Tag Archives: sponsors

Child sponsorship involves pairing a supporting donor with a child in need. The donor (who we refer to as the sponsor) donates monthly to support their sponsored children with basic needs such as food, clothing, hygiene items, and educational assistance such as tuition or school supplies.

When a family doesn’t have to worry about a child’s basic needs being met, they can concentrate on working towards improving their situation, which is essential to breaking the cycle of poverty.

Child sponsorship is one of the most effective ways to help end child poverty. For $35 a month, you not only meet the child’s most immediate basic needs but also provide them with an education that will allow them to pursue higher education or obtain employment in the future.

The sponsorship relationship enables a sponsor to help support an impoverished child through monthly contributions and the exchange of correspondence with the sponsored child if the sponsor so desires. A sponsor’s friendship and encouragement are priceless to a child in such circumstances. Indeed, many children value the relationships they establish with their sponsors as much as they appreciate the financial support they receive from them. There is also an opportunity to build a profound relationship between a sponsor and a child.

How sponsorship directly benefits children, families and communities

Sponsorship provides a child with basic and education-related necessities such as food, clothing, healthcare, school supplies, and tuition payments. This vital support allows children living in poverty to develop to their full potential — physically, emotionally, and socially. Our policy is to consider each sponsored child’s needs individually. Our volunteer coordinators personally shop for the children enrolled in our program and choose items based on each child’s personal circumstances and needs.

Additionally, because the support for the child is financial, families greatly benefit from the sponsorship of one of their children or multiple children. When a family doesn’t have to worry about a child’s basic needs being met, they can concentrate on working towards improving their situation, which is essential to breaking the cycle of poverty. Furthermore, child sponsorship helps children to grow into responsible, educated adults who are able to contribute to their own communities. Many of our sponsored children who grew up in the Children Incorporated program have become social workers, principals, teachers, doctors, and other professionals.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

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After visiting the second of three of our affiliated sites in Mexico, it was time for Ron Carter, Yefiny Mena, and myself to travel from San Miguel de Allende to Guadalajara, where we would be meeting with our volunteer coordinator at the La Luz Home.

Remembering the visit before

When I was at La Luz two years ago with our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, a few of the children at the home stood out to me — most specifically, a small boy named Christian. Christian was only 3 years old at the time, which was younger than the other children there, who usually were 4 to 14 years old. He was allowed to stay at the home at such a young age because his older brother was there as well, and La Luz works to keep siblings together as much as possible since these children already have had challenging lives, with one or both parents in jail or otherwise unable to take care of their kids.

In the morning, after we arrived in Guadalajara, we were scheduled to visit the home. Isabella, who works at La Luz, and Liz, our volunteer coordinator, picked us up at our hotel. Along with them in the La Luz van were a few children — including an older Christian! Just as I remembered him, Christian was smiling ear to ear and excitedly chatted with us as we made our way through the city.

Seeing La Luz Again

When we arrived at La Luz, the children filed out of the van and hurried inside, eager to show us around. We started our tour of the home by visiting the boys’ dorm. No longer a small boy with a limited vocabulary, Christian talked in detail about the boys’ lockers, the art supply closet, and how the kitchen was organized, including showing us where they kept their pet rabbit’s food.

We then left Christian and the other boys behind to play in the courtyard, and continued our visit of the home with Liz, who showed us the central kitchen, the laundry room, the girls’ dorm, the study rooms, and the events hall.

Getting to see a glimpse of Christian and the other children growing up in a healthy environment was the most wonderful end to such a special trip to Mexico.

Liz explained that 25 children currently lived at the home, along with five sisters who were full-time staff members. A social worker was also at the home during the week to support the children and conduct home visits as needed. As Liz explained, some of the children have caretakers to go home to on the weekends, and some live at the home all week long. All the children attend local public schools, which are only a few minutes away by van.

Why sponsors are so important

Liz told us that the home is funded by a local hospital located next door, and although this ensures they can maintain the building and feed the children, there aren’t a lot of funds left over for other basic needs. Because of this, our sponsors, according to Liz, are incredibly helpful in ensuring the children have school uniforms, school supplies, and hygiene items while living at home. From everything I could see, this group of children was incredibly happy to have such a wonderful place to live where they had a caring staff and were surrounded by their peers.

Before the day ended, the children performed songs and dances for us, and I couldn’t help but notice just how delighted Christian was to be showing us the routine that he had practiced with the other kids. Getting to see a glimpse of Christian and the other children growing up in a healthy environment was the perfect end to such a special trip to Mexico.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

After a wonderful visit to Casa Santa Ines in Mexico City, I couldn’t wait for our President and CEO, Ron Carter, to visit our next affiliated site, Santa Julia, which is a four-hour bus ride away in San Miguel de Allende.

Ron, our International Programs Specialist Yefiny, and I arrived in San Miguel in the late afternoon. We planned to meet with Lily, who works in the administrative offices of Santa Julia, the day after. We were able to get a good night’s rest, and the following morning, Lily picked us up at the hotel in a van used to transport the children who live at the home to and from school.

We made the short drive to Santa Julia, hidden in a small neighborhood not far from the center of San Miguel de Allende, tucked away safely behind a large security door and tall concrete walls surrounding the property.

Learning about the girls

As we drove, Lily explained to Luis and Yefiny that the government chooses which children live at Santa Julia, and at most, they can host up to 30 girls, who may stay for as little as two days or for as long as until they reach 18 years of age and can legally live on their own. These girls are coming from the most unfortunate circumstances, said Lily, as they are forcibly removed from their parents due to abuse, drug use, or other criminal activity. Many of them won’t ever see their parents again. At the time of our visit, there were only 14 girls at the home, ages 4 to 17 years old, and a few of them had already been there for many years.

After entering through the large gates of the property, we saw a few girls sitting on a bench in the courtyard. Lily explained that because today was the Inauguration Day of the new president in Mexico, the children were not in school and, therefore, were available to visit with us all day! We greeted them warmly and then began to tour the vast facility of Santa Julia.

A tour of Santa Julia

First, Lily took us to see the dorms, separated by age, on each of the three floors of the building. We also saw the kitchen, dining room, art room, library, classrooms, laundry room, and the administrative offices of the staff that work at Santa Julia. All the girls in attendance go to local public schools that are only 10 minutes away by car, and after school and on the weekends, they enjoy activities such as gardening, horticulture, tennis, and classes in baking and cosmetology.

Lily expressed that the staff at Santa Juila felt it was important that the girls find skills they can be excited about early in their development because many of them will be on their own when they reach legal adult age. If they find hobbies they enjoy while growing up at the home, they might be able to use those skills, like cooking and gardening, to find employment later, which is something that will help them immensely with being independent once they leave Santa Julia. Lily explained that she worries about the older girls who don’t have anywhere to go once they leave the home, and she wants them to be as prepared as possible for living on their own and taking care of themselves.

It was a lot to let sink in thinking about how these girls don’t have a family to return to — but, thanks to the care they receive at Santa Julia and the support from their Children Incorporated sponsors, they don’t have anything to worry about while they are growing up. Surrounded by a loving staff and other children who are like sisters to one another, each of these girls can concentrate on learning and just being kids in a loving environment.

After our tour ended, the girls gathered together to say goodbye with a song and then happily got back to playing, reading, or doing homework around the property. We said our goodbyes to Lily as well, who thanked us and our sponsors profusely for everything we were able to do to help these otherwise vulnerable children have a safe upbringing.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

One of the best ways to express the importance of our work — all thanks to our sponsors and donors — is by sharing letters from our volunteer coordinators worldwide. Linda, at Highland-Turner Elementary School in Kentucky, recently wrote to us to express her sincere gratitude for you, our amazing sponsors:

“These children who are now adults will never forget the kindness of strangers who decided to become sponsors and then friends.”

Linda’s Letter

“Your support for the students enrolled in the Children Incorporated sponsorship program means their basic needs, such as clothing, shoes, undergarments, and hygiene essentials, are met. The Children Incorporated program is not just financial aid; it’s a personal connection. The children eagerly anticipate your letters and gifts, cherishing the thoughtfulness behind each one. Your role as sponsors is so significant that students often stop me in the hallway to ask if they have received any mail from you.” 

“Not long ago, while on a shopping trip for sponsored students, an employee at a major retail chain asked me, after I informed him that I was shopping for a program at our school, if this was for Children Incorporated. He then explained to me that he, too, had been a recipient of the Children Incorporated program and what a difference it made in his life.”

These children who are now adults will never forget the kindness of strangers who decided to become sponsors and then friends. This is what Children Incorporated is all about — making a difference and changing lives. Your generosity and kindness are the backbone of the sponsorship program, and we could not do this without you. Thank you to all the sponsors for going above and beyond to ensure our students are cared for!”



your impact through hope in action

Sponsorship is one of many ways you, our loyal supporters, help impoverished children every month. Additionally, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and donors who have made contributions to our Hope In Action Fund in the last month, we have been able to:

– Provide over $25,000 in donations to support families in North Carolina who are recovering after Hurricane Helene
– Provide funds to purchase nutritious meals for 30 students at Santa Isabel Ana Seton in Guatemala for one month
– Provide funds to purchase nutritious meals for 30 students at the Dandora Center in Kenya for one month
– Provide funds to purchase daily meals for 100 students at the St. John’s Community Center in Kenya for one month
– Provide funds to purchase nutritious meals for 25 students at Kids’ Hope in Ethiopia for one month
– Provide funding to purchase nutritious meals for 25 students at the Fortune Children’s Center in the Philippines
– Provide funds to pilot a Bike Program for students who struggle with attendance due to transportation issues at the Kayenta Community School in Arizona
– Provide funds to purchase pajamas for students who live in the dorm at the Shonto Preparatory School in Arizona
– Provide funds to purchase water bottles for students to use at water filling stations at Page High School in Arizona
– Providing funding to purchase new shoes and socks for students at Breathitt Elementary School in Kentucky

…and so much more! Thank you to our supporters for all that you do! We couldn’t do our life-changing work without you.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Thanks to our amazing donors, our Hurricane Helene Relief Fund raised over $25,000 to support families in North Carolina. We can’t thank you all enough for all your support during this critical time of need.

As the counties where we work start their recovery process, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, has been receiving updates from our volunteer coordinators on the ground to help us understand how we can best help children in our sponsorship program. We will continue to update you all as our coordinators let us know how your donations have helped families rebuild in the upcoming weeks and months.

“We are very grateful that three of our four affiliated counties are making substantial recoveries at this time.”

An upDATE from Renée

“At this time, we are very pleased to report that our affiliated sites in both Alleghany County and Swain County were mostly spared damage. All Alleghany and Swain County Schools are back in session. Power has been restored to all customers in the area. Our Watauga County Schools will be closed through October 18th and then reevaluated. All but 20 customers have had power restored.”

Along with information about the damage, our volunteer coordinators sent photos of cleanup efforts being made in their communities.

“The roads in Watauga County are another matter. The county administrators are working with the North Carolina Department of Transportation and will determine when it is safe to put buses on the roads. However, alternate arrangements are still being made for Valle Crucis Elementary School, whose building was badly flooded during the hurricane. A replacement building was already being constructed but is not expected to be completed until spring 2025.”

“Mitchell County Schools are still not in session; just 31.9% of customers have restored power as this county was hit harder by the hurricane than the others in which we work. Due to the more extensive damage occurring in Mitchell County, our relief efforts will be focused here. However, we fully anticipate our Watauga County coordinators submitting some funding requests, which we will also be prepared to support.”

“We are very grateful that three of our four affiliated counties are making substantial recoveries at this time. We will update our sponsors and donors as we hear more from our volunteer coordinators about how your donations are helping families during this critical time of recovery.”


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


In October 1964, Mrs. Jeanne Clarke Wood started a non-profit children’s organization called Children Incorporated. What began with just 95 sponsored children in Guatemala quickly escalated to helping 1600 children in 10 countries within just two short years. Today, Children Incorporated has sponsorship programs in 20 countries worldwide and provides tens of thousands of impoverished children with clothing and school supplies, medical care, and many other types of assistance.

Thanks to our donors, schools, dormitories, clinics, and housing developments have been constructed in various locations, and our special funds help to feed hungry children, support families and communities in emergencies, and offer our volunteer coordinators the vital support they need throughout the year. 

We thank every one of you, our incredible supporters, for being a part of the last 60 years of our journey helping children in need all over the world. Our Fall 2024 Newsletter is dedicated to the memory of our founder, Mrs. Jeanne Clarke Wood, and to the history of this special organization. Thank you for your support. We couldn’t do our work with you.

Our Fall 2024 Newsletter is dedicated to the memory of our founder, Mrs. Jeanne Clarke Wood, and to the history of this special organization. Thank you for your support. We couldn’t do our work with you.

A Timeline of Our Six Decades of Work 

October 1964 – The first meeting of the Board of Directors for Children Incorporated is held.

November 1964 – The first appeals for funds were mailed to Mrs. Wood’s contacts; a goal of shipping 10,000 pounds of clothing to Guatemala was met.

January 1965 – Mrs. Wood and her small fledgling staff secure funds to help 95 children in Guatemala, seven
children on American Indian reservations, and six children in Lebanon. These become Children Incorporated’s first sponsorships.

December 1965 – Children Incorporated sponsorships grew from 108 in January 1965 to nearly 800 by the end of the first year. 789 children in 20 affiliated sites in 8 countries (Africa, Japan, Mexico, India, Latin America, Lebanon, Syria, U.S.) have been matched with sponsors.

October 1966 — More than 1600 children now have sponsors, and Children Incorporated has expanded its reach to 35 affiliated sites in 10 countries.

April 1967 – 2,335 children are sponsored in 45 sites in 11 countries; Children Incorporated helps its first child to attend college.

