Tag Archives: education

Over the years, our supporters have heard numerous accounts of families we work with needing emergency support when natural disasters strike. From flooding to earthquakes to hurricanes to volcanic eruptions, those living in impoverished areas of the world are more affected in negative ways than those not living in poverty.

“When families are living in old houses or in areas that are not protected from natural disasters, many types of hazards can increase their risk of damaged property or harm to themselves.”

“At its most basic level, poverty increases vulnerably,” says Children Incorporated’s Director of Development, Shelley Callahan.

“When families are living in old houses or in areas that are not protected from natural disasters, many types of hazards can increase their risk of damaged property or harm to themselves.”

“Additionally, when families are suffering from poverty, they might not have a lot of insurance to cover damage to their homes or property — because they often have to make hard decisions about how to spend their meager incomes. In other instances, countries don’t offer insurance at all so families that lose their homes can be completely devastated and without support other than the local community and from organizations like Children Incorporated,” explains Callahan.

“It is our goal to help families who are suffering during or after a natural disaster so they may recover more quickly — each and every day without being able to go work because you are trying to clean water damage in your home or clean up after a storm creates more problems for low-income familes. Furthermore, the expenses associated with recovery are usually enormous, and something many families can’t afford.”

“We are endlessly thankful for donations to our Hope In Action Fund which allows us to directly respond to the immediate needs of families after a natural disaster,” states Callahan.

Below, you can read more stories of how donations have helped families during emergencies in the past few years — something we could not do without you!

Hope After Haiyan

The Philippines comprise a vast island nation in Southeast Asia. This archipelago of more than 7,000 islands boasts sandy beaches, towering mountains and volcanoes, tropical rainforests, and an incredible wealth of natural resources and biodiversity. Humans have called these islands home for thousands of years, predating historic records.

Today, the Philippines incorporate a staggering number of languages, ethnic groups, religions, and cultures. Despite its status as an emerging market, however, nearly half of all Filipinos still earn less than $2 a day. Adequate sanitation and access to healthcare and potable water are still daily challenges in this widely underdeveloped country, which is also prone to typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic activity. The large port city of Tacloban, where the Visayans Community Center at Bliss is located, is no exception to these maladies.

Sending Relief After Flash Floods

Wayne County lies nestled amid the vast natural beauty of the Allegheny Mountains, which still conceal deposits of the coal that once made this a rich and populous area of the Mountaineer State. Automation of mines and the ecological stigmas attached to coal as a fuel source have seriously damaged Wayne County’s economy. With coal mining almost shut down, all businesses that once depended on mining – and the buying power of the miners — have closed. Unemployment continues to rise, and industry development remains at a crawl.

When flash floods hit West Virginia a few years ago, none of the families of our sponsored and unsponsored children could have prepared for what was going to happen.

Like many small towns in this rural part of West Virginia, Dunlow is remote, located far from any sizeable town or city. A few strip mines still produce coal, and there are some sawmills that cut lumber. Overall, however, Dunlow’s economy is struggling, with high unemployment and a lack of industry development. Many residents in this region live well below the poverty line, plagued by all the socioeconomic struggles that accompany poverty. One of our affiliated schools in the area, Dunlow Elementary School, offers a place where children can count on support, encouragement, and a nutritious warm meal not only every day, but also in cases of emergency, such as flash flooding — thanks to the help they received from our Hope In Action Fund.

As soon as we heard news of the volcanic eruption, Children Incorporated asked our amazing supporters to donate emergency relief funds that we could send directly to Sagrada Familia.

Emergency Relief After a Volcanic Eruption

 In early June, the eruption of the Volcano of Fire near Antigua, Guatemala caught residents living nearby by surprise. By the time the eruption was over, more than one million people had been affected; approximately 3,000 people had been displaced from their homes, and about 250 people were missing. The eruption caused direct damage to five villages in the area surrounding the volcano, including the town of Antigua, where our affiliated project Sagrada Familia is located. The aftermath of the eruption engulfed the neighboring towns not only in thick smoke, but also in heavy ash and hot gases. In addition, huge rocks tumbled down the volcano, blocking roads and destroying homes along their paths.

The Coordinadora Nacional para la Reducción de Desastres (CONRED), a Guatemalan government agency for disaster reduction, quickly set up fifteen shelters after the catastrophe to help displaced residents who were in need of food, cleaning supplies, hygiene items, and bedding during this time of crisis. As soon as we heard news of the volcanic eruption, Children Incorporated asked our amazing supporters to donate emergency relief funds that we could send directly to Sagrada Familia, where our volunteer coordinators were working hard to provide daily support for families who had lost their homes and were living in shelters.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.



