Honored to Be a Part of our Program

A letter from Katalina at Cardinal Elementary School in Virginia

A few months ago, I had the privilege of getting to meet our volunteer coordinator, Katalina, from Cardinal Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia. Katalina, like so many of our volunteer coordinators around the world, feels strongly about the value of our sponsorship program, mostly because she grew up in a family that had to work to make ends meet and didn’t always have access to basic needs. For her, helping kids at her school has […]

Sponsoring a Child in the Middle East

16 Important Questions to Answer

Here at Children Incorporated, we know that sponsoring a child in need is extraordinarily rewarding, so we want to provide you with a guide to walk you through the process. In order to make your decision as easy as possible, here you will find the answers to sixteen of the most common questions we receive about sponsoring a child in the Middle East. If you still have questions after reading the following, please feel to […]

Hoping for a Return to Normalcy

Our long-time affiliate, the Red Rock Day School, has had its fair share of struggles

Navajo Nation was hit especially hard by the pandemic, and our affiliated schools in Arizona have still been slow in getting students to return to in-class learning, without other problems that arise throughout the school year. Today we hear from our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, as she visits Red Rock Day School, where she hears from our volunteer coordinator about some of the other problems the school has faced while recovering from COVID-19. […]

Bridging the Gap Between Home and School

At the Dennehotso Boarding School, parental participation is a major focus

Our volunteer coordinators are the backbone of our organization, and we couldn’t do our work without them. Today we hear from our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, as she visits with Lucy at Dennehotso Boarding School in Arizona, who works hard to ensure children in our program are getting everything they need all year long. Meeting with Lucy “Dennehotso is a small community about 27 miles northeast of Kayenta, Arizona. It is close to […]

Poverty and Education in Latin America

What you need to know about our work helping children and families

In Latin America, poverty often means lower levels of education, and therefore lower income for children once they reach adulthood. When children from impoverished households can’t go to school, they are often subject to crime and exploitation. Without our help, thousands of children in Latin America risk joining the job market at a young age to help their families, which can lead to dangerous situations.  FACTS ABOUT POVERTY AND EDUCATION IN LATIN AMERICA   – […]

Sponsoring a Child in the Philippines

16 Important Questions to Answer

Here at Children Incorporated, we know that sponsoring a child in need is extraordinarily rewarding, so we want to provide you with a guide to walk you through the process. In order to make your decision as easy as possible, here you will find the answers to sixteen of the most common questions we receive about sponsoring a child in the Philippines. If you still have questions after reading the following, please feel to contact […]