When the Little Things Make a Big Difference

A Letter From our CEO and President, Ron Carter

 Dear Friends, One of the most asked questions for the staff of Children Incorporated is,“How can so little do so much?” People truly want to know how their dollars can change the lives of the children they sponsor. For us, that answer is simple. For decades, our wonderful volunteer coordinators have shared incredible stories of how your donations can have life-changing effects on children in our programs. From offering children a pair of socks and […]

An Online Trip to North Carolina

Our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, visits all our affiliated projects in North Carolina virtually

In 1963, President Kennedy formed a state-federal cooperative committee known as the President’s Appalachian Regional Commission (PARC). Its purpose was to develop a comprehensive economic development model for Appalachia, where one out of three Appalachian people lived in poverty; the per capita income was just 23% of the national income; and where, by the end of the 1950’s, two million people had left the region due to lack of economic opportunity. The Commission released its […]

Moms Helping in Our Schools

Mothers of our sponsored children gain work experience through the Family Resource Center

*Note: The school visit mentioned in this blog occurred prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we are currently conducting school visits virtually, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinators’ work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work. *** Located in rural and mountainous eastern Kentucky, Breathitt County is one of […]

Meeting Virtually with Our Volunteer Coordinators

COVID-19 restrictions have meant that we are checking in with our affiliated projects online

Although in-person meetings with our volunteer coordinators were halted due to COVID-19, our amazing staff made sure they were still able to check in with our projects around the world to ensure children in our program continued to receive the care and support they needed. Today, hear from U.S. Sponsorship Specialist, Shelley Oxenham, about her virtual meetings with coordinators in Kentucky and how your support has made an impact through the pandemic. Louisa Elementary School […]

Never Forgetting Where She Came From

An interview with sponsor Norah Quinn McCormick

When Norah Quinn McCormick reached out to us in the New Year about sponsoring a child, she told us a heartfelt story about how her grandmother first got involved with our work many years ago, largely due to the fact that she grew up in Appalachia and “never forgot where she came from,” and why now Norah wants to carry on the legacy of helping children in need. To hear more about Norah’s story, we […]

Bringing Joy to Children All Over the World

Thanks to our sponsors, children in need had a reason to celebrate the 2020 holiday season

Our sponsors and donors are often the only reason children in our program receive holiday gifts and for that, we are incredibly grateful — especially after an exceptionally difficult year for kids around the world. After receiving photos and stories from our volunteer coordinators about how much the Christmas gifts you provided meant to children living in poverty, we wanted to share with you some of their heartfelt thanks for the gratitude you show through […]