Tag Archives: sponsor

As a part of our ongoing Stories of Hope blog series, we want to share with you our December 2022 Impact Report as a way to say “thank you” to all our supporters who make our work possible.

Beyond what you already provide to children through our sponsorship program, your donations to our Special Funds and Special Projects allow us to help families and communities as well, often in times of crisis.


Just in this past month, your donations have:

– Provided funds to repair and replace areas of the roof and ceiling in the dorm, kitchen and dining halls at the Maria Reyna Home in Honduras

– Provided funds to purchase menstrual hygiene items for girls at Santa Isabel Ana Seton in Guatemala

Among so many other things, your donations provided funds to purchase meals for a month for 25 children at the Dandora Community Center in Kenya

– Provided funds for an educational field trip for children at Sparta Elementary School in North Carolina

– Provided funds to purchase meals for a month for 25 children at the Dandora Community Center in Kenya

– Provided funds to purchase gas for cooking for sponsored children at the Father Andeweg Institute for the Deaf in Lebanon

– Provided food for 200 children for a month at the St. John’s Community Center in Kenya

– Provided food for 25 children at Fortune’s Children at Parang Center in the Philippines

– Provided emergency funding for a displaced family with a sponsored child who attends James D. Adams Middle School in Kentucky

– Provided eyeglasses for students at Page High School in Arizona

– Provided funds to purchase underwear, socks, and shoes for children at Crossroads Elementary School in Kentucky

– Provided food for 25 children for a month at Kids Hope Ethiopia in Ethiopia

… all in addition to the support you already provide through sponsorship to children in our program. Thank you for everything you do for children in need!



You can donate to Children Incorporated in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at hello@children-inc.org and a staff member can assist you with making a donation; or go online to our donation portal, create an account, and choose a particular fund in which to make a donation.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

On Christmas Eve in 1914, as the battles of the first World War were raging all around, soldiers in the British Expeditionary Force overheard some German troops in the trenches across from them singing Christmas carols. The British soldiers noticed that their adversaries had placed lit lanterns and small fir trees all along their trenches, their way of decorating for the special night.

Slowly, the opposing soldiers began to call out to one another across the way, “Merry Christmas!” and “Frohe Weihnachten!” The following day, the British and German troops met mid-way between their camps, in “no man’s land”, and exchanged gifts and played football together. They also took the time to bury their dead and repair their trenches, enjoying a period of peace, even in the midst of war.

This holiday season, my hope and prayer is that we can all set aside our differences and discover that we share many things in common, among them a desire for health and prosperity.

This holiday season, my hope and prayer is that we can all set aside our differences and discover that we share many things in common, among them a desire for health and prosperity. Perhaps we can come together and find commonality in serving others, in providing those who go hungry with food, and in supplying clothing to those who are cold or ill-prepared for excessive heat. Perhaps we can join our hearts and our minds together to help “the least of these,” the children, by offering them hope and possibility for their futures.

Children Incorporated has been assisting children and families since the fall of 1964, meeting a vast array of needs along the way and addressing poverty head-on. Thousands of young lives have been improved as we have served as the conduit for our sponsors’ and donors’ incredible generosity. Through decades of upheaval and social unrest, we – along with you – have found common ground in serving, caring, and giving for the benefit of others.

This holiday season, may we join together once again and uplift those who struggle through acts of kindness toward them and toward one another. Through generosity and the sharing of our resources, may we celebrate this season of Love and Light, and may we find peace, even in our chaotic world.

From the heart,
Ron Carter


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Ron Carter

Ron Carter is President and CEO of Children Incorporated. He is responsible for overseeing all operations of Children Incorporated, with a specific goal of honoring the original vision and mission of our founder, Jeanne Clarke Wood, who established the organization in 1964.

» more of Ron's stories

Argentina, the second-largest nation in Latin America, is truly a nation of contrasts. Its borders envelop a full spectrum of topography from rugged, towering mountains, frigid tundra, and tropical lowlands to arid steppes and plateaus. Nestled along the estuary where the Rio de la Plata meets the Atlantic Ocean, the sprawling Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires is the second-largest metropolis in South America.

We work with volunteer coordinators in local communities in Argentina to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other essentials that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Renowned for its wealth of culture, arts (including the famous tango), and beautiful European-style architecture, Buenos Aires draws thousands of tourists each year. However, there is a hidden side of the city that few tourists experience. Extremely high inflation, rising unemployment, and an increasing poverty rate leave many families struggling to simply feed their children.

As a result, many area families must live in the hopeless poverty of Buenos Aires’s slum neighborhoods, packed together in wooden shacks with tin roofs, separated by narrow footpaths. 

Challenges for Children in Argentina

In Argentina, children’s very lives and futures are at risk, as they struggle with poverty and a lack of educational resources. Right now, children in Argentina need your help.

 – It is estimated that about 4 in 10 people in Argentina are living in poverty

– About 5.5 million children in Argentina are living in poverty

– One million children in Argentina are homeless

Our Work in Argentina

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of children living in poverty in Argentina since 1964.

We work with our volunteer coordinators in local communities to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other essentials that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Our strategy is to focus on individual children through our sponsorship program, ensuring they are receiving exactly what they need on a regular basis.

Your support makes all our work possible to help children in crisis in Argentina.


How do I sponsor a child in Argentina? 

You can sponsor a child in Argentina in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Argentina that is available for sponsorship.




written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Brazil is the fifth-largest country in the world – both geographically and in terms of population. It is truly massive, sharing borders with every other country in South America except for Ecuador and Chile.

Your support makes all our work possible to help children in crisis in Brazil.

