Tag Archives: children in need

Today, we hear from our U.S. Programs Director, Renée Kube, about how a Hope In Action Fund request from one of our volunteer coordinators is providing much-needed resources to one of the many impoverished families in Kentucky whose situation was worsened by devastating flooding to the region last year.

Renée’s letter

“Our amazing Volunteer Coordinator, Angie, at Morgan County Middle School, contacted me recently about a family who has been struggling, and she asked for some extra assistance.”

“Housing has always been difficult to find in eastern Kentucky, but the rental market has been even tighter since the terrible flooding last July.”

“The mother died last year. The father is trying to work and raise three children, but he has a limited education and few opportunities. The father had some financial setbacks, and they became homeless and were in a local shelter for about six weeks. The eldest child is enrolled at Morgan Middle School, and there are two younger children enrolled at Morgan Central Elementary School. Two of the three children are currently in the Children Incorporated sponsorship program and have sponsors.”

“Housing has always been difficult to find in eastern Kentucky, but the rental market has been even tighter since the terrible flooding last July. Families that were displaced from the counties that were hardest hit moved to the bordering counties that were not impacted as badly, including Morgan County. Rental costs have risen sharply.”

Help from the community and our donors

The two trailers are shown, one of which had no running water or a bathroom.

“Angie did a home visit to see the family, and sent a photo to accurately describe the dismal situation the family was in, as their only option was to move from a shelter to an old camper. Angie explained to me that they first moved into the smaller camper on the left of the photo, but it’s just a shell without running water, a bathroom or a bedroom. Then, the landlord moved the other camper onto his property. It’s better, with a slide-out that gives a bit more living space, but its condition is not great either. The family left the smaller trailer and is now renting the larger one.”

“Children Incorporated is providing a modest grant that will provide a couple of space heaters, blankets, some additional warm clothing, and food for this family to get through the winter, which should help them start to feel grounded again and more stable. Our amazing sponsors and donors make wonderful things just like this happen every day for families in our program and we are so grateful for their support.”


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


Renowned for its towering cedar trees, Lebanon boasts fertile valleys, snow-capped, ore-rich mountains, and – in a region where water is scarce – sixteen rivers that flow into the glistening Mediterranean Sea along Lebanon’s western coast. This small Middle Eastern country has an incredibly rich culture, evincing the influence of Greek, Roman, Arab, Ottoman Turk, and French culture.

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of children living in poverty in Lebanon since 1964. 

However, Lebanon’s wealth of diversity has also contributed to its turbulent history. Lebanon continues to suffer repercussions of a history riddled with wars – both civil and international. Poverty, unemployment, and the ever-present threat of war are tragic realities here. 

Challenges for Children in Lebanon

In Lebanon, children’s very lives and futures are at risk, as they struggle with poverty and lack of educational resources. Right now, children in Lebanon need your help.

–  About 78% of the Lebanese population lives below the poverty line,
with 36% percent of the population living in extreme poverty
– Nearly 7% of children are forced to join the workforce
to help support their families
– With a very high number of refugees living in the country, the rate of
extreme poverty is high among immigrants fleeing violence in their home countries
– Many refugee children face trauma and live in poor conditions in refugee camps

Our Work in Lebanon

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of children living in poverty in Lebanon since 1964. 

We work with our volunteer coordinators in local communities to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other essentials that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Our strategy is to focus on individual children through our sponsorship program, ensuring they are receiving exactly what they need on a regular basis.

Your support makes it possible to help children in crisis in Lebanon.


How do I sponsor a child in Lebanon?

You can sponsor a child in Lebanon in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Lebanon that is available for sponsorship.





written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

On Christmas Eve in 1914, as the battles of the first World War were raging all around, soldiers in the British Expeditionary Force overheard some German troops in the trenches across from them singing Christmas carols. The British soldiers noticed that their adversaries had placed lit lanterns and small fir trees all along their trenches, their way of decorating for the special night.

