Tag Archives: Children Incorporated

During the COVID-19 crisis, so many of our sponsors and donors have contacted us to find out how they can help. The dedication to the children and families we support has been beyond amazing, and we are incredibly grateful for each and every one of our supporters who are concerned for kids in need at this time — and all year long.

Laura recently decided, that due to the COVID-19 outbreak, she wanted to donate half of her Arbonne sales to help children in our program.

Today we wanted to highlight one of our sponsors, Laura Knight. Laura wears many hats in her life — one of which is as an Arbonne consultant. Arbonne is a company that creates products focused around a holistic approach to health, beauty, and well-being. All products are 100% vegan, cruelty-free, and free of toxins and fillers. Arbonne is a Certified B Corporation which means it is held to the highest regulations of environmental impact, employee welfare, customer welfare, community impact, and company governance.

Laura recently decided that, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, she wanted to donate half of her Arbonne sales to help children in our program. I spoke with Laura on the phone recently to find out more about her work and how she became involved with Children Incorporated.

SC: Laura, tell us more about Arbonne and your work.

LK: My name is Laura Knight. I am a mother of two, a former elementary school teacher, a positive discipline educator, a mindfulness optimist, and an Arbonne consultant. I inspire parents to feel better about themselves, in their partnership, and with their children.

As a life-long teacher who cannot stop learning and sharing how to bring more joy into each day, I spend most waking hours helping parents and children find more moments of calm and happiness in the chaos of life. I do that through teaching parenting tools, mindfulness, and offering health and wellness products through my Arbonne business.

SC: What about Arbonne’s holistic approach to health and beauty do you feel is important for customers?

I started my Arbonne business because I was looking for a more like-minded community, but I fell in love with the multi-level marketing model because it affords our family a monthly opportunity to generate asset income. I also believe that it is my responsibility, as a consumer, to use my purchasing power to buy from companies that are ethical, sustainable, and doing good for the world, and Arbonne is just that.

Arbonne has been such a gift in my life, and I am paying it forward by donating 50% of my monthly sales to Children Incorporated.

SC: How did you find out about Children Incorporated?

After the shelter-in-place began, I was sitting at home in California with my two children – their bellies full of food and our home safe and warm. I began to reflect on all the children that are not enjoying their time at home right now. The children who rely on school lunches for daily food and who use their school time as a safe haven from the chaos of home life.

How could I help these children in need? What organizations were already doing meaningful work in this area? Luckily, I remembered my good friend and Mental Health Lead at Expedia, Laura DeCook, had been a sponsor with Children Incorporated for many years. I reached out to her and learned that Children Incorporated is making a huge effort to help children that are dealing with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

I believe that all families should be supported so that they can give their hearts, attention and time to their children — this is how we continue to help the world — one kind act at a time.

SC: What about our organization made you want to help?

When I taught first grade and kindergarten, I saw first hand the effects that the home environment has on children’s wellbeing; the importance of not just meeting the material needs of children, but also the social and emotional needs. When I then became a parent myself, I learned another lesson in nurturing the whole child.

When parents lack the resources they need to meet the material and physical needs of their children, it puts extra stress on an already demanding job. I believe that all families should be supported so that they can give their hearts, attention and time to their children — this is how we continue to help the world – one kind act at a time.

I am helping Children Incorporated because, in the words of Mr. Rogers, “Anyone who does anything to help a child is a hero to me.” Children Incorporated is doing heroic work and it really is an honor to help.

SC: You are new to sponsoring a child with us. What about the sponsorship experience do you look forward to?

What has been most meaningful thus far is seeing the excitement of my seven-year-old son and five-year-old daughter. They can’t wait to write letters and send care packages in the mail to the child we sponsor. Sponsoring a child, of course, is a valuable gift to that child. It also has a profound impact on the family that is doing the sponsoring — teaching empathy and altruism. We are grateful for this opportunity to incorporate these deeper lessons on kindness into our family.

SC: This is a stressful time in all our lives. As an educator, can you offer some advice on how we all can take care of ourselves?

Healthy products are a great way to take care of yourself. When we eat in a clean way and use makeup and skin cleansers that are free of toxins, we are taking a great step towards our overall wellbeing. Another way we can support ourselves, especially in this time of stress, is with mindfulness. 

There are some simple ways that you can start to cultivate a mindfulness practice (the keyword being practice, as the intention is to be patient and easy on yourself as you learn this new skill).


Before you get out of bed in the morning, bring your attention to your breath. Count 5 mindful breaths. Do this throughout the day.


