New Teachers with Fresh Ideas in Chile

At the Maipu Center, young, energetic administrators are changing education for children living in poverty

Our affiliated project, the Maipu Center, is located on the outskirts of Chile’s capital city, Santiago. Santiago lies nestled between the towering Andes Mountains to the east and a smaller, coastal range to the west. Nearly five million people — more than a third of the country’s population — reside here, many of which are underprivileged Chilean families. Concentrated in the city’s southern and northwestern regions, the slums of Santiago are home to impoverished children […]

Mary Wilson’s Passion for Helping Children

Our President and Chief Executive Officer reflects on his time with Ms. Wilson

Children Incorporated mourns the loss of Ms. Mary Wilson, one of the founding members of the legendary Supremes. Ms. Wilson was a big believer in our work and was herself a sponsor and contributor. I had the honor and privilege of working with and getting to know her over the last few years, and I cannot speak highly enough about her. She was compassionate, kind, and real, and she cared deeply about making our world a better […]

Easing the Burden on Families in Santiago

The Handicapped Children's Center provides much-needed aid to children with disabilities

Spanning over 2,000 miles of South America’s western coastline, with deserts in the north, rainforests in the south, and the snowcapped peaks of the Andes Mountains ranging throughout, Chile is a stunning country. Children with disabilities receive support thanks to the Handicapped Children’s Center. Yet despite its natural beauty and reputation as politically progressive when it comes to human rights, Chile suffers from excessive inflation and an ever-increasing unemployment rate. Due […]

A Shining Light in the Culture Capital of Argentina

The Casa del Niño - Padre Jose Kentenich Daycare Center in Buenos Aires has a bright future

Renowned for its wealth of culture, arts and beautiful European-style architecture, Buenos Aires draws thousands of tourists each year. However, there is a hidden side of the city that few tourists experience. Extremely high inflation, rising unemployment and an increasing poverty rate leave many parents struggling to feed their children.  As a result, impoverished families are forced to live in Buenos Aires’s slum neighborhoods, packed together in wooden shacks with tin roofs, separated by narrow […]

Our Mosquito Net Fund

$10 can save the life of a child by protecting them from mosquito-borne illnesses

In countries where Children Incorporated works, such as Kenya, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and India, children need mosquito nets to protect them from mosquito-borne illnesses like malaria and dengue, so that they will be healthy enough to attend school. What is a mosquito net?  A mosquito net is a mesh curtain that is draped over a bed or a sleeping area to offer protection against bites and stings from mosquitos, flies, and other pest insects, and […]

Thanks to You, Children Are Receiving Brand New Shoes

Thank you for providing kids with much-needed items throughout the year

Joseph*, like many of our sponsored children, is being raised by his grandmother. Joseph and his siblings live in Arizona and were abandoned by their mother after their father died. Suddenly, Joseph’s paternal grandmother found herself raising children again with no income and no means to support them. She can scarcely provide food and shelter for her grandkids, and she has virtually no money to keep them clothed properly. Thankfully, Joseph has a caring sponsor who […]