Mrs. Wood traveled with Children Incorporated and often wrote about our work for our newsletters, which were accompanied by photos of children in our program, such as this one.

November 1971 — Children Incorporated continues to grow. At this point, 7,750 sponsored children are in 113 sites in 18 countries. For the first time in its history, over 2,000 new sponsors signed on in just one year. 

May 1972 — Mrs. Wood receives a commendation from President Richard Nixon for her charitable work with impoverished children and families.

September 1974 – Mrs. Wood’s name appears in the 38th edition of Who’s Who In America.

December 1983 – An article on Children Incorporated appears in Good Housekeeping magazine, drawing much positive attention to the benefits of child sponsorship.

October 1994 – Children Incorporated celebrates 30 years of service to children around the world.

January 1997 – Dr. Richard Carlson’s best-selling book, Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff, is published. In it, Dr. Carlson mentions Children Incorporated as his charity of choice. Children Incorporated gained over 3,100 new sponsorships as a result of the mention in Dr. Richard Carlson’s book.

July 2004 – Mrs. Wood steps down as President of Children Incorporated after forty years of loyal service. Her successor is Marian Cummins, a long-time employee.

October 2005 – After operating out of Mrs. Wood’s home for over 40 years, Children Incorporated relocates to its first official offices on Dover Road in Richmond, Virginia.

November 2005 – Children Incorporated begins working locally, creating partnerships and establishing sponsorship programs within several Richmond Public Schools; the organization’s Inner-City division is born, with work in Detroit, Michigan, New Orleans, Louisiana, and other U.S. cities to follow.

January 2006 – Our founder, Mrs. Wood, dies at age 89. Her legacy lives on through Children Incorporated.

January 2011 – Children Incorporated’s third President, Marianne Vermeer, begins her 14-month tenure with the organization.

April 2012 – Ronald H. Carter, who had worked with the U.S. Programs division since coming to Children Incorporated in 2003, is appointed as the fourth President and Chief Executive Officer.

October 2014 – Children Incorporated celebrates its 50th anniversary and anticipates many more years of service to children both locally and globally!

We thank every one of you, our incredible supporters, for being a part of the last 60 years of our journey helping children in need all over the world.

April 2016 – Children Incorporated launches its On the Road blog series, which follows our sponsors and donors along with our program teams as they visit our affiliated sites around the world. 

January 2017 – Children Incorporated moves from its home on Dover Road in Richmond, Virginia, to North Chesterfield, Virginia. 

April 2022 – Children Incorporated launches its Stories of Hope blog series, in which readers are shown their donations’ impact on education, community support, emergency relief, and health and well-being. 

May 2024 — Children Incorporated introduces our Guardian Circle, a giving circle opportunity that allows our donors to support special projects around the world. 

October 2024 – Children Incorporated celebrates 60 years as an organization by establishing Founder’s Day, which will be celebrated on October 19th.

Congratulations to Our Amazing Staff

2024 is a year to celebrate so many incredible milestones at Children Incorporated, including the 40th work anniversary of our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, and the 25th work anniversary of our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet. 

Luis Bourdet is pictured with Ron Carter during Luis’ 25th work anniversary celebration at our office.

“I am very blessed to work with such a wonderful and dedicated staff at Children Incorporated. Over the years, I have been thoroughly impressed with the quality of people who have been employed here. From those who have stayed for many years to others who have had shorter tenures, I have admired and respected their desire to help children and families better and improve their lives.  

The staff of Children Incorporated is a good group: dedicated, caring, honest, and real people who truly want to make a difference in the world. They are my co-workers, yes, but we are also family in many ways. I love and value each one of them.”

– Ron Carter, President and CEO

“I started working at Children Incorporated in 1984. My office equipment and supplies included an IBM electric typewriter and carbon paper; a facsimile machine was state of the art. In 2024, I will use a PC, and faxing will be quaint. 

Over the past 40 years, I have done different jobs for the organization. I have chosen to stay and grow with Children Incorporated because of our organization’s important mission and our connection to our donors, staff, volunteer coordinators, and the children we serve. I love working with my head and my heart and with amazing people.”

– Renée Kube, Director of U.S. Programs

“It has been an immense privilege to dedicate years of my life to this remarkable organization! From the very beginning, I have been deeply committed to our mission of supporting children in need and empowering them through education. The belief that every child deserves the chance to envision a brighter future has been the driving force behind my work. 

Witnessing the transformative impact of our affiliations, our special projects, and our support has been truly inspiring. Countless children have achieved remarkable strides, not only improving their own lives but positively influencing their communities as well. I am profoundly grateful to be a part of this mission and contribute to the positive change we are creating together with our donors and sponsors.”

– Luis Bourdet, Director of International Programs


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

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