Use everyday sounds to bring you back into the moment of the day. Do you notice the neighbor’s dog barking? Do you hear a bird chirping outside your window? Pause for a moment, what sounds can you hear right now?


Pay attention to each bite of food. What does it smell like? How does the texture of the food feel in your mouth before you chew? What tastes do you notice on your tongue?


Sit for two minutes and observe your thoughts. Can you watch them float past like clouds in the sky? After you notice a thought, try to refocus your attention on your breath.


Develop a daily gratitude practice. Take a moment right now to write down 5 things that you are grateful for. Studies show that a daily gratitude practice enhances empathy and reduces aggression, improves your psychological health, and can even help you sleep better.  

SC: Thank you, Laura! How can our readers find out more about you and your work?

You can learn more on my website, www.lauralinnknight.com. If you would like to purchase Arbonne products and have the donation go to helping Children Incorporated, please email me (lauralinnknight@gmail.com) and I will be more than happy to assist you. You can also find out more by reading the full newsletter in the link below. Thank you!


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

*Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work.


Located in rural and mountainous Letcher County, the community of Fleming-Neon, Kentucky, has deep roots in the coal mining industry.

The Elkhorn Coal Corporation moved into the area in 1913, establishing the mining town of Fleming and several satellite communities, including a town called Chip.

“They said that while students enrolled in our program waited to be sponsored, it meant the world to them to receive coats and warm clothes, as well as school supplies and other basic essentials,” expressed Renée.

Local tradition holds that when the train that hauled coal from the mine in Fleming made stops in nearby Chip, the conductor would holler instructions to people climbing aboard to “knee on,” and that this exclamation morphed into the town’s present name, Neon. Coal from this region once fueled factories, powered locomotives, and heated millions of homes.

However, with the sharp decline of the coal industry due to automation and the increased use of other fuels, the lack of employment opportunities has fueled widespread poverty and depopulation throughout the region.

Today, the Fleming-Neon community has a population of only about 650 people – roughly half of what it was in 1980. Moreover, the median household income here is lower than even the Letcher County average, and nearly half of this community’s population lives below the poverty line. Families here struggle to afford even basic needs.

Meeting with Candi and Anne

Our affiliated project, Fleming-Neon Middle School, serves children in grades 6th through 8th.

“Fleming-Neon Middle is the feeder school for our affiliated, Martha Jane Potter Elementary School. For our sponsors at these projects, they have the best continuity with their relationships with the kids, as they can follow them from elementary school through middle and on to Letcher County Central High School as well,” explained Renée.

Candi and Anne with one of our sponsored children at Fleming-Neon Middle School.

While recently visiting the school, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, met with the school’s guidance counselor, Candi, as well as the Family Resource Youth Services Center Coordinator, Anne, who run our sponsorship program together.

“While meeting with Candi and Anne in Candi’s office, they expressed how thankful they were for not only Hope In Action Funds that we provided to the school but for Warm Clothing Funds as well.”

“They said that while students enrolled in our program waited to be sponsored, it meant the world to them to receive coats and warm clothes, as well as school supplies and other basic essentials,” expressed Renée.

Patiently waiting for a sponsor

After their meeting concluded, Renée met with a few unsponsored children who have benefited from our special funds.

Ben* is a sixth-grader who is full of humor and has an outsized personality. He loves to wear boots and camouflage clothing. Ben and his younger sister live with their parents, both of whom are disabled and unemployed.

“Ben is utterly confident in who he is. I asked him if he has begun thinking about his interests and what he might do with his future, and he said probably a coal miner or a diesel mechanic or a Marine,” said Renée.

Next, Renée met Crista.* Crista is in sixth grade. She enjoys science and solving puzzles, and she is interested in becoming a doctor because the idea of diagnosing illness sounds interesting to her. She has two older sisters and one younger brother. Crista’s mom is a homemaker. Her father is unemployed at this time, but he gives back to the community by serving as a volunteer firefighter.

After Crista returned to class, Candi and Anne told Renée that Crista’s parents are responsible and loving but are really struggling. They feel a sponsor will be a huge help and boost in confidence for Crista.

*Names changed to protect the children.


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of two ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members or email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org.


Each and every day, we receive photos from our volunteer coordinators as they continue to provide for children in our sponsorship program. These coordinators ensure that children have access to basic needs, including food and educational assistance, throughout the COVID-19 crisis. We are incredibly grateful for these amazing individuals as they work tirelessly to make sure that your contributions are supporting some of the most vulnerable children in the world.

Today, we would like to share a heartfelt message from our President and CEO, Ronald H. Carter, who writes to you, our sponsors and donors, about the struggles this pandemic presents for our organization and the children we serve around the world.

