Staying Safe on the Field

The CARITAS-Novo Milênio Center’s soccer club keeps vulnerable children in Brazil away from danger

Many poor families living in the city of Lages in south Brazil have migrated there from the countryside in search of employment to better their lives. Due to limited job opportunities among the ever-growing population there, however, families instead find themselves continuing to live in poverty, and having to move into impoverished urban developments such as Novo Milênio, which lacks electricity, drinking water, and even sewage service. Within this slum community, public schools are ill-equipped […]

Supporting Children in Brazil Who Face Trauma

Casas Lares – ACRIDAS fosters children who come from abusive households

Brazil is the fifth-largest country in the world – both geographically and in terms of population. It is truly massive, sharing borders with every other country in South America except for Ecuador and Chile. The Amazon rainforest, recognized for having the greatest biological diversity on the planet, sprawls over the country’s northern half, with rugged mountains to the south. Despite its wealth of natural resources and beauty, however, Brazil suffers from staggering poverty, rising inflation, […]

A Kind Partnership

Children Incorporated teams up with Kind Traveler to empower travelers to help children in need

Thanks to our new partnership with Kind Traveler, travelers can now help provide basic necessities such as food, clothing, healthcare, and educational support to children living in poverty in the U.S. and abroad when they book hotels through the Kind Traveler website. Kind Traveler, a Public Benefit Corporation (PBC), is the first socially-conscious “Give + Get” hotel booking platform that empowers travelers to benefit communities, the environment, and animals. Travelers give a donation of $10 […]

Growing Up with Children Incorporated

A former sponsored child is now our volunteer coordinator at the CADI center in Brazil

In the town of Fazenda Rio Grande on the outskirts of Curitiba in southern Brazil, our affiliated project Centro de Assistência e Desenvolvimento Integral (CADI) supports families who struggle to afford even the most basic of needs – and especially education-related expenses – for their children. What began in 1994 as a soccer school to motivate and assist children from low-income families has now become CADI  – a national nonprofit organization that provides assistance and […]

A Fortunate Place for Kids

Fortune’s Children Center in the Philippines is bustling with programs that support children and their families

The city of Marikina, considered part of metropolitan Manila, the capital of the Philippines, is home to the Fortune neighborhood. Within this community, most residents rent modest homes, which are typically little more than shacks constructed from scrap wood and sheets of corrugated metal. They usually have no indoor plumbing — or even beds — and are shared by eight to twelve family members. Tragically, hunger, malnutrition, health issues, and a lack of sufficient clothing […]

Expanding Opportunities in the Philippines

The construction of a second floor of the Pinagpala Children’s Center has helped an entire community

The city of Tagaytay, where the Pinagpala Children’s Center is located, is on the island of Luzon, where many Filipino families suffer from extreme poverty. To help support the community, in 2000, members of a local church in the community established the Pinagpala — meaning “Blessed” in Tagalog — Children’s Center to provide educational assistance to local children and their families. The Pinagpala Children’s Center recognizes that providing for the educational needs of children is […]