Getting Back into the Classroom

Our affiliated sites in India are now holding physical classes for students

We are grateful that despite many of the issues that India has faced during the pandemic, many of our affiliated sites in the country have been able to resume classes in person in 2022. A note from our volunteer coordinator the Chandrakal Boarding Home informed us about these important updates: “Our state government has given permission to re-open all the educational institutions for physical classes. We are happy to let you know that we have […]

35 Years of Helping Children in Sri Lanka

An update from the Touch a Life with Hope Center in Colombo

We recently received an update from our volunteer coordinator at the Touch a Life with Hope Center in Sri Lanka, who took the time to share with us the history of the organization, as well discuss some of the ways they have been able to help some of the most vulnerable girls in Colombo — in large part thanks to our sponsors. “It is with great pride and hope that I present this report of […]

Continuing to Meet the Needs of Children in 2022

A letter from our CEO and President, Ronald H. Carter

Dear Friends, I often share personal stories about the positive effects of our work on children and families. Our Hope In Action Fund is one of the most meaningful ways we improve lives, and our volunteer coordinators, both in the United States and abroad, can testify to that fact on a regular basis, as they witness first-hand the changes among the children in our program that they serve. At Sparta Elementary School, in the scenic […]

Aiding Ricardo in El Salvador

Thanks to our Hope In Action Fund, we provided hearing aids to a child immediately upon enrollment in our sponsorship program

One reason Children Incorporated is so special is because of our ability to help children around the world with their particular needs – largely due to the closeness that our volunteer coordinators have with children in our program. Last year, we received sponsorship enrollment information for a little boy named Ricardo at the Laboure School in El Salvador. In the comment section of his forms, our volunteer coordinator at the school indicated that Ricardo is […]

Meeting Girls’ Needs in India and Kenya

Thanks to our partnership with Altr’d State, we are able to provide young women with feminine hygiene products

When we consider the needs of our sponsored children, we especially need to consider the particular needs of young girls who might not have access to feminine hygiene products while living in poverty — most likely because their families can’t afford them. When young ladies don’t have access to sanitary napkins, they often skip school to stay home which can be detrimental to their education. Throughout the 2021 year, we focused on providing supplies of […]

A Year Later and a Lot of Big Changes

Thanks to our partnership with the Jeunesse Kids Foundation, we have been able to help thousands of children in need

In early 2021, we were fortunate to partner with the Jeunesse Foundation to support children in our projects around the world. A year later, we look back at what we have been able to accomplish thanks to their support. Our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, writes about the projects we have supported abroad: “Tablets were distributed to children at affiliated programs in Colombia, Brazil, and Peru over the past year, thanks to the Jeunesse […]