Desks for Kids at Dandora

Thanks to our donors, we have provided hundreds of new desks for children in our program

It is easy to think that children around the world have access to some of the most basic needs when attending school because we are accustomed to certain standards — but in reality, many children have to pay for necessities that we take for granted in the United States. In Kenya, students at the Dandora Community Centre are expected to pay tuition, buy their uniforms, afford school supplies and books — and even purchase their […]

Following Their Education in Lebanon

Thanks to their sponsors, children at the Armenian Evangelical Secondary School in Anjar have school supplies

Sometimes it seems that what we provide for our sponsored children around the world is so simple that it couldn’t possibly make a huge difference in their lives — but in reality, the simple things do often make a lasting change. Our volunteer coordinator at the Armenian Evangelical Secondary School in Anjar, Lebanon wrote us a letter of appreciation after we recently provided  vulnerable children in our program with school supplies that he insists are […]

Adding New Affiliated Sites in the Philippines

In early 2022, we began working with two additional sites in the Philippines — and hundreds of children will benefit

It is always exciting to hear from our volunteer coordinators that they are able to expand our sponsorship program within their regions because it means that more children in need will benefit from having a loving sponsor. This year, thanks to the efforts of our coordinators in the Philippines, we have added not only one new affiliated site but two — which will help hundreds of children in need. Of course, we couldn’t do our […]

Supporting Affiliated Sites Across the United States

Thanks to our partnership with Altar’d State, multiple U.S. sites received support in 2021

Not too long ago, we reported on how our partner, Altar’d State, was able to help our international affiliated sites during the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to their generous contributions to our many special funds. Today, we have multiple updates to share with you about how Altar’d State also supported our U.S. sites — from Kentucky across the country to New Mexico. A letter from Renée  In response to the donations made to our affiliated sites […]

Getting Back into the Classroom

Our affiliated sites in India are now holding physical classes for students

We are grateful that despite many of the issues that India has faced during the pandemic, many of our affiliated sites in the country have been able to resume classes in person in 2022. A note from our volunteer coordinator the Chandrakal Boarding Home informed us about these important updates: “Our state government has given permission to re-open all the educational institutions for physical classes. We are happy to let you know that we have […]

35 Years of Helping Children in Sri Lanka

An update from the Touch a Life with Hope Center in Colombo

We recently received an update from our volunteer coordinator at the Touch a Life with Hope Center in Sri Lanka, who took the time to share with us the history of the organization, as well discuss some of the ways they have been able to help some of the most vulnerable girls in Colombo — in large part thanks to our sponsors. “It is with great pride and hope that I present this report of […]