Although the updates we receive offer hope, we still have our concerns for the future. Today, we would like to share a heartfelt message from our President and CEO, Ronald H. Carter, who writes to you, our sponsors and donors, about the struggles this pandemic presents for our organization and the children we serve around the world.

A message from Mr. Carter

Dear Friend,

As I sit here in our mostly deserted Children Incorporated building, my spirit is heavy. I, like most everyone else these days, am deeply concerned about the spread of COVID-19 and the devastation the virus is having on our society and world. 

On a personal level, I am concerned about my family and loved ones, co-workers, friends, and so many others who are at risk of infection. 

Our volunteer coordinators are personally delivering food to children during the COVID-19 outbreak.

On a professional level, I am beginning to see the financial fall-out the coronavirus is causing for those who regularly support the work of this organization that I love, and I admit that I am fearful for how Children Incorporated will be able to continue to meet the needs of the children and families we serve. As sponsors and donors cease or lessen their giving, we must scramble to find funds to provide for the children who depend on us for food, clothing, medical assistance, and so much more. 

When times are hard and people begin to lose their jobs, and as they watch their investment incomes sink to record lows, charitable giving is often the first thing they cut from their budgets. Tragically, this is the time when the children we serve most need the help of their sponsors and of those who donate so generously to our organization. 

I am hoping and praying that you will stick with us as we go through this crisis, and that even if you are personally affected by it, you will be able to find it in your heart to remember the children whose lives we change together on a daily basis. If you are struggling and are unsure where your next sponsorship contribution will come from, talk to us. Perhaps we can find a way to keep you involved until the pandemic passes.

Together, we can initiate positive change in our world, starting with the children who are our future, the same children who need our support today.

A way to help beyond sponsorship

If you want to do something to help the children now, we offer you the opportunity to contribute to our COVID-19 Response Fund. Money raised for this purpose will provide food and help meet the immediate and most pressing needs of children in both the United States and abroad at perhaps one of the most difficult times of their young lives. We, and they, definitely need your help. If you are able to support this effort, we ask you to consider making a contribution today.

As I said at the start of this letter, my spirit is heavy as I witness the suffering of so many in our world, yet I am blessed with an optimistic attitude, and I look forward to much brighter days. As people, we may seem divided in some ways, yet underneath it all, we are all connected, and together we are strong. Together, we can initiate positive change in our world, starting with the children who are our future, the same children who need our support today.

Thank you for allowing me to share my heart.


Ronald H. Carter


How can I donate to the COVID-19 Response Fund?

We have created a COVID-19 Response Fund so that we can support children in crisis in the upcoming months. Donations will be used to provide food and emergency supplies to the children in our program who are in immediate need.


Dear Friends,

Today, as many as 800 million people worldwide are food insecure — and the effects are devastating. Lack of adequate nutrition can result in serious health complications, and children who are hungry often struggle to learn and thrive in educational settings. Their focus and ability to learn may be severely lessened due to poor nutrition, and even their physical growth may be stunted when they go without the food their bodies need.

Children Incorporated has been battling food insecurity and hunger since the inception of our organization in 1964. Providing families and children with access to food has been an essential part of what we do through both our child sponsorship program and various other means including our International Feeding Program. Over the last five decades, we have provided food to hungry children through our support of backpack feeding programs, the establishment and support of food banks, through financing community gardens, and even by providing livestock to families in rural areas.  Witnessing the joy and appreciation the parents express as they receive nutritious food to feed their hungry children only motivates us to do more.

The need for food assistance is ongoing. It never seems to diminish, and currently, with the onset and spread of COVID-19 to almost every corner of the world, that need is perhaps greater than ever before. So many jobs have been lost that numerous families are struggling to survive. They are forced to choose between paying their rent and buying food for their growing, hungry children.

Please consider making a financial contribution to our International Feeding Program. An amount you can give will be greatly appreciated.

It is in these situations that Children Incorporated steps in and truly makes a difference. Through the dedication of our network of volunteer coordinators, many who have continued to work and serve children in their centers and schools, in spite of the risks to their own health, we are providing food to supplement the meager portions on which families try to survive, and we are offering snacks and child-friendly food to those who would otherwise go without.

We are only able to do this with your help, and we – and the thousands upon thousands of children and families who rely upon us – need your help now.

Please consider making a financial contribution to our International Feeding Program. Any amount you can give will be greatly appreciated. Mother Theresa once said, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”

Every dollar counts.

