Tag Archives: kentucky

Our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, has two more stops on her virtual tour of Floyd County, Kentucky, which she conducted this past spring. Today, Renée met with Sharon at May Valley Elementary School to hear about how our sponsors are supporting students in this small community.

Meeting with Sharon

“May Valley is located in the community of Martin, right off of Kentucky Route 80. It is a busier and more bustling community than Eastern or Grethel. Martin has a grocery store, a gas/convenience mart, and a Walgreens pharmacy — which doesn’t sound like much but is more than some towns have in this part of the U.S.”

Sharon has always been very active on behalf of her students and readily asks Children Incorporated for extra assistance from our Hope In Action Program.

“The school educates 341 students in pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade. The children here are performing higher than the state average on state tests, which is wonderful, considering that a majority of them come from difficult circumstances. The poverty rate at May Valley is high — 78% of households struggle to make ends meet.”

“The Family Resource Center Coordinator, Sharon, is also our volunteer coordinator. Sharon is an experienced, long serving coordinator who will be retiring in September 2022 and will be greatly missed by all of us at Children Incorporated, and I am sure by her students and the staff at May Valley.”

Our special funds helping kids in need

“Sharon has always been very active on behalf of her students and readily asks Children Incorporated for extra assistance from our Hope In Action Program, as funds are needed. We have been glad to help, and Sharon is very appreciative of our sponsors and donors.”

“We have recently provided aid for two little girls who had no beds. Thanks to our Beds and Linens Fund, the girls now have cozy beds of their own, ensuring they are well rested and ready to learn.”

“Sharon requested travelers’ aid for a little boy and his mother. The boy needed special surgery and was referred to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. Thanks to our donors, we were able to provide some assistance with food and gas to and from the hospital, which the family desperately needed with no means to have emergency savings. We were delighted to hear that the young man came through his surgery with flying colors and made an excellent recovery!”

A letter from Sharon

After receiving Hope In Action funding, Sharon sent us to thank our donors for the support. Sharon wrote:

‘I would like to express my appreciation for your generous donation. I completed a home visit recently and saw dire circumstances. The home visit was to assess the living conditions of two little girls, their maternal grandmother, and their maternal great grandmother. The girls’ mother has not been able to look after them for some time. After the death of the mothers’ husband, she lost the family home.’

Sharon sent a photo of the new beds along with her letter of appreciation.

‘The two women rented a house, but it caught fire, and they lost everything. Thankfully, a relative had a small house left to her, and she has allowed the four of them to move into it. When I arrived at this house, among other things, I found that one of the girls was sleeping in the only bed. The two adult women and the other girl were sleeping on an old mattress on the floor.’

‘I called Children Incorporated and spoke to the U.S. Program Director, Renée Kube, who said right away that help could be provided. Renée also mentioned that a special gift had been given by two sponsors to be used for children in the Appalachian Mountain region. My school is located in Floyd County in the mountains of eastern Kentucky. There is a high poverty rate here and many families are struggling.’

‘With the funds, I purchased a set of bunk beds and mattresses for the girls, and a twin bed and mattress for their grandmother. The top bunk has a built-in desk. Arlene and Mary put two stools there, and the girls sit together and do their homework and studies.’

‘The girls are so, so happy with their new beds and want me to thank you for caring about them. They are so appreciative. You have made a huge difference in the girls’ healthy sleep, comfort, and education.’


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Kentucky that is available for sponsorship.


written by Kristen Walthall

Kristen is our Assistant Director of U.S. Programs who oversees Children Incorporated’s work in the United States – from the rural southeast and southwest to our urban areas in New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia. She works closely with an outstanding network of more than 100 volunteer coordinators at each affiliated site to ensure the children in our program are receiving the support they need.

» more of Kristen's stories

Historic thunderstorms struck southeastern Kentucky from the late evening of Wednesday, July 27th through Thursday, July 28th. The storms produced at least 6″ of rain within a 24-hour period. More rain fell the following Friday and Saturday, bringing the total to 14″-16″ of rainfall within a five-day period. The storms triggered both flash flooding of creeks and severe river flooding. The flooding also caused mudslides, and torrents of water and mud washed away small bridges, roads, and homes.

Donors and sponsors who wish to make extra contributions are gratefully welcomed to do so. These contributions will be put into our Hope In Action Fund for additional disaster relief and related emergencies and needs.

A devastating event

The death toll stands currently at 37 and is sadly expected to rise, as many people remain unaccounted for. Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear described it as “one of the worst and most devastating events in Kentucky’s history.”