Slowly, the opposing soldiers began to call out to one another across the way, “Merry Christmas!” and “Frohe Weihnachten!” The following day, the British and German troops met mid-way between their camps, in “no man’s land”, and exchanged gifts and played football together. They also took the time to bury their dead and repair their trenches, enjoying a period of peace, even in the midst of war.

This holiday season, my hope and prayer is that we can all set aside our differences and discover that we share many things in common, among them a desire for health and prosperity.

This holiday season, my hope and prayer is that we can all set aside our differences and discover that we share many things in common, among them a desire for health and prosperity. Perhaps we can come together and find commonality in serving others, in providing those who go hungry with food, and in supplying clothing to those who are cold or ill-prepared for excessive heat. Perhaps we can join our hearts and our minds together to help “the least of these,” the children, by offering them hope and possibility for their futures.

Children Incorporated has been assisting children and families since the fall of 1964, meeting a vast array of needs along the way and addressing poverty head-on. Thousands of young lives have been improved as we have served as the conduit for our sponsors’ and donors’ incredible generosity. Through decades of upheaval and social unrest, we – along with you – have found common ground in serving, caring, and giving for the benefit of others.

This holiday season, may we join together once again and uplift those who struggle through acts of kindness toward them and toward one another. Through generosity and the sharing of our resources, may we celebrate this season of Love and Light, and may we find peace, even in our chaotic world.

From the heart,
Ron Carter


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Ron Carter

Ron Carter is President and CEO of Children Incorporated. He is responsible for overseeing all operations of Children Incorporated, with a specific goal of honoring the original vision and mission of our founder, Jeanne Clarke Wood, who established the organization in 1964.

» more of Ron's stories

For nearly 60 years, Children Incorporated has provided basic essentials to children living in poverty, including much-needed clothes, shoes, and other clothing items that help ensure they can go to school properly dressed and prepared for the day.

Thank you for all you do to keep children warm and comfortable throughout the year!

It is incredible how often we hear from our volunteer coordinators about how a new outfit or a new pair of shoes or a new winter coat drastically changed the life of a child in their school or affiliated site.

For some, a pair of shoes is the difference between attending school or staying home. For others, new clothes means that a child living in poverty, who might otherwise only wear hand-me-downs or older, worn clothing, gets to fit in with their classmates and doesn’t have to worry about being teased or distracted in class by feeling like an outsider. Just as much as these items physically allow students to go to school, they also support children’s mental and emotional needs.

Combining two funds to make one special fund

In the past, we have supported children in our program with immediate clothes, shoes and winter clothing needs through two Special Funds: Our Warm Clothing Fund and our Shoes and Socks Fund. Both funds are and continue to be of great importance, and for that very reason, we have decided to combine them into one fund — our new Clothing and Shoes Fund.

As always, donations to our Clothing and Shoes Fund will provide children with warm hats, coats, boots, scarfs and gloves during the winter months, as well as sturdy shoes and cozy socks for children in our program — all thanks to your generous and thoughtful monetary gifts — and we will continue to bring you Stories of Hope about how your donations to this Special Fund are changing the lives of children who need your support the most.

Thank you for all you do to keep children warm and comfortable throughout the year!


How do I donate to the ClothING and Shoes Fund?

You can donate to our Clothing and Shoes Fund in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our donation portal, create an account, and make a donation.


We feel strongly that the most powerful way we can show you, our supporters, how you are having an impact on children is by sharing stories from our volunteer coordinators who are directly in contact with sponsored children throughout the year.

“I am so grateful that this family was already enrolled in Children Incorporated, so that when this tragedy occurred, we didn’t have to scramble to find resources for them.”

Today we hear from Kimberly at Swansboro Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia, about how sponsorship helped a family through an incredibly difficult time of need and why she is so grateful for our sponsorship program overall.

A note from Kimberly

“As a first-time site coordinator this year, Children Incorporated was unfamiliar to me. I quickly came to realize how helpful this program has been for our students.”

“Two students who come to mind are sisters in the second and third grade. Their family needed assistance obtaining basic needs, like clothing, food, and household items.”