From the heart,

Ronald H Carter
President and Chief Executive Officer


How you can help

$25 provides a child with food for one month. You can help children in need by donating to our International Feeding Program Fund. For a minimal amount of money, you can provide a child living in an underdeveloped country with meals and food that will ensure they are prepared to learn.


*Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work.


Built to consolidate three existing high schools into a single school, Letcher County Central High School opened in 2005 with a profound and straightforward mission: “to provide a quality education for every student in Letcher County, ensuring each student will achieve his/her full potential to make a positive contribution in our community, nation, and world.”

“I was thrilled at the thought of Children Incorporated helping Laura to make her dreams come true,” said Renée.

Thanks to its dedicated staff and administrators, Letcher County High School has received a bronze rating from “U.S. News Best High Schools” and has received similar recognition for its sports teams, clubs, and marching band. The school also offers Advanced Placement courses and vocational training to help support children and encourage them to pursue academics or jobs of their liking.

A proud volunteer coordinator

While visiting Letcher County High School, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, met with our volunteer coordinator, Jennifer.

“Jennifer was proud to show me her Children Incorporated notebook where she organized all of the paperwork for our program. Her and her assistant, Paula, expressed their excitement to grow our program at the school, and even mentioned recruiting some parent volunteers to help,” said Renée.

Meeting Laura

Jennifer and our sponsored child, Laura

Renée then had a chance to meet one of the students in our sponsorship program.

Jennifer invited Laura* into her resource room to introduce herself to Renée. Laura is in the ninth grade and is interested in becoming a cosmetologist. She and her best friend are always practicing hairstyles on each other, and they’ve been talking about cosmetology school for about a year.

“After Laura left the office, Jennifer shared that, as is the case with many of the families of children in our program, Laura and her two siblings are being raised by their grandmother. [Her gradmother] lost her job and has been having a great deal of trouble stretching her limited benefits to provide for the household. Our program is a godsend to Laura’s grandmother,” explained Renée.

“I then told Jennifer about our Higher Education Program that could assist with tuition for vocational and technical institutes — just like the one that Laura would attend to become a cosmetologist.”

“I was thrilled at the thought of Children Incorporated helping Laura to make her dreams come true,” said Renée.

*Name changed to protect the child.


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of two ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members or email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org.


Students all over the world have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. According to the United Nations, nearly 1.4 billion children are out of school.

Today, we hear from our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, about how our affiliated projects, volunteer coordinators, and our organization are reacting to the challenges that children are facing globally due to the pandemic.

“As a result of school closings, some of our affiliated projects around the world are having a difficult time, especially when it comes to our many projects where children are boarding at the school,” said Luis.

Helping children who can’t go home

“As a result of school closings, some of our affiliated projects around the world are having a difficult time, especially when it comes to our many projects where children are boarding at the school,” said Luis.

“For many of these children, there is no option to return to their families’ homes. The children come from impoverished households in undesirable conditions that would increase their risk of infection. Due to a lack of the means for adequate sanitation in their own homes, they must continue to reside at the boarding homes, where the necessary facilities exist for the practice of proper hygiene.”

“The projects are willing to help children, but they are very overwhelmed. At the Maria Reyna Home in Honduras, for example, where Children Incorporated recently established an apartment for the higher education students that live there, more than seventy children and young people are housed. As a result of the current COVID-19 crisis, it has become difficult for the staff to manage the care of such a large population while under quarantine,” explained Luis.

Young girls at the Maria Reyna Home wash their hands thoroughly amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Much of the school’s personnel has returned to their own homes, so they are short-staffed. The older children in higher education are helping by cooking in the kitchen and tutoring the younger students while still studying and taking online classes.”

“With the local universities closed, the older students are doing everything they can to help at the Home. Children Incorporated has been able to offer some assistance. The Home had a bakery that they wanted to re-open, and we offered support for supplies. The older students are now running the bakery and making bread every day,” expressed Luis.

“I am so happy to start to hear these uplifting stories from our projects. Maria Reyna is still in need of food supplies such as milk and meats as well as some medication. We will offer support through our Hope In Action Fund that is [purposed for emergencies]  just as these.”

“We are so grateful for the support of our sponsors and donors who make it possible for Children Incorporated to help projects such as Maria Reyna when they need it the most,” said Luis.

Moving forward together

We will continue to keep you updated with information about the children in our program as information comes to us weekly from our projects. Thank you for your continued support during this time. Together, we will move forward and do everything we possibly can to help vulnerable children today and in the future.


We have created a COVID-19 Response Fund so that we can support children in crisis in the upcoming months. Donations will be used to provide food and emergency supplies to the children in our program who are in immediate need.