Our Impact Report: November 2022

Thanks to you, we have provided children and families around the world with support

As a part of our ongoing Stories of Hope blog series, we want to share with you our monthly Impact Report as a way to say “thank you” to all our supporters who make our work possible. Beyond what you already provide to children through our sponsorship program, your donations to our Special Funds and Special Projects help families and communities as well, often in times of crisis. YOUR IMPACT AROUND THE WORLD In just […]

A Time to Celebrate and Give Thanks

A Letter from our CEO and President, Ron Carter

In the United States, the first Thanksgiving celebration dates back to 1619. Thirty-eight English settlers arrived by boat at the Berkeley Plantation in Charles City County, Virginia, and they immediately held a festival of thanks and appreciation for their safe arrival following a long and treacherous trip. They also gave thanks for the abundance of the land – vegetables and foodstuffs galore – and they feasted on the bounty before them. Each year since that […]

Help Save Children in Nicaragua

Facts about child poverty in Nicaragua and how Children Incorporated is helping

Known as the land of lakes and volcanoes, Nicaragua boasts fertile Pacific lowlands, north-central highlands and Atlantic/Caribbean lowlands. Nearly a fifth of the nation is set aside as protected parks or reserves — unique ecosystems teeming with a variety of wildlife. Nicaragua includes diverse ethnicities as well. Indigenous peoples, Europeans, Africans, Asians and people of Middle Eastern origin all call this breathtaking land home. Nicaragua’s wealth of natural resources and rich culture, however, belie the […]

Feeling Seen and Cared For in Their Community

A Letter from Katalina at Cardinal Elementary School

Today we hear from Katalina, who writes to us from Richmond, Virginia, about how simple gifts are making a huge impact on children in our program. Understanding Cardinal Elementary School “The Children Incorporated program has been so incredibly helpful in assisting the children this year with their needs here at Cardinal Elementary School.” “Cardinal Elementary School is a Title I school, meaning that most of the children attending are from low-income families; as a result, […]

Getting to Know Steve Mitchell

An interview with Children Incorporated's Sponsorship Director

As a sponsor or donor with Children Incorporated, it is likely that at some time you have communicated with our Sponsorship Director, Steve Mitchell, whether by email, on the phone, or even by mail. Steve is an incredibly dedicated member of the Children Incorporated family, who plays a crucial role in making sure our sponsors feel a personal connection to our organization and the children they support. I spoke with Steve recently to ask him […]

Introducing our Clothing and Shoes Fund

This new special fund is a combination of two crucial funds

For nearly 60 years, Children Incorporated has provided basic essentials to children living in poverty, including much-needed clothes, shoes, and other clothing items that help ensure they can go to school properly dressed and prepared for the day. It is incredible how often we hear from our volunteer coordinators about how a new outfit or a new pair of shoes or a new winter coat drastically changed the life of a child in their school […]