What do we mean when we talk about special projects at Children Incorporated? Our special projects come from a variety of requests from our volunteer coordinators at our affiliated sites, but they all mean one thing — crucial support for children, families and communities.

“Furthermore, our special projects allow our donors to help more than just one child or one family – often the projects we support help hundreds of children or members of a community by creating jobs and improving the overall structure of a place or location.”

“We consider three different types of support when we talk about the ways that our donors can help some of the most vulnerable people in the world,” explains Children Incorporated’s Director of Development, Shelley Callahan.

“First, our sponsorship program partners sponsors with individual children. Secondly, our special funds focus on certain aspects of helping children and families with, for example, warm clothes or emergency assistance — necessities that are beyond sponsorship.”

“Thirdly, our special projects range from infrastructure to renovations to building projects that are vital to us having access to the children we support, making sure they have a safe place to live and learn and that even more of their basic needs are meet,” Shelley continued.

“Furthermore, our special projects allow our donors to help more than just one child or one family – often the projects we support, such as building a dorm or an agricultural school or renovating an old kitchen in a group home, help hundreds of children or members of a community by creating jobs and improving the overall structure of a place or location.”

“Over the years, donations to our special projects have allowed us to hire teams of engineers to build greenhouses, playgrounds, and additions on schools. On a smaller scale, our special projects offer things such as art supplies for summer camps or reading materials for libraries — items that fill in the gaps that our coordinators are missing in making their programs that support our children successful,” expressed Shelley.

The Dandora Center in Kenya celebrates the new renovations on multiple classrooms thanks to our donors

Read more about our special projects around the world from past years and find out how you can support future projects through your generous donations!

A Place to Call Home

In partnering with our nearly 300 affiliated sites around the world, including Casa Central, it is our goal at Children Incorporated to work with our volunteer coordinators to provide everything that we can for children in our program so they can receive an education – including offering them a safe and stable place to live.

“Casa Central is a social service center located in the center of the city but serves and supports children from the peripheral, struggling areas of Guatemala City,” explained Children Incorporated Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet.

“Many of our sponsored children live in shacks, and the support through our sponsorship program has given them food, clothing, and educational supplies. Yet our volunteer coordinator, Sister Estefania, recognized that some of the children, despite the resources we offered, are still struggling due to the terrible housing conditions they live in. Through her immense efforts, she was able to secure titles for land in different areas of the city, and Children Incorporated was able to fund the construction of eight houses which have offered stable homes for eight children in our program,” said Luis.

“The houses are simple, but of permanent nature, made of cinder block, metal trusses and metal roof, two metal exterior doors, and protected from the weather. The families selected are so grateful and thankful for this support.”

Children Incorporated was able to fund the construction of eight houses which have offered stable homes for eight children in our program.

A New Playground and New Supplies for Students in Richmond

Children Incorporated staff members Renée Kube, Shelley Oxenham, and Chuck Smith helped rebuild a playground at G.H. Reid Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia, where we partner with Communities in Schools of Richmond (CIS) to support sponsored children in the Richmond area, near our headquarters.

Just a few months prior, over summer break, the old playground was set on fire, and it spread around the equipment, melting and disfiguring most of it, and leaving the 750 Richmond public school children with few options for outdoor play.

Renée, our Director of U.S. Programs, explained that the playground rebuild project was able to happen thanks to KaBOOM, a national nonprofit that builds playgrounds, especially in low-income areas.

The CarMax Foundation also stepped up to contribute funds and materials for the build, and Renée attended the volunteer workday, along with her Children Incorporated coworkers Shelley, U.S. Programs Specialist, and Chuck, U.S. Sponsorship Manager.

About 250 volunteers built the playground from the ground up in just one day. One of the jobs Renée, Shelley, and Chuck were assigned was painting maps and game boards onto the playground surface.

Renovations at the Lou Ann Long Hostel made the kitchen safe for staff and children.

By the end of May, we had $1,000 to donate to G.H. Reid, and we couldn’t wait to present the check to them, as well as contribute some supplies to get them started.

A New Kitchen for the Lou Ann Long Girls’ Hostel in India

In many developing countries, food is often cooked over open fires in poorly ventilated kitchens. It is estimated that 3 billion people worldwide cook over an open flame, which releases toxic smoke that is dangerous to health and safety.

At one of our affiliated sites, the Lou Ann Long Girls’ Hostel in India, the cooks prepared meals for the students in a small, dark one-room kitchen with only one small window that was continuously filled with thick smoke. The kitchen was badly in need of updating, but the administration did not have the necessary funds.