Many of the hardest hit counties are in areas where Children Incorporated is serving. Our hearts have been very heavy as we read the articles and watched the film footage of the flooding. Our amazing volunteer coordinators in southeastern Kentucky have just begun to contact us and send their own pictures and stories.

Children Incorporated is joining the call to help and has already sent $42,000 in disaster relief funds to our affiliated sites in the greatest impacted areas. Our coordinators will use these contributions to purchase items the children and their families need most — from bottled water to nonperishable food, from bleach to detergent, from antibiotic ointment to band-aids, and more. Our caring sponsors’ regular contributions are also being sent, and our coordinators plan to buy clothing for the children.

Thanks to our Hope In Action Fund, we are able to respond immediately to disasters and emergencies.

How you can help

In the midst of the heartache, we are also hearing inspiring stories of help coming from all across our country, and stories of local residents helping one another from rooftop rescues to horseback checkups to the daunting and extensive cleanup efforts. Schools in border counties are being used as shelters or staging areas. Initial aid is being distributed from unaffected buildings and dry parking lots, and this aid will steadily expand in scope as cleanup and repair efforts continue.

Donors and sponsors who wish to make extra contributions are gratefully welcomed to do so. We will continue to support flood-related efforts through your kind and generous donations to our Hope In Action Fund. Thank you all for your support of children and families in Kentucky during this emergency and for all you do for children around the world throughout the year.



written by Kristen Walthall

Kristen is our Assistant Director of U.S. Programs who oversees Children Incorporated’s work in the United States – from the rural southeast and southwest to our urban areas in New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia. She works closely with an outstanding network of more than 100 volunteer coordinators at each affiliated site to ensure the children in our program are receiving the support they need.

» more of Kristen's stories

As a part of our 2022 “Virtual Visit” series, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, takes us to Floyd Central High School on a visit to hear about our sponsorship program and other outreach services conducted by our volunteer coordinator, Teresa.

Renée Virtual Visit

“Floyd Central High is a relatively new school located in the community of Eastern. It was built in 2017 as a consolidation of the old Allen Central High and South Floyd High Schools. It offers the standard state-approved curriculum, and also offers dual enrollment, AP, and online college courses. The sports teams compete in football, baseball, volleyball, softball, and cheerleading. There are also competitive teams for golf, archery — and bass fishing!”

“Teresa is devoted to her students and families. Most are loving and hardworking, but generations of poverty and lack of education have caused a lot of hardship and struggle.”

“The high school is also a ‘feeder’ school for two other Children Incorporated affiliated sites — Duff-Allen Central and May Valley Elementary schools, which is fantastic because our sponsors can follow their sponsored children from elementary to high school with ease thanks to these partnerships.”

“Floyd Central serves about 638 students in grades 9-12. Everyone at the school is very proud of the 93% graduation rate, considering that the students and families face a lot of challenges — 75% of students live in poverty and lack access to basic resources.”

Teresa’s programs

“Our volunteer coordinator at the school is Teresa. She is an involved coordinator who has created a Youth Services Center Student Outreach Group. They host activities and raise funds for special events throughout the year, ranging from purchasing suitcases for foster children to pet food donations for the local animal shelter. This is a wonderful opportunity for the students to feel connected and give back to their community.”

Family Game Nights were a hit with Teresa’s students and their parents.

“Since the pandemic, in addition to our sponsorship program, Children Incorporated helped Teresa with three other programs. The first program was a series of family fun nights where the students and families turned off their screens and bonded over playing board games and making snacks together. Teresa collaborated with the other coordinators, and it was a county-wide event. The families sent pictures to Teresa and said they were surprised at how much this meant to them.”

“The second program was mixing physical activity and positive mental outlooks to support educational outcomes. The last program was a health and fun fair for expectant and new mothers, which was also a collaborative, county-wide event. The fair included packets of important information and diaper bags filled with small baby care items. Participants could register for one of three grand prizes: a baby bouncer, rocker, or stroller.”

Getting the support they need

“Teresa is devoted to her students and families. Most are loving and hardworking, but generations of poverty and lack of education have caused a lot of hardship and struggle. Teresa shared that one of her students is being raised by a single father. Due to some unexpected expenses, he got behind on rent. In order to get caught up, the dad and his son were paid a little money by neighbors to clear brush out of their creek beds. The boy sells eggs to help. Teresa said that our sponsorship program is a big help with this boy’s school clothing. He (and the other program-enrolled children) fit in with their peers with the new clothes they receive which really helps their self-esteem, and they are dressed appropriately for the weather.”


