Tag Archives: opportunity

During his ongoing visits to our affiliated sites in India, Luis Bourdet recently visited the St. Paul’s Home for Girls – Kothagudem. He was impressed by the high standard of the dorm, which he considers one of the best among our regional partners.


“My next visit was t0 the St. Paul’s Home for Girls – Kothagudem, located in one of the largest cities in the Dornakal Diocese work area. The Church of South India compound here is large and contains a girl’s hostel supported by Children Incorporated, another hostel for boys supported by another organization, a large church, a school, and other facilities within the largest compound area, perhaps as big as the Diocese office,” explained Luis.

“They thanked Children Incorporated for the permanent support to the children and for education, as they see this as the only way to have a decent life in India after the pandemic.”

“We were told that the church is the largest and most significant contributor to the Diocese regarding offerings and parish members. For this reason, the girls’ hostel, run by the pastor, Rev. Jesudas, with the direct involvement of the former coordinator at St. Paul’s Home, Mrs. Samson, is perhaps one of the best facilities for the children. St. Paul’s was transferred to this location because the local government demanded that all private hostels have a school facility for the children to attend within their compounds.”

“St. Paul’s didn’t, so the program was transferred to this facility not far from the original town. We lost some of the original children during the transfer, but some could transfer to this new facility. They had an old dorm here at Kothagudem, and it was fully upgraded during the transfer. This new facility has a new construction, with toilets and rooms in great shape and covered with tile and modern construction. The cots provided by Children Incorporated some years back were refurbished, and an additional area for schoolwork was added. The children are very happy to have sponsors here,” said Luis.

Helping children in need

“The entire support from Children Incorporated sponsorship here is utilized to provide food, shelter, education, and all other basic needs for the children. The local community has been instrumental in supporting the girls’ hostel. When a need for maintenance arises, or any other need that cannot be covered with Children Incorporated support appears, they are always ready to provide it. This collective effort is the reason this home stands out.”

“After discussing financial reports with our coordinator, and other aspects of the program, I had a short meeting with the local community leaders, where I thanked them for the additional support they gave the children. They thanked Children Incorporated for the permanent support of the children and for their education, as they see this as the only way to have a decent life in India after the pandemic. They indicated that the children will be good providers to their families in the future instead of people depending on the community,” said Luis.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

As she continues visiting our affiliated sites in New Mexico, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, visits the Mariano Lake Community School, where she meets with Barbara, our volunteer coordinator.


“During my visit, Barbara had just received Hope In Action Program funding based on a request where she told me she could use things for the dorm, such as books and arts and craft supplies.”

“Mariano Lake Community School is located about 60 miles south-southwest of Lake Valley. Whereas the Lake Valley area is rocky and has become more arid, the Mariano Lake area has sandy soil and more vegetation. There are several types of grasses, as well as shrubby plants and bushes.”

“The eponymous lake is across the road but is down a hilly area and is not readily visible from the school. At one time, people came from all over the area to fish, but now the lake is more of a marsh and is no longer suitable for fishing,” said Renée.

Barbara is pictured with one of our sponsored children at Mariano Lake Community School.

“This area was originally settled by the Navajo because of the abundant vegetation and because it is an ideal area to raise sheep, which is still the case hundreds of years later. Prized for their adaptability to the land and for their overall health and hardiness, Navajo-Churro sheep have a long history with both Navajo and Hispanic families in the region. The sheep’s ancestors were originally from Spain and were quickly acquired through trades and raids by the Navajo.”

“Today, they are important to the Navajo culture and economy. The meat sustains many families, and the wool is used for weaving. Mariano Lake is no exception; like other communities, many families keep at least a few sheep,” said Renée.

“Some families also came to the area years ago to work in the uranium mine, which, unfortunately, was closed in 1982 and is now a highly contaminated site full of hazardous waste. As a result of the mine’s closure, there are few job opportunities in the area. Most adults travel to work low-wage jobs in nearby Gallup or Crownpoint.”

Meeting with Barbara

“When I arrived at Mariano Lake Community School, I was met by our wonderful, long-term volunteer coordinator, Barbara. We strolled around the school so I could get reacquainted with it since my previous visit. Then we went into the teachers’ lounge for our meeting. Barbara said that, like so many other schools, the pandemic caused disruptions,” explained Renée.

“Barbara was so excited and grateful about the most recent donation from Children Incorporated donors and was happily making her spending plans.”

“When the lockdown began in March 2020, the dorm was shut down along with the school. Children struggled with remote learning at home, and many families experienced severe illness and death, which added further trauma for the children. Eventually, the school reopened to hybrid instruction, and then during the 2022-2023 school year, the school returned to fully in-person instruction, and masks were required. Masking is optional this school year, but many choose to continue, especially households with elders or people with chronic health conditions. Barbara kept on her mask throughout my visit, and so I did too.”

