Tag Archives: opportunity

* Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work.


Nestled in the picturesque Appalachian Mountains and steeped in a rich cultural heritage lies Wolfe County, Kentucky.

As is the case for many areas of Appalachia, Wolfe County’s natural beauty belies the abject poverty in which many of its residents live. Wolfe County carries the unfortunate distinction of being one of Kentucky’s most impoverished regions.

As is the case for many areas of Appalachia, Wolfe County’s natural beauty belies the abject poverty in which many of its residents live.

At one time, logging, tourism for nearby mineral springs, and factories employed the majority of this area’s residents. Over time, these industries vanished, leaving ghost towns, unemployment, and high poverty rates in their wake. High dropout rates and adult illiteracy only serve to fuel the cycle of poverty.

“Today, leaders and residents in Wolfe County are working hard to reimagine new opportunities to rebuild the local economy,” explains our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube.

“One area being explored is tourism. Wolfe County is home to the outstanding Red River Gorge, a canyon system in the Red River. The gorge lies within the Daniel Boone National Forest, and it has been designated a National Historic Landmark and a National Archeological District. There are many high sandstone cliffs, rock shelters, waterfalls, and natural bridges. There is a gorge that is a popular place for rock climbers. A few small businesses have sprung up to support tourists, ranging from those selling supplies to an outstanding pizza restaurant.”

A long way to go

Regardless of the efforts, the county still has a long way to go for real economic development. Since the collapse of the coal industry, many of its families struggle with poverty, hopelessness, and addiction. Sadly, as always, the children are the most vulnerable — including those at our affiliated projects, Wolfe County Middle School and High Schools.

Per the Annie E. Casey Kids Count Data Center, the county’s average child poverty rate for 2014-2018 was 38%. From 2012 to 2016, it was a wretched 55%. The improvement is not because of the county’s ability to address poverty, but because so many families have moved out in hopes of better opportunities.

Working to support kids in need

Fortunately, the Family Resource Youth Services Center at Wolfe County Middle and High Schools can help children and their families to succeed in school by minimizing or removing non-cognitive barriers to their learning.

Kids in Wolfe County are fortunate to have a volunteer coordinator like Connie to look out for their well-being.

The resource center’s offerings range from Born Learning (for infants and preschoolers) to Back to School Bashes and Ready Fests, to Red Ribbon Week (drug awareness and prevention), to recognizing and responding to violence, and to bringing partners and resources to address the children’s well-being and success.

Children Incorporated is proud to be able to partner with the Family Resource Center in Wolfe County Middle and High School. It is in these places that we hope to help children develop resilience, to graduate from high school, and eventually to break the cycle of poverty by having work that will support themselves and their own families someday,” said Renée.

Getting to meet with Connie

Wolfe County Middle and High School are side-by-side schools, and the Youth Services Centers are both run by our volunteer coordinator, Connie. The total enrollment at the middle and high school is about 600 students. Children Incorporated U.S. Programs Specialist, Shelley Oxenham, visited with Connie recently to find out more how our program is supporting her work.

“I met with Connie at the high school during my last visit to Wolfe County. Connie says she likes our sponsorship program because it helps her kids with clothing, which is very important to middle and high school kids,” expressed Shelley.

“She takes her high school students on a bus to Lexington to shop at Kohls, where the kids can pick out clothes and shoes.  She says it’s an enjoyable experience for them, and she is grateful that she can be so flexible with the program.”

Connie also told Shelley that transportation is a significant barrier for her students; many of them rely on the school bus system to get to and from school. Because of this, these students are unable to participate in any after-school programs, tutoring programs, or extracurricular activities because they do not have a way to get home.

Beyond transportation concerns, the biggest challenge for students at the middle and high school is the home life.

Fortunately, the school has been awarded a grant for the 21st Century after-school program, and part of the grant money will be put towards bus transportation for the students. Per the 21st Century website: “21st Century Community Learning Centers provide essential support to students who are often underserved and offer creative, engaging learning opportunities to kids of all ages and backgrounds.”

An even bigger concern

Beyond transportation concerns, the biggest challenge for students at the middle and high school is the home life. They come to school, and their minds are elsewhere because they are worried about where they will sleep from day to day or worrying about mom or dad being on drugs.

Often there is not enough food in the house, and they come to school hungry and tired after the weekend. Many of the students are living with grandparents or other relatives. A growing number of students are moving into the area because they are in foster care.

These students have grown up in volatile environments and bring a lot of challenges with them to school each day. Often these students act out in school, which can be difficult for the teachers and other students.

Even with all the issues these children face, the high school’s graduation rate is very high, and that is thanks to a dedicated and caring staff and administration at the high school.

If a student is failing several classes, they can take online courses or attend one on one classes at an extension campus to graduate.

“Connie is hoping that with the new after-school program, the graduation rate will be even better. After graduation, some students will attend college while others attend technical college or transition to work,” said Shelley.


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of two ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members or email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org.


Washington D.C. boasts some of the highest rents in the country and is home to many wealthy Americans. Yet, for many families, food security and affordable housing are constant issues. In areas where our affiliated project is located, there are often more convenience stores than grocery stores with healthy food items. In terms of housing, rent in D.C. tends to be higher than the national average. A family is considered rent overburdened when they pay more than 30% of their gross income on rent, and 46% of the households that rent are overburdened in Washington. For these reasons, support from Children Incorporated, and our sponsors, is crucial to children living in poverty.

Our partner in D.C.

In Washington, D.C., Children Incorporated is affiliated with an outstanding implementing partner, Communities In Schools (CIS).

“CIS is a national organization whose focus is building relationships that empower at-risk students to stay in school and become achievers, not just academically but also in life,” explains our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube.

“CIS is a national organization whose focus is building relationships that empower at-risk students to stay in school and become achievers, not just academically but also in life,” explains our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube.

“The Communities In School’s mission is complementary to our mission, and our collaboration has been a natural and successful fit. The CIS site coordinators around the United States serve as Children Incorporated’s volunteer coordinators.”

“Our coordinators in D.C. often tell me about how the support is greatly needed and valued by the students and administrators, and in fact, all of our programs — sponsorship, Hope In Action, and our Higher Education Fund — are making a difference in the lives of the children and their families in our nation’s capital,” said Renée.

“Starting in the 2019-2020 School Year, Communities In Schools of our Nation’s Capital has worked with D.C. Public Schools in an initiative called ‘Connected Schools.’ This is based on an effective program in Philadelphia. The goal is to accelerate better outcomes for students who are furthest from opportunities. Ten schools were identified to become Resource Hubs in their communities to meet the students’ and families’ needs both inside and outside the classroom.”

“There is better recognition by DCPS that academic success and student well-being do not happen in a vacuum. Students who are homeless and hungry will not spend much time studying their spelling words or times tables. This is obviously what Children Incorporated is all about, too, and our partnership is truly appreciated in this new, greater effort,” said Renée.

Visiting Cardozo

As a part of their yearly visits to meet with our volunteer coordinators, Renée, along with U.S. Sponsorship Specialist Shelley Oxenham, visited the Cardozo Education Campus — one of four of our affiliated projects in Washington D.C.

Monique show Renée and Shelley her supply closet where she keeps items for our sponsored children.

“We were warmly escorted to the school by the Communities In Schools Director of Programs & Data, Sully Washington. Sully told us how much she values the partnership with Children Incorporated, which has meant so much to the students,” said Renée.

“Cardozo is located in the Columbia Heights neighborhood of Ward 1. The building is an old, historic high school building. It houses a regular 6th — 12th-grade school and a parallel International Academy for the large population of English language learners.”

“This school is the most diverse of our D.C. sites. Its 746 students are 51% Hispanic/Latino, 46% black, 2% Asian, and 1% white. A very high 44% are English language learners. A sobering 100% come from economically disadvantaged households. It’s also interesting that only 37% come from within the neighborhood. The other 63% come from outside the boundary,” explained Renée.

As they continued their meeting, Renée could tell that through Sully’s description of his work, the school’s officials were committed to helping the children in any way they could. Sully explained to Renée and Shelley that in addition to the International Academy, there is also a 9th Grade Academy to aid the transition to high school, and a STEM Academy. The school offers AP classes, a night school for credit recovery, Air Force JROTC, indoor and outdoor sports, and numerous arts and cultural clubs.

Meeting our coordinators

After their meeting, Sully introduced Shelley and Renee to the Communities in Schools Team, who all work together to support our sponsored children in D.C.: Monique, Diogenes, and Fabi.

“We had a great conversation with the CIS coordinators. They shared that a lot of the kids need help with their education. Nearby Howard University has provided tutors for after-school efforts. They also told us that the mix of students’ backgrounds has sometimes collided into misunderstandings, tensions, arguments, and fights. Due to this, Cardozo’s principal instituted a unity program called ‘One Cardozo,’ with a variety of activities and mediations to help. Our coordinators said things have gotten much better in this regard,” said Renée.

“For all of our sponsored children, homeless or not, Children Incorporated’s goal is to provide funds to help with materials and supplies that support their health, well-being, and education, so they stay in school, achieve their diplomas, and have hope for a brighter future,” said Renée.