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Kentucky that is available for sponsorship.


written by Kristen Walthall

Kristen is our Assistant Director of U.S. Programs who oversees Children Incorporated’s work in the United States – from the rural southeast and southwest to our urban areas in New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia. She works closely with an outstanding network of more than 100 volunteer coordinators at each affiliated site to ensure the children in our program are receiving the support they need.

» more of Kristen's stories

When the Covid-19 pandemic struck hard in March 2020, all U.S. schools went fully virtual. They had no time to prepare — everything was done, as the old saying goes, “on a wing and prayer.” However, for most districts, the school year was over by mid-May, and at first everyone thought things would be back to normal soon. Then, the realization sank in across the country that the pandemic would get worse before it got better, so the summer of 2020 was used to plan for a very different 2020-2021 school year.

Our volunteer coordinators at schools around the country coped during the 2020-2021 school year with a mixture of hybrid and virtual instruction and outreach. They rose admirably to the challenge.

Our volunteer coordinators at schools around the country coped during the 2020-2021 school year with a mixture of hybrid and virtual instruction and outreach. They rose admirably to the challenge. Again, in May 2021, there was a sense of optimism, only to be faced with the late summer Delta variant and the late autumn Omicron variant. Many school districts opened their doors in August 2021 for in-person instruction while others chose hybrid. Due to rising infection rates, many had to go back and forth between in-person and virtual learning. Some have continued with virtual instruction only.

Though we haven’t been able to visit our affiliated sites in-person, Children Incorporated staff has stayed in close contact through lots of emails and phone calls, as well as virtual visits via FaceTime, Zoom, and Google Meet. Over the next weeks, we will share with you stories from our “virtual trip report” about our organization’s affiliations in beautiful Floyd County, Kentucky and how our sponsors’ support has been especially important during the past two years.

We hope you enjoy taking this “virtual trip” with us and thank you for all your support of children in our program in Floyd County, Kentucky and around the world!

About Floyd County

Coal was first discovered in the American colonies in 1750. It was found in what would become Kentucky, when explorer Thomas Walker used some coal to heat his campfire. However, it would be another 150 years before coal was mined in the Eastern Coalfields region on a large commercial scale. In 1820, the first commercial coal mine opened in Muhlenberg County, in western Kentucky.

The decline of the coal industry has in so many ways effected families and communities in Eastern Kentucky.

Floyd County was a former major coal mining area with a long and noted history of which its residents are extremely proud. In 1900, the first commercial coal mine in the Eastern Coalfields region was opened in the Betsy Layne community in Floyd County. Coal mining experienced periods of boom and bust during the 20th century. The two world wars were boom periods. The first was followed by a deep bust, brought on by the end of war production and the start of the Great Depression. After World War II, the Korean War kept the second boom going longer. However, railroads and households began shifting from coal to oil and gas for their energy needs, and the industry experienced another downturn.

The decline of coal

Two developments have resulted in the major reduction of  coal mines — increased mechanization which has reduced the need for labor, and the regulation of factory emissions by the 1990 Clean Air Act. Kentucky coal, has a high sulfur content, making it less desirable than coal in other parts of the country, and factory emissions with high sulfur content contribute to high rates of acid rain, which leads to deforestation and makes water sources acidic. Coal companies can remove the sulfur through scrubbers, switch to mining low-sulfur coal, which is found in western states like Wyoming, or pay fines for their sulfur production.

The result of factory emissions regulation has been a steadily decreasing number of coal mines and of well-paying mining jobs in eastern Kentucky. But the issue goes beyond that, as the coal economy once supported communities across the entire Eastern Coalfields region. Other sectors, which have fewer customers with purchasing power, such as the banking, engineering, construction, transportation, and related manufacturing sectors, have been impacted as well. Over time, the results are fewer jobs, and those left are mostly service jobs (fast food restaurants, convenience stores, gas stations, etc.) that pay low wages. With the decline of the coal industry came a rise in poverty.

Poverty is linked to poor health and food insecurity, and Floyd County residents have long been plagued by all three. In Floyd County, rates of premature death and infant mortality are twice as high than the rest of the nation. Three in ten adults are obese. Four in ten adults exercise less than once a month. More than one-third of adults describe their health as fair or poor. More than one-third smoke, which is twice the national average. There is also a serious problem with opioid addiction. Some Floyd County families have trouble getting to the doctor, contacting the doctor, or just don’t believe in going to the doctor.

For the children, the schools have been a place not only of education, but the lifeline of the federal free breakfast and lunch program.