Thanks to our donors – just like you – Children Incorporated was able to renovate Lou Ann Long’s kitchen. New gas stoves with proper ventilation systems were installed, and modern sinks and updated windows and floors now provide more space, a cleaner environment, and natural light for the kitchen staff.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Beyond what we are able to do through our sponsorship program for children living in poverty, we are also able to help make improvements to the affiliated sites, thanks to our sponsors and donors.

At Children Incorporated, we feel that it is just as valuable to support infrastructure projects, such as building repairs, as it is to help our children and their families — largely because without our affiliated sites, we wouldn’t have access to the children in need.

A concern that we discuss when it comes to ensuring we can provide basic needs to our children is also ensuring that our affiliate sites are able to function safely and efficiently. If any of our affiliated sites around the world are falling into disrepair, we worry they could be dangerous to use or could even face closure — meaning we would no longer have contact with the children that so desperately need our help.

Repairs done to the infrastructure at Maria Reyna will ensure that the Home is safe for children and staff.

For these reasons, our Hope In Action Fund allows us to fulfill requests from our affiliated sites as needs arise — such as those at the Maria Reyna Home in Honduras. In recent months, our volunteer coordinator at the Home submitted a request for funding to repair and repaint a wall that was crumbling outside the home, as well as for funds to purchase new kitchen utensils so that the kitchen staff could prepare meals for our sponsored children.

Now, both the Maria Reyna Home administrators and our sponsors can feel confident about not only the home being safe for the children, but about children being properly cared for for many more years to come!

About Honduras

 Nestled in northern Central America, Honduras was once home to several Mesoamerican peoples – most notably the Maya. This ecologically diverse land – with its rainforests, cloud forests, savannas, mountain ranges, and barrier reef system off the northern coast – teems with life.

Its wealth of natural resources is equally impressive, including a variety of minable minerals and agricultural exports (such as coffee, tropical fruit, sugar cane, and lumber). Moreover, its growing textiles industry serves an international market. The nation’s wealth of natural beauty and resources, however, belies the dire poverty in which its people live. In fact, Honduras holds the unfortunate distinction of being one of the poorest nations in Latin America. This is due in part to its longstanding political instability, social strife (including the world’s highest murder rate), and economic issues (fluctuating export prices, rising inflation, and unemployment).

At Children Incorporated, we feel that it is just as valuable to support infrastructure projects, such as building repairs, as it is to help our children and their families.

Other contributing factors include frequent natural disasters (hurricanes, mild earthquakes, and flooding), widespread poverty, disease, and inadequate education, which results in a high rate of illiteracy. San Pedro Sula, where the Maria Reyna Home is located and Honduras’s industrial center and second-largest city, is no exception to these maladies.

About the Maria Reyna Home

Founded in 1942 as a girls’ orphanage, the Maria Reyna Home cares for the area’s orphaned, abandoned or neglected children.

The Home serves as a safe haven, away from the slum housing, hunger, disease, crime, and pollution that are all-too-tragic realities in this region. Through education and moral support, these deserving girls receive the opportunity to rise above the difficult socioeconomic circumstances from which they have come.


How do I sponsor a child in Honduras?

You can sponsor a child in Honduras in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Honduras that is available for sponsorship.


As we always strive to do, I am pleased to share with you highlights of our work around the world over the past two years. In this report, you will find information about our programs, lists of our board members and staff, testimonials from our volunteer coordinators, and other information about the effectiveness of our work and how it truly changes the lives of children in need.

We are honored to share a glimpse of our successes with you.

It is our goal to always stay and remain in full compliance with all of the major charitable monitoring groups, as well as meet and exceed all of the requirements and expectations of our annual audit by the professional team of Young, Hyde, and Barbour’s CPAs and consultants. Additionally, as we strive to remain as transparent as possible with our donors and supporters, we also post our annual IRS Form 990 and audited financial statements on our website where they remain accessible to the public year-round.

We believe passionately in what we do, and our staff is dedicated to continual improvement and growth. We know that Children Incorporated remains a vital organization, now in its 58th year and still going strong. We are honored to share a glimpse of our successes with you.


Ronald H Carter
President and CEO
Children Incorporated


written by Ron Carter

Ron Carter is President and CEO of Children Incorporated. He is responsible for overseeing all operations of Children Incorporated, with a specific goal of honoring the original vision and mission of our founder, Jeanne Clarke Wood, who established the organization in 1964.

» more of Ron's stories

When children living in poverty are facing difficulties in life on a regular basis, they not only need help with basic necessities, but they also need words of encouragement, so they can realize their worth and value in the world.

Ms. Wheeler came by the school to meet with students as a local celebrity, but also to offer them words of encouragement and hope.

Recently, our volunteer coordinator, Genevieve, at Sebastian Elementary School, sent us a letter and photos after a visit from Haley Wheeler, the current Miss Kentucky. Ms. Wheeler came by the school to meet with students as a local celebrity, but also to offer them words of encouragement and hope.

