Our volunteer coordinators, Alicia and Marlena, at Eden Elementary School in Kentucky are well aware of just how much our donors do for the children they support. Today, we hear from Alicia and Marlena about the particular projects that Children Incorporated has been able to fund at their school, and how our thoughtful donors are making big changes for families in need as a part of our December 2023 Impact Report.
“We want to give you many thanks for helping us better our community by offering support to those in need.”
An amazing amount of accomplishments
“Nestled in the hills of Appalachia is our school, Eden Elementary. Here, in our small town of Inez, our families are strong, proud and tough. In our area, when coal was king, our citizens and communities flourished. But as our country moves away from the resource that is so abundant in our area, it has left our families to struggle. We lost steady high paying jobs and coal severance tax, both which have impacted our area negatively. It is both an honor and a blessing to help our families make ends meet. Children Incorporated has allowed us to serve our families in a way we would not have been able to otherwise.”
“As we approach the end of the 2023 school year and we look back, it is amazing what we have been able to accomplish with the support of Children Incorporated. One of our pride and joy projects made possible from our Hope In Action grant is ‘Planting Seeds of Hope.’ With this project we are able to supply over 75 families with the knowledge, how-to, and supplies that allow them to grow organic food at home. Gardening increases family involvement as well as encourages self-sufficient skills in growing and home food preservation, skills that can be passed down from generation to generation.”
“Another project made possible by our Hope In Action grant is our outside classroom ‘Wildcat Korner.’ We purchased metal outdoor benches, umbrellas and garbage cans to match the metal tables previously purchased. This outdoor classroom supports positive student social interaction and provides a space for hands on activities like the ‘Gaga Ball Game’, which promotes inclusivity, motor skills, and self-perception skills. Our kids love getting to spend time in our Wildcat Korner. It gives them a break from the traditional classroom setting and provides an alternate learning environment.”
“The Bedder Homes Project has continued to fund our families in need with beds, washers, dryers, furniture, etc. This year we have provided a number of beds to our little community, but one family in particular sticks out. Twin boys who are being raised by their aunt were so thankful to receive beds for their room. They are in 6th grade and had been sharing a bed. As you can imagine, these growing boys were thrilled to be able to have their own place to sleep. We also were able to purchase bedding, curtains and a rug to complete their room.”
A huge impact on many lives
“In our area, we have an abundance of grandparents raising their grandkids. Hope In Action allows us to host monthly meetings to bring these grandparents together for support. We provide a meal and share it together; we also involve the grandparents in discussions and games where we give prizes as an incentive to participate. We also highlight resources made available to them that they may not know about. The Spence family in particular, has learned of resources available that truly help their family make ends meet. This is a family of six, and the grandparents are disabled. These programs have been a blessing to this family, as we also have enrolled the Spence children into the Children Incorporated sponsorship program. They have one of the most kind and generous sponsors. He regularly sends large directed funds to this family for health and general needs.”
“The grandmother tells us and writes the sponsor to let him know just how thankful she is, and she honestly does not know how they would make it without his generosity. It truly makes a huge impact in their lives. His sponsorship helps this family buy additional food, cleaning supplies, and other household items. It is so touching to see this family have a better life because of Children Incorporated and this kind sponsor.”
“As part of our Hope In Action grant, we also participate in our ‘Snack Attack’ program. This allows us to provide a consistent food pantry with food items for weekend backpacks or in case of an emergency; it also assists students with snacks during and after school, and is also used for student activities. As you can see, we are forever grateful for Children Incorporated Hope In Action grants. We put all allocated funds to good use to make an impact in our community. We want to give you many thanks for helping us better our community by offering support to those in need.”
Best wishes with appreciation,
Alicia and Marlena
How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?
You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.