“Most of the families at my school are of very low socioeconomic status, and as a result, their children don’t always get what they need. The children are also growing so fast it’s hard for parents to keep up with well-fitting clothing and shoes. The families served by Children Incorporated are so grateful, as I am, for the comfort it brings to these children.”  



You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

In Latin America, poverty often means lower levels of education, and therefore lower income for children once they reach adulthood. When children from impoverished households can’t go to school, they are often subject to crime and exploitation. Without our help, thousands of children in Latin America risk joining the job market at a young age to help their families, which can lead to dangerous situations. 

Sponsors positively impact the lives of the children they sponsor through the simple knowledge that someone cares about their well-being.


  – According to UNICEF, almost half of households in Latin America where children are present are living in poverty

  – 4 out of 5 sixth graders in Latin America are lacking basic reading skills

  – Lack of education leads to a widening gap of inequality in Latin America, where children and families continue in poverty throughout their lifetimes


Children Incorporated provides resources to children in Latin America through our sponsorship program because we passionately believe that children everywhere deserve education, hope, and opportunity. Our sponsors and donors provide basic necessities such as food, clothing, healthcare, and educational support to children living in poverty. These essentials are vital to a child’s growth and ability to attend school and succeed.


You can help a child living in Latin America receive an education by becoming a sponsor today. Sponsorship provides an underprivileged child with basic and education-related necessities such as food, clothing, healthcare, school supplies, and school tuition payments. This vital support allows impoverished, vulnerable children to develop to their full potential – physically, emotionally, and socially. Sponsors positively impact the lives of the children they sponsor through the simple knowledge that someone cares about their well-being. This gives children in need hope, which is powerful.

Our policy has always been to consider the needs of each sponsored child on an individual basis. We work closely with our volunteer coordinators at our affiliated sites, who are familiar with each individual circumstance and the needs of every child in their care. Our on-site volunteer coordinators use sponsorship donations to purchase basic and education-related items for children in our program to ensure that they have what they need to do their very best and succeed in school.



 You can sponsor a child with Children Incorporated in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our donation portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


As our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, continues her visit to our affiliated sites in Arizona, we find out more about Shonto Preparatory School and how our Hope in Action Fund is helping children, often in dire circumstances, at the school.

Home of the Bears

“Shonto Preparatory School is located in the small community of Shonto. It’s about 64 miles southeast of Page, Arizona and about 51 miles northeast of Tuba City. Shonto Preparatory School consists of an elementary division with approximately 300 students in grades kindergarten through eighth and a secondary division with approximately 80 students in grades ninth through twelfth. There are a total of 64 children across both divisions in our sponsorship program,” said Renée.

“Marlita is also deeply appreciative of the many projects that have hugely benefited the children, thanks to our Hope In Action Program.”

“The high school division placed in the top 50% of all schools in Arizona for math and reading test scores during the 2018-2019 school year. Then came the pandemic, and scores fell. Nonetheless, the students do well here, and the school takes pride in providing an excellent educational experience. The graduation rate is over 80%.”

Visiting with Marlita

“Upon my arrival to the school last fall, I had a good meeting with our coordinator, Orleta, and the elementary principal, Marlita. Marlita is actually our former and very long-term coordinator. She was formerly the librarian. She is a huge believer in Children Incorporated. Her mother was a sponsor until her death. When Marlita was promoted to the elementary principal, she appointed Orleta as our new volunteer coordinator, and she too is seeing the incredible value of our program,” explained Renée.

“First, we discussed shopping for the sponsored children. Marlita and Orleta have found that ordering some things from Amazon works best because it saves time driving to stores. In those cases, the children and parents give their shopping lists to Orleta, who gives them to Marlita for placing the orders. For other things, they go to Walmart and buy gift cards. Then they have the parents and children meet them at the store. After the items are chosen, Marlita or Orleta hands a gift card to the cashier. So far, it’s working well, and everyone is happy with the arrangement.”

Hope in Action to the Rescue

Renée is pictured with one of our sponsored children in the school’s library.

“Marlita and I urged Orleta to let us know of any larger needs that may require consideration for Hope In Action Program aid. Marlita said she is so grateful for our sponsorship program. But she is also deeply appreciative of the many projects that have hugely benefited the children, thanks to our Hope In Action Program. The original school building was constructed in 1963 without central air conditioning. Marlita said it got bad in May, and it was often unbearable in August. Everyone felt so uncomfortable, and some children felt sick. Several years ago, when she was the coordinator, Marlita applied and was approved for a Hope In Action grant to purchase and install ceiling fans. She said these made a profound impact on the children’s comfort and ability to focus on their studies,” said Renée.

“Marlita also praised another Hope In Action Program grant in which she had requested audio books with accompanying paperback books. The children listened to the stories and followed along in the books, and this helped with their comprehension and vocabulary.”


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.