The Amazon rainforest – recognized for having the greatest biological diversity on the planet – sprawls over the country’s northern half, with rugged mountains to the south. But despite its wealth of natural resources and beauty, Brazil suffers from staggering poverty, rising inflation, unemployment, and a lack of social development.

Challenges for Children in Brazil

In Brazil, children’s very lives and futures are at risk, as they struggle with poverty and a lack of educational resources. Right now, children in Brazil need your help.

  • Forty-five percent of children in Brazil live in poverty
  • About 18 million children live in households that are surviving on less than $90 a month, or around $3 a day
  • Roughly 8.8 million children in Brazil are deprived of an education
  • Approximately 7.6 million children lack access to clean water and sanitation

Our Work in Brazil

You can change the life of a child in Brazil. Consider becoming a sponsor today with Children Incorporated.

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of children living in poverty in Brazil since 1964.

We work with our volunteer coordinators in local communities to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other essentials that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Our strategy is to focus on individual children through our sponsorship program, ensuring they are receiving exactly what they need on a regular basis.

Your support makes all our work possible to help children in crisis in Brazil.


How do I sponsor a child in Brazil? 

You can sponsor a child in Brazil in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Brazil that is available for sponsorship.





written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Nestled in the heart of South America, Paraguay comprises an area roughly the size of California, and is characterized by semiarid grasslands, forested highlands, marshlands, and rivers. Paraguay boasts a well-preserved indigenous identity and heritage, but a wide range of ethnicities call this small, landlocked nation home, including immigrants from Australia, Germany, Russia, Italy, France, and Spain.

When you sponsor children in need in Paraguay, you provide them with the resources they need to stay in school and get an education.

Paraguay’s rich cultural diversity and wealth of natural resources, however, belie the abject poverty in which the majority of its residents live. Many areas of the country remain underdeveloped, with inhabitants relying on subsistence farming for their livelihood.

Today, one of South America’s poorest nations, Paraguay is plagued by a history of bloody wars with neighboring countries, as well as internal political instability, corruption, deficient infrastructure, and poverty.

Challenges for Children in ParaguaY

In Paraguay, children’s very lives and futures are at risk, as they struggle with poverty and lack of educational resources. Right now, children in Paraguay need your help.

– Paraguay has an estimated population of 7.3 million, with 35% comprised of children and adolescents

– About 27% of the population in Paraguay is living in poverty

– About 54% of children 15 and older do not finish high school or get a higher education

– Out of all the children not attending school, 47% report that the main reason why they did not attend was economic

Our Work in Paraguay

Thanks to caring people like you, Children Incorporated has helped thousands of children living in poverty in Paraguay since 1964.

Your support makes all our work possible to help children in crisis in Paraguay.

We work with our volunteer coordinators in local communities to provide health and nutrition, education, hygiene items, clothes, shoes, and other essentials that help children and families rise above the poverty in which they live.

Our strategy is to focus on individual children through our sponsorship program, ensuring they are receiving exactly what they need on a regular basis.

Your support makes all our work possible to help children in crisis in Paraguay.


How do I sponsor a child in Paraguay?

You can sponsor a child in Paraguay in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Paraguay that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Dear Friends, 

I’m one of those people who likes grocery stores. I got this from my father, Allen, who simply couldn’t pass a supermarket without going in. My dad was a bargain shopper like no other; he scoured sales ads in the local newspapers, and then went from store to store searching out the best prices on this item or that. If a particular product was on sale at an exceptionally low price, he bought in bulk and stocked up for future use. Grocery shopping with my dad was something that I truly enjoyed. 

Our support is especially important now, perhaps even more important than at any time before, simply because everything costs so much.

These days, when I go grocery shopping, sadly, rather than enjoying the experience as I once did, I find myself stunned and amazed by the high price of food, household products, and personal care items. As I look at an item that was perhaps $4 last year, and is now $6 or $7, sticker shock becomes very real to me, and it makes me more aware than ever of how this current inflation is impacting those who were struggling to make ends meet long before prices started to rise.

Together, we can help even more children and families in 2023.

Doing as much as they can with very little

For the children and families that we serve, the old saying “every penny counts” is a very real way of life. On limited budgets, moms and dads, grandparents, and guardians of all kinds must seek out food, household items, and personal care products that they can afford. They often buy the least costly food items – beans and rice among them – that they can stretch the farthest and with which they can feed the largest number of people the most number of times. As prices rise, they struggle to make every dollar stretch even further. 

Their small paychecks don’t go nearly as far now as they did a year, or even a few months ago, and families sometimes go without even the most basic items. Children Incorporated has always worked to help those who live in dire circumstances to rise above them, and we do this through assistance of all kinds, including providing food and hygiene items, clothing, blankets and linens, and so, so much more. 

We need your support

Our support is especially important now, perhaps even more important than at any time before, simply because everything costs so much. 

Would you be willing to make a life-changing donation at this time to support our mission?

For all these reasons, your contributions to our Annual Fund will allow us to continue to help those living in poverty. As the year comes to a close, we would like to set a goal to raise $50,000 to start 2023 off helping as many children and families as possible. We know they need our help and we are ready. Would you be willing to make a life-changing donation at this time to support our mission? 

Every dollar counts. Thank you for everything you do to support our work. We couldn’t do it without you.

From the heart,

Ronald H. Carter
President and Chief Executive Officer
Children Incorporated 



written by Ron Carter

Ron Carter is President and CEO of Children Incorporated. He is responsible for overseeing all operations of Children Incorporated, with a specific goal of honoring the original vision and mission of our founder, Jeanne Clarke Wood, who established the organization in 1964.

» more of Ron's stories