“The students’ mother was the parent who did most of the household management. She always knew what was happening at school, she made sure to communicate with teachers and staff, and she knew what her children needed and did what she had to do to ensure they received it. She was so appreciative of Children Incorporated and was so flexible in scheduling our shopping trips together. She was kind, grateful, and always put her children’s needs first. She was a wonderful mother.”

An immense help to a family in need

“In February, the girls’ mother died unexpectedly. Not only did the family lose a loving mother and wife, they lost the person who glued the family together. The girls’ father stepped up and took on that role immediately. Shortly after her death, we went shopping together with funds from Children Incorporated. Although this was something that their mother always took care of, the father and daughters came together to shop for what they needed. They were sad, of course, but they were also excited to spend time together and buy some nice clothing and groceries.”

“Children Incorporated has helped this family immensely. Sometimes we know what is going on with a family, and we can put measures into place to help them. But often times, we don’t know the full story, nor do we know what could happen next. I am so grateful that this family was already enrolled in the Children Incorporated program, so that when this tragedy occurred, we didn’t have to scramble to find resources for the family. During a time that has been painful and stressful, this family’s involvement with Children Incorporated has alleviated some of the stress involved in obtaining basic needs.”

Supporting as many students as possible

“Other students enrolled have been through difficult circumstances as well. Families have experienced homelessness, sickness, and other hardships. Children Incorporated has helped these families not have to worry about how they will buy clothing or food for their children. It is a wonderful way to provide peace of mind for parents and kids.”

“When students worry about where their next meal will come from, or worry about the cleanliness of their clothing, it is hard for them to focus on school. No child should have to worry about these things. Children Incorporated has helped my students focus on what is important — being a child, making friendships, excelling in school, and being the best version of themselves that they can be.”

“I am so grateful to have this program at my school. It is a wonderful resource for me to lean on for my families. I am so looking forward to enrolling more students, and I know that my students’ involvement with Children Incorporated will continue to help them succeed in and outside of school.”


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


All of our sponsors are incredibly important to us and the children they support, and we are delighted every time we receive a letter from one of our volunteer coordinators about how a sponsor went above and beyond to make a difference for children in need.

Today, we hear from Rachel at Broad Rock Elementary School in Virginia, who wrote to one of our sponsors, Sharon, after she donated toys and educational games to the school.

Today, we hear from Rachel at Broad Rock Elementary School in Virginia, who wrote to one of our sponsors, Sharon, after she donated toys and educational games to the school.

Rachel’s Letter 

“Thank you for all of the wonderful donations to our school! I was surprised and so happy to hear from the Director of U.S. Programs at Children Incorporated, Renée, when she contacted me about receiving your thoughtful gifts. Renée even offered to deliver the donations herself, since the Children Incorporated office is located near our school.”

“When Renée arrived, we loaded two small handcarts with the boxes of donations and wheeled them in — and literally as soon as we crossed the threshold, a teacher spied us. She admired the items, and when I explained what they were, she asked excitedly for the three little rubber ducks to use for a special lesson she was planning, and I gave them to her on the spot.”

Putting a smile on Sherry’s face

Renée is pictured with a car full of donations for Broad Rock Elementary School students.

“It was such an incredible surprise to open up each box of items. I selected a few things that we knew your sponsored child, Sherry*, would love, and I surprised her with them the same day. She was over the moon about the Peppa Pig figurines especially. I then let her choose some toys to take home as well. She chose the tea set, puzzles, and a sleeping bag that she’s really excited to use soon when family members visit.”

“After Sherry returned to class, I was able to distribute the rest of the toys to other classrooms. The musical instrument pad went to our music teacher, and the solar robot went to our STEM teacher. A few other items, such as the hand puppets, Legos, and a few board games, I held onto to use for students during individual time or small-groups in our resource center.”

A small act of kindness going a long way

“The rest of the items will be shared with other students in the Children Incorporated program, and what’s left will be made available to parents during parent pick-up at dismissal. Thank you again for your kindness. These items really brighten the lives of children who otherwise don’t have a lot. We appreciate you!



*Name changed to protect the child.


How do I sponsor a child in Virginia?

You can sponsor a child in Virginia in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Virginia that is available for sponsorship.


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories