To Be Loved and Looked After

A nurturing home environment and sponsorship support help orphaned children in South Korea

We know well that sponsorship support is valuable to children living in poverty both physically and psychologically. That was especially apparent for our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, while he was visiting the Sung Ae Children’s Home in South Korea. While at the home, which is located outside of Korea’s capital of Seoul, Luis found that the support children receive from their sponsors is utilized not only to provide clothing and shoes for them […]

Aiming to Prepare Deaf Children for the World

In Lebanon, one of our affiliated projects teaches hearing-impaired students invaluable skills

The Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf, or FAID, is one of the few schools in Lebanon that provide an education to hearing-impaired children. A long-time Children Incorporated affiliated project, FAID supports about 100 students every day, many of them refugee children from neighboring countries – primarily Syria. FAID’s mission:  To act as a caring institute for the deaf and hard of hearing, which reflects a healthy balance of academic goals and building self-esteem, self-awareness, […]

Visiting Lebanon and South Korea

In the two diverse nations, Luis Bourdet finds that sponsorship support is more important than ever

After many years of not being able to visit Lebanon and South Korea, where we support hundreds of children through our sponsorship program, our International Programs Director, Luis Bourdet, was finally able to visit both countries at the end of last year. “In recent years, great turmoil and many political issues have created instability in countries neighboring Lebanon and South Korea. As a result, previous plans to visit the two countries have had to be […]

Food Lion Employees Give Back

ADUSA Distribution of Disputanta, Virginia donates $1,000 to our International Feeding Programs

Our President and Chief Executive Officer, Ron Carter, recently accepted a generous contribution in the amount of $1,000 from the employees of ADUSA Food Lion Distribution Center in Disputanta, Virginia. The funds will go toward supporting the Children Incorporated International Feeding Programs, wherein children and their families receive healthy and nutritious meals and food assistance. Introducing ADUSA Food Lion Associates supporting Children Incorporated through t-shirt and food sales ADUSA Food Lion […]

Rebuilding a Devastated Island

After Hurricane Maria, Children Incorporated gets involved with helping our neighbors in Puerto Rico

Prior to the summer of 2017, Children Incorporated had yet not worked in Puerto Rico. Over the years our President and CEO Ron Carter has been asked by supporters of our organization if we were considering expanding our programs to include sponsorship in Puerto Rico. But because we didn’t have a partnering organization on the island to connect with, we weren’t able to. Then Hurricane Maria hit. Incredible damage done In September of 2017, Hurricane […]

Hearing From Our Sponsored Children Abroad

Testimonials from sponsored children in our International Division

Our sponsors and donors often hear from our staff and coordinators about the work we are doing around the world through our On the Road Series. But not as frequently do you hear from our sponsored children directly — especially those that live outside of the United States. We want to share special stories with our supporters from the children in our sponsorship program around the world — and how their sponsors are making a huge […]