“Our coordinator told me that all the children enrolled at Mariano Lake have parents and grandparents who can scarcely make ends meet, and our sponsors’ support is deeply appreciated. During my visit, Barbara had just received Hope In Action Program funding based on a request where she told me she could use things for the dorm, such as books and arts and crafts supplies. Barbara was so excited and grateful about the most recent donation from Children Incorporated donors and was happily making her spending plans,” said Renée.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in that is available for sponsorship.


As he continues visiting our affiliated sites in India, Luis Bourdet visits the Grace Aaron Childcare Center, where students are very happy to be present.

“The town of Burgampahad, in the southeastern Indian state of Telangana, is where the Grace Aaron Childcare Center is located,” explained Luis Bourdet.

“Within this rice-producing region, which is susceptible to crop-destroying flooding and droughts, thousands of field laborers earn very low wages. Due to widespread poverty, only some parents can send their children to school. For this reason, the Grace Aaron Childcare Center serves as a beacon of hope. Founded by the Church of South India, this center provides nutritional and educational support for girls from the region’s most impoverished families.”

Luis meets with our coordinator

“Grace Aaron was a hostel in the past, and children used to live here as our sponsorship program supported them. Flooding from the nearby Godavari river has affected the facilities a few times, and a new disposition of the local government, where children could not stay at private hostels unless a school is present within the compound, has turned this facility into a childcare center,” said Luis.

“The children love to be here, and they welcomed me with some interesting local dances and a display of henna markings in their hands that were very impressive.”

“Mrs. J. Jesantha, a coordinator of the Dornakal Girls Hostel before, is now the person in charge at Grace Aaron. The building where the dorms used to be is now utilized as classrooms and a dining hall, with a new area/building being the main area for classroom work, meetings and homework.”

“The pandemic had something to do with the transformation of this facility as well, as parents migrated to the town but had no way to support their children and send them to school. The schedule here is busy as usual, and the children arrive at the center every day very early in the morning and are given breakfast and sent to a nearby school,” said Luis.

“In the afternoon, after returning from school, they are given lunch and dinner, provided with homework help and some recreational activities, and sent home after 7 p.m. The children love to be at the Grace Aaron Center, and they welcomed me with some interesting local dances and a display of henna markings on their hands that were very impressive. They are very grateful for their sponsors as well, expressing much gratitude for the support they receive, which ensures that they have school supplies, food, and other necessary items throughout the year.”

“After meeting the coordinator about the Children Incorporated sponsorship program, I then had a delicious meal with plenty of dhal, which is a favorite food of mine, before finishing my visit to this wonderful affiliation,” said Luis.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in that is available for sponsorship.


written by Shelley Callahan

Shelley is the Director of Development for Children Incorporated. She is also the lead social correspondent, regularly contributing insights through the Stories of Hope blog series. Sign up for Stories of Hope to receive weekly email updates about how your donations are changing the lives of children in need.

» more of Shelley's stories

As our Director of International Programs Luis Bourdet continues his visits to our affiliated India, we hear about his visit to the English Medium Hostel, where learning the English language is a focus for students.

Welcome to Dornakal

“Within the Dornakal Diocese, Children Incorporated provides support to six programs. One is a child care center and five are homes or hostels, including the English Medium Hostel. All our affiliated sites are administered by the Church of South India (or CSI), through the bishop in charge, and from its offices in Dornakal. This Diocese is in charge of over 1500 small and big churches and compounds (including schools and hostels) around the Diocese territory,” explained Luis.

“The Bishop of the Diocese, Rev. Dr. K. Padma Rao, who was appointed almost two years ago, is responsible for the upkeep of all churches and facilities within the Diocese. Children Incorporated support allows the children to stay at each center or hostel, and they are provided with food, clothing, boarding and educational support.”

“Children Incorporated support allows the children to stay at each center or hostel, and they are provided with food, clothing, boarding, and educational support,” explained Luis.

“English Medium Hostel is a small facility that accommodates about 30 to 35 children who are selected to attend the English Medium School. All are boys who come from remote areas but are taking the initiative to learn English, as the new government mandates, and attend this school to get more adept with the language from an early age,” said Luis.

“The hostel occupies a small area with two main buildings — one is a small two-story dorm, and the other is a kitchen and dining hall, with an adjacent set of toilets. The children have a busy schedule here, as they start their day early at around 5 a.m. by having breakfast, then attending school, and returning back to the home for a brief rest. Then they bah homework time, some cultural recreational activities, and are off to bed for the next day,” explained Luis.

Visiting English Medium

“The new volunteer coordinator Ms. Aruna Devi is the superintendent and is in charge of the home. During my visit, she had the opportunity to learn more about our sponsorship program requirements.”