“Monique, Dio, and Fabi shared that the students have many personal challenges that often mean their studies get put on the back burner. There is a high percentage of homeless students. They bounce from sleeping at shelters, to couch surfing at friends’ houses, to staying for a night here and there with a relative. Some have slept in cars for weeks at a time. Some are with a parent, and some, sadly, are all by themselves. It is hard for them to keep up with their clothes and meager personal possessions, which they must usually store in trash bags. They cannot leave these items behind at the shelter.”

For all of our sponsored children, homeless or not, Children Incorporated’s goal is to provide funds to help with materials and supplies that support their health, well-being, and education, so they stay in school, achieve their diplomas, and have hope for a brighter future,” said Renée.

“Sponsorship and Hope In Action Program funds that our organization provides goes towards providing food, hygiene supplies, air mattresses and bedding, and laundry detergent. The kids are very embarrassed when their uniforms are no longer clean, and the laundry aid helps them feel neat and proud of their appearance and supports their regular attendance in school.”


How do I sponsor a child in Washington, D.C.? 

You can sponsor a child in Washington, D.C. in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Washington D.C. that is available for sponsorship.


* Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work.


Nestled in the picturesque Appalachian Mountains and steeped in a rich cultural heritage, Whitley County was founded in 1818 a few miles south of the Cumberland River.

Although an area of the United States known for its exceptional natural beauty, many Whitley County residents suffer from abject poverty. The last few years saw a decline in the coal industry. The result has been a lack of employment opportunities, and today, Whitley County is one of the few impoverished counties in Kentucky. As the few remaining industries and small businesses continue to close their doors, the current economic situation in the county is grim.

“Sherry has been a stable and loving presence in the lives of thousands of children who have moved up through the school. She is driven, organized, and takes pride in running successful programs,” said Renée.

Meeting Sherry

A two-hour drive southwest from Campton, Whitley County Elementary School is Children Incorporated’s westernmost affiliated project in Kentucky.

“The school is located in the small community of Rockholds. We have a fantastic coordinator at Whitley County Elementary named Sherry. Sherry had reached out to me years ago through her Family Resource Center when she found out about our sponsorship program,” said our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube.

“Sherry has been a stable and loving presence in the lives of thousands of children who have moved up through the school. She is driven, organized, and takes pride in running successful programs,” said Renée.

“Sherry has an excellent parent volunteer who helps with all of her programs, including our sponsorship program. Her volunteer helps her with everything from shopping for the children to helping them with letter writing.”

The B Squad Project

During a visit to Whitley County Elementary School, Renée met with Sherry, who was excited to tell her about a new local partnership she had established.

“Sherry had recently begun working with a non-profit organization called the B Squad Project. The B Squad started with one person — the manager of the Pizza Hut in Williamsburg, Kentucky — who wanted to make a difference for local kids in need. She lobbied a network of business contacts, family, and friends to gain support. Once she had funds in place, the B Squad’s first outreach project provided beds for impoverished children at Whitley Elementary School,” explained Renée.

“The next project gave personalized sneakers to kids at the school. The third outreach was at the start of this school year when the growing B Squad partnered with J.C. Penney to provide back-to-school supplies for children in need.”

Renée pictured with a few of the sponsored children in our program.

“Because of her partnership with the B Squad, Sherry can use all Children Incorporated sponsorship donations to go towards providing brand new clothes for children in our program, which they so desperately need,” exclaimed Renée. 

The inspiring Edna Sydow

Before Renée left the school, Sherry told her a heart-warming story about one of our late sponsors, Ms. Edda Sydow.

“Ms. Sydow loved to knit, and years ago, she had telephoned the Children Incorporated office and asked if she could mail knitted caps to one of our affiliated projects. I suggested Whitley County Elementary School, and Ms. Sydow agreed,” said Renée.

“The first year, Sherry received almost enough hats for both the school’s kindergarten classes, and the two teachers made up the difference. The next year, more hats arrived, and more faculty came together and donated money to purchase mittens to go with the caps.”

“This went on for many winters, up until Ms. Sydow passed away. Because her gifts of time and talent had meant so much to the school, the teachers set up the “Warm Heads for Little Hearts at Whitley North  — The Edda Sydow Project” which raises money from the community to continue to buy warm clothes for children every year,” said Renée.

“It is inspiring that Ms. Sydow’s kindness is living on in Whitley County.”


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of two ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members or email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org.


*Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work.


The town of Whitesburg was founded in 1842 and is situated on the North Fork of the Kentucky River in Letcher County. Located in the heart of Kentucky’s Eastern Coal Region, Letcher County holds the unfortunate distinction of having the second-largest unemployment rate in Kentucky.

Our volunteer coordinator, Stephanie, works hard to make sure children are cared for at West Whitesburg Middle School.

Coal from this region once fueled factories, powered locomotives, and heated millions of homes. However, the coal industry, which once employed the majority of the area’s workforce, has sharply declined due to automation and the increased use of other fuels. Lack of employment opportunities has resulted in widespread poverty amongst the region’s residents, which includes those families of students at our affiliated project, Whitesburg Middle School.

A lot of children in need

“This school is on the same campus as West Whitesburg Elementary School. Children in our program at the elementary school then feed into the middle school and then go on to our other affiliated project, Letcher Central High School,” explained our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube.

While Renée was visiting with our volunteer coordinator, Stephanie, at West Whitesburg Middle School in early 2020, Stephanie told Renée that the county’s public housing projects are located in Whitesburg — in fact, they are directly across the street from the school, so many of her students are living in poverty.

She says that for the students in our program currently, their sponsors are a blessing,” said Renée.

Since there are so many children in need at the school, Stephanie runs a backpack feeding program for twenty of her children who she knows don’t have enough food to eat on the weekends. She makes bags of items each Friday with Pop-Tarts, oatmeal packets, tuna, mac & cheese, Fruit Roll-ups, and peanut butter crackers — things children can easily make on their own if their parents are working or are absent.

Many more children to support

“Stephanie is working hard to provide for the children in her school. She plans on getting more students enrolled in our program because she believes strongly in the power of sponsorship. She says that for the students in our program currently, their sponsors are a blessing,” said Renée.


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of two ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members or email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org.


In 1963, President Kennedy formed a state-federal cooperative committee known as the President’s Appalachian Regional Commission (PARC). Its purpose was to develop a comprehensive economic development model for Appalachia, where one out of three Appalachian people lived in poverty; the per capita income was just 23% of the national income; and where, by the end of the 1950’s, two million people had left the region due to lack of economic opportunity. The Commission released its report in 1964, which was the same year in which Children Incorporated was founded.

Over the last few months, I held “virtual visits” with our coordinators as they discussed the impact of the sudden closures of their schools due to the pandemic, and how it will affect the 2021 school year, and more.

The Appalachian region was originally dependent on agriculture, forestry, and mining. Its economy has since grown and become more diverse, and many counties have improved their economic status from the distressed category. However, many areas of the region still need basic infrastructure, such as electricity, paved roads, and water and sewer systems — and high-speed internet.

Research has shown that geographic isolation is the major driver, historically and currently, for economic stagnation. The second driver was — and remains — poor access to adequate healthcare. In part due to their isolation, Appalachian people were often at the mercy of the weather — snowstorms drove people off the mountainous roads and into their homes for days at a time, thus reducing economic productivity. On a micro level, the rugged and poor roads kept people separated from one another, making pooled or shared riding less feasible. On a macro level, the mountainous terrain made it more difficult to get railroads established in Appalachia, even decades after trains could travel from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This made it more challenging to get goods shipped for sale, and thus much less attractive for larger manufacturers to locate in Appalachia. Furthermore, geographic isolation led to a lack of education in the Appalachian Mountain region. Many students found they had to drop out of school to help support their families.

When the Appalachian Regional Commission was created, the 29 western North Carolina counties that fell within the Appalachian Mountain region were all economically distressed.

From the 1990’s through now, North Carolina’s counties have steadily made economic gains, but poverty is still rampant in certain areas, and today, Children Incorporated offers sponsorship support in four counties because there are still many at-risk and/or transitional sections in each county with many children in great need.

Renée hosted virtual meetings with our coordinators in North Carolina due to the pandemic.

Over the last few months, I held “virtual visits” with our coordinators as they discussed the impact of the sudden closures of their schools due to the pandemic, and how it will affect the 2021 school year, and more.

Alleghany High School

I had a nice Zoom meeting with our new Volunteer Coordinator, Hannah, at Alleghany County High. She is really taking our program seriously — she had a Zoom meeting for an hour prior to our meeting with the former coordinator, Lucy, who transferred to another school. Hannah wanted to ask Lucy what it’s like being a coordinator, what she enjoyed and what she found challenging.

Before becoming a counselor, Hannah was a teacher for eight years, including in the Alleghany County, North Carolina school system. She grew up here, graduated from UNC Chapel Hill, and then returned home. Hannah holds a bachelor’s degree and two master’s degrees. She knows the community and families very well. We are lucky to have her volunteering for our program.

We talked about the county’s economy, which is hanging in there, about the same through the pandemic. Some businesses are really struggling, but most are hanging on.

We talked about staffing and her workload. Hannah said that her new job has been very demanding — learning the new position as a counselor, learning how to operate the Children Incorporated sponsorship program, and then tackling the pandemic. Despite its challenges, Hannah understands the value of our program, and that was very apparent based on a story she told me about one of our sponsored children.

“Sponsors really are a blessing, and I can’t express enough how I appreciate mine.”

Lesley* and Hannah spoke on the phone in order to do a “socially distanced check-in.” Lesley told Hannah , “My sponsor is such a blessing to my family and me. It’s so great having a Christmas dinner delivered to our doorstep every year, it makes me feel so thankful and grateful for my sponsor. I get a yearbook every year because of my sponsor, and I wouldn’t be getting one if it weren’t for him. It’s a really great feeling knowing that you have an angel on earth looking out for you. Sponsors really are a blessing, and I can’t express enough how I appreciate mine. Having a sponsor really does make a difference in a life and if it weren’t for them, I don’t know where a lot of students would be.”

Glade Creek Elementary School

I had a virtual project meeting with our Volunteer Coordinator, Laurie, via FaceTime. Laurie works as the school’s secretary and finance officer.

Glade Creek is located in the community of Ennice in the northeastern part of Alleghany county. Outside of town, the land is immediately rural, dotted with small farms. It is an area of great natural beauty.

Just east of the town is Cumberland Knob, the point where the Blue Ridge Parkway first began construction in 1935. It was the parkway’s first recreation area open to the public. There is a picnic area and a recreation field that visitors and residents are welcome to use.

Our sponsored children are benefiting so much from their sponsors even despite school interruptions in 2020.

Laurie said it has been challenging to access all of the children, but the staff has made it work. They are still on Re-Opening Plan B, which means the buildings are at 50% capacity. Students alternate between in-person and online instruction.

“Most of the families that our sponsorship programs serve consist of adults who work in the county seat, Sparta, at low wage jobs, or they are farm laborers. Some are struggling small farmers. And some are retired grandparents and great grandparents who have custody of the children,” said Laurie.

Piney Creek Elementary School

I had a virtual project meeting with our Volunteer Coordinator, Ashley, via Zoom. Ashley works at the school as an administrative assistant. She gets some help with our program from Amanda, who is the school secretary.

Ashley said last spring term, she was shocked at the suddenness with which schools closed and went on fully virtual learning. Teachers scrambled — and succeeded — at a variety of methods to keep the students engaged and learning online. With this fall term on the state’s Reopening Plan B, Ashley is hoping everyone can get the kids back on as much of a normal routine as possible.

Piney Creek is located northwest of Sparta. The New River — yes, the same one that winds through West Virginia and Virginia — flows just west of town.

The community has small family farms, rather than larger ones that employ many laborers. Most are dairy and beef cows. A little south of town is one larger one, Fir Ridge Tree Farm.

Many of the adults in the community commute to the county seat, Sparta, for work. Some go over the state line into Mouth of Wilson, Virginia. About 18% live below the poverty line, which is higher than the national average of 10.5%.

Sparta Elementary School

I had a virtual project meeting with our Volunteer Coordinator, Mandy, via FaceTime. Mandy works as the school receptionist. She gets some assistance with our program from Pam, a former coordinator at Piney Creek who transferred to Sparta. Pam is the school treasurer, and she helps Mandy primarily with the financial reporting, but also sometimes with shopping.

The pandemic has disrupted not just instruction, but athletics, clubs and activities, traditions, and assistance.

Sparta is the county seat. It is the one census tract area of the county that is considered economically distressed. In town, the highest percentage of people living below the poverty line are actually young women 18-24. Many of these are young single mothers. Of the impoverished people living in town, the largest percentage is white, followed by Hispanic/Latino.

There are five low income apartment communities in town, and a significant number of our program-enrolled children at Sparta Elementary School live in one of these units.

Mandy said the adults who live in these apartments have low education and few, if any, have marketable skills. They work very hard at service jobs, such as fast food restaurants, gas stations and convenience stores, and retail at some of the mom-and-pop stores. Some work two jobs. They still don’t make enough money to provide for their children, and there can be a sense of despair. Mandy said our organization’s sponsorship program makes the kids feel hope, and know that someone believes they can succeed and have a better life.

When the schools closed suddenly in March due to the pandemic, lesson plans were done hastily. Teachers and students did not have time to say a proper goodbye before summer break began. The teachers took “sign selfies” — pictures of them holding inspirational messages — and sent them to the kids. These made the children feel special and motivated to keep up with their class work. They knew the teachers would be checking on both their academics and their well-being.

Mitchell County High School

Mitchell County High is the only high school in the county. It serves about 500 students in grades 9-12.

Inspirational messages from teachers and staff often help children to remain positive and hopeful.

Our coordinator, Alexandra, is the school social worker. She feels our sponsorship program is a natural fit and is happy to have our resources for her students. Alex is especially concerned about the students who have “fallen off the grid” during the pandemic. She said in Mitchell County, like in many rural areas, the high school is more than academics. It is a community center. Families come to cheer the football team, the Mountaineers, and they wear their purple and white. It’s the kids’ social life. It is where the most vulnerable get free breakfast and lunch, and for some it is the only food they’ll get. The pandemic has disrupted not just instruction, but athletics, clubs and activities, traditions, and assistance. Alex said most of the students are learning resilience, and they know this won’t be forever. But some cannot handle online instruction, and they are not showing up for their virtual lessons.

Bowman Middle School

I had a virtual project meeting with our Volunteer Coordinators, Rachel and Crystal, via FaceTime. They have worked well together.  Rachel is a retired teacher who still helps out in the school and community, and Crystal is the guidance counselor.

Rachel and Crystal said that last spring was crazy, but they managed to get sponsorship benefits to the children by picking up their items at school. They were all masked and social distancing as best as they could.

Both shared that during this pandemic, childcare options have been a big problem for parents. They used Children Incorporated funds and bought bleach for disinfecting, detergent, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and those were given out via school pick-up. They have already ordered Jansport backpacks for all our sponsored kids. Once school started, they emailed a survey to parents asking for input on their kids’ greatest needs and then shopped accordingly so each child was getting exactly what they needed.

Gouge Elementary School

This is a small kindergarten through fourth grade school serving about 265 students. The demographics are 93% white, 4% Hispanic, and 3% bi-racial. Sixty-one percent of the children come from low income families. It’s located on Laurel Street in town. Mountain laurels and rhododendrons blanket the area in the springtime and may be unofficial county symbols.

Gouge’s official mascot is the eagle, and their school motto is “SOAR: Success, Outstanding Effort, A Positive Attitude, and Respect.” Our Volunteer Coordinator, Monica, is the school secretary. She is experienced and comfortable with our program. The teachers are cooperative, and she has no trouble pulling kids out of class to write thank you letters.

Monica loves our program, and she is very conscientious about getting correspondence for sponsors. Since the pandemic, she is having to go through the teachers to access those kids whose parents have chosen wholly virtual instruction. But it’s working.

The pandemic has also been very tough on the children socially. The area is more geographically remote, and the school is the center of the community. The lack of many clubs and activities is keenly felt.

Mabel Elementary School

Lauren and Kelly are our two new co-coordinators at Mabel Elementary School. Lauren is a kindergarten teacher, and Kelly is the school nurse. They just started as coordinators in August 2020, when the new school year began. Needless to say, there is a lot to do in becoming a volunteer coordinator for Children Incorporated, and to do so during a pandemic is doubly daunting. I sent them orientation and training materials and answered questions and then held a three-way Zoom meeting. They have done a great job in steadily confirming enrollments and submitting new applications and pictures.

Mabel Elementary is a small kindergarten through eighth grade school serving about 174 children. Fifty-six percent of the children come from low income families. The school is located in the small town of Zionville, just down the road from a farm supply store. It is quite rural and is exceptionally beautiful, at some distance from the hustle and bustle of the county seat, Boone. 

Valle Crucis Elementary School

I had a virtual project meeting with our Volunteer Coordinator, Traci, via Zoom. She was actually my first “virtual project visit” of the 2020-2021 school year.

This school is 82 years old. In 2019, a group of architects was hired to assess Watauga County Schools’ buildings. Some were deemed worthy of repairs, but others were deemed in need of replacement. One of the latter is Valle Crucis. The county purchased a 14-acre tract of land in the community for the purpose of new construction, located just a quarter mile from the existing structure. Members of the community have had mixed feelings, with some protesting the impact of the new building on the little town’s historic district. They are calling for a new building on the current site, even though it’s subject to flooding.

The school is located in the small community of Sugar Grove, known for its sugar maple trees, and as the site of the old Mast General Store, which is still in operation to this day. The school serves about 394 children in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. Thirty-nine percent of the children come from low income families. Their parents work in Boone at low wage jobs, or they are farm laborers.

Swain Middle School

Our sponsorship program has been managed for many years by Katie, who is the school guidance counselor. She appreciates the program very much but has always struggled with the requirements due to lack of assistance.

Fortunately, this school year Katie has found not one, but two helpers. She is thrilled. Her primary helper is Sandra English, a retired teacher. Her other helper is Laura English, Sandra’s daughter- in-law. The two of them just came on board in December, and they are excited to be involved. I believe we will see faster correspondence as a result.

Students in North Carolina have missed the social interactions that school provides for them, but thankfully they are still checked-in on due to the efforts of our volunteer coordinators.

Katie and I had a “virtual visit” via Zoom. By this time, she was really seeing the impact of the pandemic as the new 2020-2021 school year was well underway.

Like many coordinators, Katie reiterated how everyone scrambled last March when the school’s first closed due to the pandemic. While the high school students had been given district-issued Chromebooks previously for online assignments, the middle and elementary students had not received them due to budget constraints and other considerations. However, once the schools shut down, Swain County Public Schools used grant funding to extend the electronic devices to middle and elementary school children, too. These were given to families at the end of March in socially distanced “Drive Through & Pick Up” appointments.

Katie said meals were also provided the same way, as well as spring subsidy purchases.

Now that 2021 has begun, Katie is seeing how families are continuing to struggle. Many do not have internet access, so the district-issued electronic devices are useless at home. As they were doing last spring, families are continuing to drive from their homes throughout the county into Bryson City, where officials and business groups have cooperatively set up eleven WiFi hotspots. The kids sit in the cars and do their schoolwork for hours. The situation is difficult. Of course, most of the students are in the school buildings two days a week with the Plan B learning schedule. However, about one third of the families have chosen Plan C, fully virtual, for their children. Katie said most of these are her Children Incorporated-enrolled children, many of whom are raised by grandparents or who have parents with health conditions that make them at higher risk. Katie worries about them.

Katie sets up Google Meets with her students and their parents or guardians. But after doing so much online learning, many of the children are not excited about logging on again to discuss things with her. She persists, but it may take several attempts to connect.

Katie sent me some activity pictures for the sponsors after she did her holiday shopping. Each child received a Christmas gift bag containing a stocking with candy, games, and warm clothing.

East Elementary School

I had a great “virtual visit” via Google Meets with our Volunteer Coordinator, Ciera. She is the school guidance counselor, and she is still fairly new. Ciera was hired last October in place of the previous counselor who left to take a position closer to her home.

This school year Swain County, like the other counties in North Carolina, had the option to begin instruction on Plan B (blended/hybrid) or Plan C (fully remote). The county chose Plan B, although parents may opt for Plan C on a case-by-case basis. Ciera said it has worked well in terms of logistics and operations — social distancing is easily accomplished. She can see many of the students in person, but everything takes longer. The Plan B students are divided into two groups. One attends classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, and the other attends on Thursdays and Fridays. Wednesdays are for deep cleaning, parent meetings, tutoring, etc.

A good portion of the parents are not comfortable with their kids being in the school buses and buildings, and they’ve chosen Plan C. Those students have been much harder for Ciera to reach, some of which have been her Children Incorporated-enrolled children.

I have to say the “virtual visits” are very successful. The coordinators are eager to share what they are doing, and how sponsors’ support is continuing to make a big difference in the lives of vulnerable children. A huge thanks to our amazing sponsors and donors!

With so many families lacking internet access, their electronic devices are useless — but thankfully the county has partners who have literally opened their parking lots and are glad to have families drive there and use their free Wi-Fi. But not all the families take advantage on a daily basis, and it is apparent that some children are falling behind.

West Elementary School

I had an excellent “virtual visit” via Zoom with our Volunteer Coordinator. His name is Neil Holden, and he is the school guidance counselor.

As its name suggests, the school is at the western end of the county and includes some of the most rural and remote areas. There are 435 children enrolled, and all qualify for free or reduced meals. Neil said the most important thing during this pandemic has been feeding the children. “It’s hard to learn when your stomach is growling and you’re wondering when you’re going to get enough food.”

He is working with the students on building resilience through visits to the classrooms and virtually with those who have chosen the fully remote learning option.

On behalf of all of us at Children Incorporated, we are incredibly grateful for the support or our sponsors for kids in North Carolina — and around the world.

Neil said this has been very difficult for parents and guardians who work, as there are few quality before and after school childcare providers. Thus, about 70% of his parents and guardians chose Plan B, so their kids are at least in the school building two days a week. The 30% who chose Plan C (fully remote) are primarily households with older adults or those with medical conditions that make them vulnerable. Because of those 30%, it has been very easy to keep the classrooms socially distanced.

The pandemic has also been very tough on the children socially. The area is more geographically remote, and the school is the center of the community. The lack of many clubs and activities is keenly felt.

Neil chose a couple of his students for our child spotlights, and he wrote personally about them. He takes our program seriously and is a real asset to our organization.

A thanks to our sponsors

Nothing can replace travel and in-person visits to our affiliated projects. There is nothing like sitting down with a coordinator and discussing how he or she feels our program is doing, the impact it is having on the children, and any special goals or needs for the future.

However, during this pandemic, I have to say the “virtual visits” are very successful. The coordinators are eager to share what they are doing, and how sponsors’ support is continuing to make a big difference in the lives of vulnerable children.

A huge thanks to our amazing sponsors and donors!

*Name changed to protect the child. 



You can sponsor a child with Children Incorporated in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

When Norah Quinn McCormick reached out to us in the New Year about sponsoring a child, she told us a heartfelt story about how her grandmother first got involved with our work many years ago, largely due to the fact that she grew up in Appalachia and “never forgot where she came from,” and why now Norah wants to carry on the legacy of helping children in need.

To hear more about Norah’s story, we hosted a virtual interview with Norah in which we found out about her, her grandmother, and how they both came to believe in the power of sponsorship. 

To hear more about Norah’s story, we hosted a virtual interview with her in which we found out about Norah, her grandmother, and how they both came to believe in the power of sponsorship. 

SC: Where do you live and what do you do for work?

NM: I live in Washington, D.C. and work as a fundraiser for the College of Arts and Humanities at the University of Maryland.

SC: How did you first find out about Children Incorporated?

NM: My Granny, Bonnie Hobbs Barron, sponsored children for as long as I can remember. I used to see pictures of sponsored children on her refrigerator. I also remember my mom sponsoring a child shortly after my Granny passed away.

SC: Can you tell us more about your grandmother? 

Norah’s grandmother, Bonnie Hobbs Barron

NM: My Granny, Bonnie Hobbs Barron, was born near Big Stone Gap in Wise County, Virginia in 1916. She grew up in a one-room log cabin without plumbing or electricity. As a child, she owned only one dress and one pair of shoes, and occasionally had to offer labor in exchange for food. Her father passed away when she was 6, and she often had to take care of her two younger siblings. She was orphaned by the age of 15, and unable to finish high school until the age of 21.

After high school, she worked as a housekeeper and caregiver for a family in Norton, until she married my grandfather in 1941. My grandfather benefitted from his participation in the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), as well as through military service, and had a job opportunity in Washington, D.C. They relocated and eventually settled in Mount Rainier, Maryland, where they raised five children. My Granny lived to be 89 years old and passed away in 2006. However, she never forgot where she came from in Appalachia.

SC: It sounds like your grandmother had a great understanding of the poverty that people often face in Appalachia from her time there – how did that shape her life?

NM: My Granny had a personal understanding of poverty, and as a result she never took anything for granted. Despite all the hardships she faced, she counted her blessings every day. I never knew my Granny to show bitterness over her circumstances, and she often expressed gratitude to have another day of life ahead of her.

I think her impoverished childhood inspired her to provide as many opportunities as she could for her own children. She worked very hard to take care of her family, and was proud of everything that her children and grandchildren accomplished. My Granny also had a strong faith, and believed in helping others. She was always willing to give to people in need, perhaps in part because she knew what it was like to live without.

SC: What about sponsoring a child was important for your grandmother — and now for you?

NM: Unfortunately, I was never able to ask my Granny why sponsoring a child was important for her. However, since she personally knew the challenges of growing up impoverished in Appalachia, I have to imagine she wanted to provide opportunities for children in similar circumstances. She knew how difficult her own childhood was, and she likely wanted to help create a bright future for other children in need.

I would encourage future sponsors to consider everything they have in their own life. Who and what helped get you to where you are today?

As for me, I have been reflecting on my own philanthropic priorities as we begin 2021. So many people struggle for basic necessities — food, clothing, shelter, access to education, employment, and healthcare. While this is true across the United States and internationally, my family has a personal connection to the poverty that people face in Appalachia. I hope to give back to impoverished children in Appalachia, so they can lead healthy and fulfilling lives without the burden of struggling to meet basic needs.

SC: As a sponsor, what would you say to someone who was considering sponsoring a child?

NM: I would encourage a future sponsor to consider everything you have in your own life. Who and what helped get you to where you are today? Not everyone is as fortunate to be granted basic resources to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. You have an opportunity to give back, and to help make a difference in the lives of others.

Philanthropy translates roughly to “love of humankind,” and it can be expressed through sharing time, talent, and treasure with others. If you have the financial resources to sponsor a child, you will be supporting a child’s basic needs while expressing your love for humankind. The children of this world need our love, care, and commitment, perhaps now more than ever.



You can sponsor a child with Children Incorporated in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.