Leaving a Legacy Behind

What one person can do in their lifetime — and beyond

Our sponsors are incredibly important to us, and we consider each and every one of them to be a part of the Children Incorporated family. We cherish what these caring individuals are able to do for their sponsored children not only during their lifetimes, but after as well. Today we share stories of two of our very special sponsors who passed away this year and were able to continue to help children in need through […]

A New Lease on Life in Colombia

Two of our sponsored children moved out of a dangerous living situation thanks to our volunteer coordinator

Last year, Children Incorporated Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, and Director of Development, Shelley Callahan, visited our affiliated project, the Centro de Orientacion, in Manizales, Colombia. During their trip, they met with a family of two of our sponsored children who were living in a difficult and dangerous situation — and one from which they desperately wanted to escape. “The home was in terrible condition. The children showed us a hole in the floor […]

Taking Care of Families in Honduras

Our COVID-19 Response Fund is providing crucial relief to our sponsored children

In Honduras, where lack of adequate funding has led to inadequacies within the healthcare system, COVID-19 is a massive threat. For those Hondurans living in poverty, who rely on earning money daily to provide for their families, they often can’t stay home to protect themselves. Thankfully, our COVID-19 Response Fund and our incredible sponsors offer support to sponsored children, which relieves their parents from some of the enormous burdens they feel as they struggle to […]

Low Resources in Bolivia

Without our support, many families would go without essential items during the COVID-19 crisis

Not unlike many of the other 21 countries in which we work, parents living in poverty in Bolivia are struggling to support their families while they are out of work. Many of Bolivia’s citizens live off of what they can sell daily in their communities, the COVID-19 lockdown has meant a lack of income — and an inability to buy vital resources for their children. Thankfully, our COVID-19 Response Fund is supporting families during this […]

Themes From Childhood

Please join us for a very special fundraising event

We are pleased to invite you to a very special fundraising event to be held virtually on September 12, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. EST. Themes from Childhood: A Classic Concert for All Ages will feature Children Incorporated Board Member Theresa P. Steward along with special guests and will benefit our COVID-19 Response Fund. We hear from Children Incorporated President and CEO, Ronald H. Carter, who discusses more about the event: “Theresa P. Steward is a member […]

While Waiting for a Sponsor, Children in Need are Not Forgotten

A message from our President and Chief Executive Officer Ronald H. Carter

Dear Friends, People often ask me how the Children Incorporated sponsorship program works. I love having the opportunity to share with them, for it’s my belief that our operation is one of the best. For more than half a century, we have been addressing the most basic and immediate needs of children in the United States and in numerous other countries, and our work has been honored with superb ratings from all of the major charitable monitoring groups […]