“After a short presentation from the children and a meeting to discuss the importance of writing letters, providing reports and making sure the funds are properly distributed to the children, Ms. Devi and I discussed many areas of how Children Incorporated is helping children at the school. Ms. Devi shared with us in detail about how she distributes the funds and what they cover. After meeting with the children and touring the facility, we ended our visit,” said Luis.


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

Dear Children Incorporated,

This is a huge thank you to all of our donors and you all at Children Incorporated. Here at Huguenot High School we have so many students in need. This year you all have provided support for our sponsored children and all Huguenot students through Hope In Action by providing Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)  kits midyear. We have many students dealing with anxiety and social issues on a regular basis and because of our SEL kits purchased with your donations many of them have been able to pick up items that help them get through the day and focus.

Our children are able to feel special and feel loved by people they don’t ever know or get to meet and that is something amazing.

We have also observed many individual students helped by the generous donations of Children Incorporated. For example, we have a student who lives with her uncle because her father has passed and her mom is incarcerated. She often needs to buy undergarments and clothing for herself because he just doesn’t know what to get her. So she is comfortable coming into our office and asking me for help to get whatever she needs especially when she needs advice on what to get.

Another student we have at the works and goes to school and doesn’t have a lot of money to spend on herself. She has to help pay rent where she lives and often wears the same clothes over and over again. Due to your donations I was able to get her necessary hair products, clothes and even a few extra gifts for herself that she would never get if it wasn’t for you all.

There is no way any of the students would be able to help support themselves without the funds of Children Incorporated. Our children are able to feel special and feel loved by people they don’t ever know or get to meet and that is something amazing. You all help build self-confidence and self-worth, and help children see the world from a different perspective and create graduates where there may not have been one. Thank you and your donors for their continued support. You are changing the world one gift at a time!

With gratitude and appreciation,



How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.


written by Children Incorporated

We provide children living in poverty with education, hope and opportunity so they have the chance for a brighter future. Thanks to past and current supporters around the globe, we work with 225 affiliated sites in 20 countries to offer basic needs, emergency relief, and community support to thousands of children and their families each year.

» more of Children's stories

As our Director of International Programs Luis Bourdet continues his travels in India visiting our affiliated sites in the country, he tells us about the Lou Ann Long Girls’ Hostel, in which children in our program are in need of beds and linens for a comfortable night’s rest.

“Thankfully, the Lou Ann Long Girls’ Hostel is able to provide boarding, nutrition, and a quality education for area girls who come from families living in poverty.”

About the Lou Ann Long GIRLS’ HOSTEL

“The small town of Yadgiri, where the Lou Ann Long Girls’ Hostel is located, is in the southern Indian state of Karnataka. Drought is a constant threat in this agricultural community, and employment opportunities are severely limited. Field laborers earn an average of only forty cents a day and struggle to provide even the most basic necessities for their children,” said Luis.

“Moreover, with shorter life expectancies, much lower literacy rates, and a markedly inferior social and economic status than males, young women in India begin life at a disadvantage. Thankfully, the Lou Ann Long Girls’ Hostel is able to provide boarding, nutrition, and a quality education for area girls who come from families living in poverty. At the home, deserving young women receive the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty and rise above the difficult socioeconomic circumstances they face.”

“The home is administered by the Methodist Church of India, and like the Chandrakal Boarding Home, it receives our support through the main office of the Methodist Church, as well as from Children Incorporated,” said Luis.

“Children at this home stay here during the educational year, and some stay during school breaks as well. Most of the children will be going home during school breaks (India follows a similar school year to the U.S.). Children Incorporated support is utilized to cover the cost of staying in the home, including the provision of food, educational supplies, clothing and shoes, as well as food support for the families when large additional gifts are sent closer to their breaks.”

Seeing the home for himself

“Currently, the girls at Lou Ann Long are staying at a dorm built with the support of Children Incorporated. However, the administrators are using the former dorm for the girls for playing and other recreational activities. The children attend a local school, located not far from this facility, also run by the Methodist Church. They are all enrolled in that school, with the exception of a couple of girls that are attending university thanks to sponsorship support through our Higher Education Fund,” said Luis.

“During my visit, I noticed that the Lou Ann Long Girls’ Hostel does not have beds for the children, as it is customary for them to sleep on small mats on the floor. I have mentioned that we could provide beds, so we are working on this support. Lou Ann Long also needs some improvements to the facilities. They mentioned that the building would be better with a touch of paint and perhaps sealing the roofs to avoid leaking. Because of the lack of funding, prevention is not the primary focus for these centers, as they live month-to-month. I will follow up to see what Children Incorporated could do to support these needs as well.”


How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?

You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.