A letter from Genevieve

“Ms. Wheeler came to Breathitt County, where our school is located, on one of her publicity tours just a few weeks back. She is from Powell County, but she has extensive relations here in Breathitt County, and we are all very proud of her.

Ms. Wheeler poses for a photo with sponsored child Caleb.

She is a graduate of Western Kentucky University and is currently a graduate research assistant at WKU studying communication disorders and speech pathology. She wants to become a geriatric medical speech pathologist. Miss Wheeler was crowned in June 2021 and has been very busy with pageant activities on top of her other responsibilities. She has been promoting Kentucky agriculture, alongside her personal platform, which involves battling Alzheimer’s disease. She will crown her own successor in June 2022.

We were thrilled when Miss Wheeler visited our own little school. She spoke to the students about determination and the importance of education, and they really enjoyed it. Afterwards she had time for photo ops with a handful of students before she had to leave – and two Children Incorporated sponsored children, brothers Mark and Caleb* were among them! The boys were dazzled. I have enclosed a couple of pictures that I hope you’ll enjoy.”

*Names changed to protect the children.


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Kentucky that is available for sponsorship.


In December of 2021, our partner, Banter by Piercing Pagoda, supported our work through a fundraiser in which they donated $1 for  every item purchased through their website to Children Incorporated for the entire month—all to go towards helping children in through our Hope In Action Fund.

After a successful fundraiser, we are so thrilled that Banter was able to donate $50,000 to or Hoe In Action Fund.

In early November 2021, to announce the partnership, our Director of Development, Shelley Callahan, wrote:

“We are thrilled to announce our new partnership with Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®. Starting this upcoming Giving Tuesday, $1 will be donated to Children Incorporated from any item purchased from Banter by Piercing Pagoda’s Kids Collection through December 19th, up to $50,000.

All proceeds will go to our Hope In Action Fund which supports children and families in emergency situations, such as natural disasters, extreme hardship due to health challenges, and when families are unable to pay for school activities for their children.”

In response, Brandi Guccion, Vice President of Brand Marketing, Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®, added:

“We’re excited to partner with Children Incorporated this Giving Tuesday to help kids on their journeys to becoming the best versions of themselves. When we came across Children Incorporated, we felt an immediate connection based off our brands’ mutual passion for everyone, and in this case children, to have the opportunity to succeed.

“Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® empowers individuals to celebrate who they are and have the confidence to believe in themselves, which is why we felt an instant synergy with Children Incorporated. Using every purchase from our Kids Collection for this partnership only felt right when working with Children Incorporated to support the need of the children they serve, and we can’t wait to continue our partnership in the future.”

After a successful fundraiser, we are so thrilled that Banter was able to donate $50,000 to or Hope In Action Fund—which in the upcoming months, will change the lives of so many children in need.

Thank you, Banter, for your support of our work!


Today, Piercing Pagoda®, the rapidly growing, affordable fine jewelry and piercing retailer, announced it’s ushering in a bold new chapter in its 50-year evolution with the testing and introduction of a new master brand name, “Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®.” This new name reflects the personal relationship the retailer has with both its new and long-held customers, its innovative customer experiences, and its omnichannel growth strategy. “Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®” has plans to roll out the name to its more than 500 U.S. locations, digital platforms, and social media channels. Already, one-fifth of existing locations are testing the new Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® name in cities including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Seattle.

“Our new Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® name is full of energy, invoking the excitement of playful conversation, like the adrenaline of a new piercing or piece of jewelry. Our customers are fiercely individual, creative people who inspire us to reject labels and celebrate our unique identities each day,” said Kecia Caffie, President of Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda®. “Guided by our Inspiring Brilliance strategy, our passionate team draws inspiration directly from our customers to continually evolve our product offerings and our connected commerce experiences so that we’re there for them whenever, wherever and however they choose to shop with us.”

Known by its distinctive gold-script capital letter “B,” Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® aims to empower more customers to express themselves with chains, charms, necklaces, and earrings that are gender neutral – and safely offers piercing services for the face, nose, and ears. Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® combines stylish designs and approachable service at affordable price points with tech-enabled stores and warm, modern service.

Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® is part of Signet Jewelers, the world’s largest retailer of diamond jewelry. Within the Signet portfolio, which features nine jewelry retail brands with distinct value propositions, Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® caters to the tech-savvy Gen Z and millennial customer, who is passionate about jewelry and fashion – and lets their style tell their story. Banter™ by Piercing Pagoda® takes inspiration directly from its customers to evolve product offerings, underscoring the company’s consumer-inspired strategy based on data-driven insights.



You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories