A Promise for the New Year

Our CEO, Ron Carter, strives to do more for children in 2018

I’ve never believed in New Year’s resolutions; far too often, those things that we set out to do at the start of January fade and vanish within a couple of weeks, if they even last that long. Instead of making unrealistic and often unsustainable goals for myself, I prefer to look at the facts: what I accomplished in the past year, what I may have missed along the way, and how I might do better […]

Educating a Nation

Girls need to be educated to break the cycle of poverty in India

It is an unfortunate reality that even in modern times, girls have fewer opportunities than boys when it comes to receiving an education. Girls all over the world face discrimination within their cultures. They are typically seen as unequal to boys, and there is therefore an absence of emphasis on educating them. Barriers such as early marriage, low social status, chores and responsibilities, unsafe schools, and a lack of sanitation prevent young girls from learning, […]

When the Small Things in Life Really Matter

Simple basic needs are what families living in poverty in Bath County are lacking the most

Bath County Middle School is located at the end of Main Street in Owingsville, Kentucky, where residents have experienced economic decline, unemployment, and poverty in an otherwise picturesque region of the United States. On a recent trip to Owingsville, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, visited with our Volunteer Coordinator at the school, Kaye, to find out more about how Children Incorporated is helping kids enrolled in our program get what they need so […]

Growing Up Too Fast

Teenagers in Bath County, Kentucky are already having to learn how to take care of themselves

Bath County, Kentucky is known historically for the mineral and medicinal springs from which its name was derived. Unlike many other counties in Eastern Kentucky, Bath County is not a coal-producing area, and the main cash crop there used to be tobacco. This crop provided small farmers with a decent living with the help of the federal Tobacco Price Support Program, in which the government purchased surplus tobacco from farmers to ensure a yearly income […]

Many Reasons to Be Thankful

Our CEO, Ron Carter, reflects on what he is grateful for this Thanksgiving

Growing up in a fairly average middle-class American family, I never went without food or decent clothing, and I always received birthday and Christmas gifts. My parents weren’t particularly wealthy, yet they were able to pay the bills; we had a solid roof over our heads and a sturdy shelter to protect us from the elements. I, like so many raised this way, took it for granted that everyone was provided for — that all […]

The Advantages of Fluency in English

Why Indian children who learn English can have an upper hand in life

Through my work with Children Incorporated, I have become accustomed to not always speaking the same language as our sponsored children. The language barrier doesn’t keep me from doing my job of reporting on the burden of poverty that they face in their lives, however, because what they can’t communicate with me, I can see for myself at their homes, schools, and in their communities. I hear stories from our volunteer coordinators about the kids’ […]