The History of Our U.S. Programs

For more than fifty years, we have been helping children in need in the United States through sponsorship

We are very proud of our U.S. Programs, which support children not only in rural areas of the United States, but in urban areas as well. Just as all organizations do, we started out small, with only a few affiliated projects; and we gradually added more over time. Our U.S. Division has grown quickly over the years thanks to our great partnerships. When Children Incorporated began in 1964, our focus was […]

Making Memories with Back to School Shopping

A perspective by Renée Kube, Director of U.S. Programs, on the importance of our Back to School Fund

According to the National Retail Federation, last year’s back to school shopping reached $27 million. It is the second largest shopping season for retailers, after the winter holidays. In fact, the beginning of a new school year is a little like Christmas; the children are excited, and everything is shiny and new. But just like during the holiday season, many families wince at the economic pinch they feel as fall approaches, having to stock up […]

Making a Difference in D.C.

A former program manager with Communities In Schools describes the impact of our program in Washington, D.C.

Jennifer is a former program manager with Communities In Schools of Washington, D.C. During her time in this position, she became very familiar with the Children Incorporated sponsorship program, and the impact that it has on students and their families. We work with Communities In Schools (CIS), a school dropout prevention organization, not only in our nation’s capital, but also in Richmond, Virginia; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Detroit, Michigan. Thanks to our partnership with CIS, […]

The Impact of Optimism

A positive-minded brand gives back to Children Incorporated

At Children Incorporated, we’re used to positive people who want to make a difference. That’s one of the best things about our jobs here — meeting other people who share our passions. But every so often, someone surprises us with a creative way to give back, and inspires us to look at the world in a new and different light. We recently spoke with Micah Greer, the founder of Operation Optimist, a new web-based clothing […]

Fruits and Vegetables Blossom in the Middle of a Food Desert

In Washington, D.C., schools are stepping up to provide fresh produce to students

It’s hard to imagine a lack of food in the nation’s capital — but there is one. A “food desert” is a place where fresh fruit and vegetables can’t be purchased, and Washington, D.C. is just such a place. Large parts of the city — specifically the poorer — don’t have grocery stores. Instead, they have corner markets where one can purchase snacks and some canned goods, but not nutritious whole foods. “If families have […]