A Family That Gives Back

Meeting the Sawyer Family in Kentucky

When Shelley Oxenham, U.S. Projects Specialist, and I met with our Volunteer Coordinator, Brenda Curry, at Fallsburg Elementary School in August, the first thing Brenda wanted to talk about was a very special family that she had arranged for us to visit with that afternoon. Stewart and Carolyn Sawyer* live in a small home in Lawrence County, Kentucky, about a twenty-minute drive away from the school, where their son, Michael*, who is sponsored through Children […]

Helping the Young and Old Alike

Santa Luisa cares for the elderly of Costa Rica as well as children of the community

A five-hour drive from Costa Rica’s capital is the small town of Bribri in the Talamanca region, southeast of San Jose, along the border of Panama. The town is inhabited mostly by the indigenous Bribri tribe, which is comprised of people who live and work close to the Sixaola River, which separates Costa Rica from Panama by just a short boat ride. The area produces various crops, including bananas, plantains, cacao, and a variety of […]

Building Homes and Securing Futures in Bolivia

Luis Bourdet helps welcome families into new houses in Santa Cruz

It has been fun to reminisce about my trip to Bolivia last year now that Luis has returned from his visit there just a few weeks ago. When I caught up with him to hear updates about our projects, there was one in particular I couldn’t wait to ask about. While we were in Bolivia together last year for the inauguration of the Montero School, Luis had just been to Santa Cruz for yet another […]

Volunteers Restore School Playground Destroyed by Arson

Children Incorporated staff members help in the restoration project

Someone set fire to the playground matting at G.H. Reid Elementary School last summer. The fire spread around the equipment, melting and disfiguring most of it, and leaving the 750 Richmond, Virginia public school children with few options for outdoor play. But when bad things happen, good people often start showing up to help. Hundreds of volunteers from various Richmond organizations, including Children Incorporated, stepped up to help out last November. Together, they rebuilt the playground in […]

A Fully-Baked Idea Brings Economic Stability to Brazilian Moms

Mothers of the CARITAS-Novo Milenio Center are learn baking skills

When the mothers of the CARITAS-Novo Milenio Center presented the community’s children with their signature jumbo-sized birthday cake, they had a lot to celebrate. This year marked the fifth anniversary of the Grupo Art’Mulher, a group of women who formed a community bakery which sells cookies, breads, handmade pasta — and, of course, cakes! Freshly baked cakes by mothers of our sponsored children Novo Milenio is a poor district outside of […]

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

Our top four On the Road food stops

In the eight months since we first launched our On the Road series, Luis and I have traveled some 20,000 miles around the globe visiting the families and communities your contributions support.       In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we thought we’d share some of our favorite food samplings from around the world. We are so grateful for the opportunity to report on the impact sponsorship has on the children we serve. We’ve met some pretty amazing people […]