Extreme poverty in Kentucky

In 2019, USA Today reported a finding by 24/7 Wall Street, which had conducted an index study of three measures: poverty, the percentage of adults who have at least a bachelor’s degree, and average life expectancy at birth. They used these to identify the “25 Worst Counties In Which To Live In America.” Floyd County was #25. The report stated Floyd County, in the center of Appalachian Kentucky, epitomizes the social and economic problems of the region. More than 30% of residents live below the poverty line, and a similar percentage rely on SNAP benefits (food stamps) to afford minimum basic essentials. Floyd is losing residents rapidly. In the last five years, the population has dropped 5.1% even as the U.S. population grew by 3.8%.

For 10 years, the organization Feeding America has been conducting a “Map the Meal Gap” study to improve our understanding of food insecurity. The term refers to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s measure of both lack of access to enough food for an active healthy lifestyle and limited availability of nutritious food. Food insecure children are those living in food insecure households. The most recent mapping was based on data from 2018. However, due to Covid-19, the organization also released a companion study and interactive map to show the impact of the pandemic on food insecurity. For Floyd County, the overall food insecurity rate is 22.1%. The child food insecurity rate is 31.7%.

According to the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) website, the all-age poverty rate in Floyd County has declined since 2000. However, the U.S. Census Bureau shows the all-age poverty rate is still high at 27.4%, and using the last available data from 2018, the “Well Being in The Nation Network” shows the Floyd County child poverty rate is 31.7%. Both rates are higher than the national averages.

The importance of our partnerships

For the children, the schools have been a place not only of education, but the lifeline of the federal free breakfast and lunch program. The schools are also a place of community and care, of secure and stable routines, and exposure to the enrichment of activities, clubs, and athletics. The Covid-19 pandemic has kept vulnerable children at home for much of the past two years. Some children adapted well to remote learning, but others not so much.

Our valued partnership with the Family Resource Youth Services Centers is so important to providing basic necessities to children in our program. Our missions are complementary, and our sponsors and donors provide the resources that help them remove barriers to the children’s full potential.


How do I sponsor a child in Kentucky?

You can sponsor a child in Kentucky in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in Kentucky that is available for sponsorship.


written by Kristen Walthall

Kristen is our Assistant Director of U.S. Programs who oversees Children Incorporated’s work in the United States – from the rural southeast and southwest to our urban areas in New Orleans, Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Virginia. She works closely with an outstanding network of more than 100 volunteer coordinators at each affiliated site to ensure the children in our program are receiving the support they need.

» more of Kristen's stories

Not too long ago, we reported on how our partner, Altar’d State, was able to help our international affiliated sites during the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to their generous contributions to our many special funds. Today, we have multiple updates to share with you about how Altar’d State also supported our U.S. sites — from Kentucky across the country to New Mexico.

A letter from Renée

 In response to the donations made to our affiliated sites in the United States, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, wrote the following letter to thank Altar’d State:

Today, we have multiple updates to share with you about how Altar’d State also supported our U.S. sites — from Kentucky across the country to New Mexico.

“Dear Friends,

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks for your generous gift supporting our programs and the health and education of vulnerable children. I had the pleasure and privilege of disbursing the U.S. funds during the year based on appeals and proposals from our volunteer site coordinators from the Appalachian mountains of the rural southeast to the Navajo Nation of the rural southwest. Our volunteer site coordinators were so grateful for the extra support for our special projects, including our feeding programs, Back to School Fund, Warm Clothing Fund, COVID-19 Response Fund, and Hope In Action Fund.

I have included letters from our coordinators expressing just how much your donations have helped them and the children in our sponsorship program.”

A Note from Anita

Across the U.S., Altar’d State has helped us provide for students in our program.

Our volunteer coordinator at Betsy Layne High School in Kentucky writes:

“I absolutely cannot thank you enough for the generous gift. My center does a weekend backpack program for several of our students. Many of the students don’t have the resources for extra food and snack, so the program makes it possible to help them. Each Friday, they receive a backpack with milk, cereal, bread, sandwich meat, mac and cheese, and spaghetti to help supplement their meals during the weekend. Your donation is greatly appreciated!”

A message from Delores

At Tohaaili Community School in New Mexico, Delores, our volunteer coordinator, sent this message:

“We send greetings and thanks to you for approving our proposal and making it possible. We wished to provide a traditional Navajo weaving revitalization program to our students and community members, and with the grant funding, we were able to purchase weaving tools that were handmade by a local vendor as well as buy commercial yarn. These efforts on your part are helping us preserve the traditions of our historical home and teach our students new skills that will help them later in life.”

Thanks from Steven

 At the Hanaa’Dli Community School and Dormitory in New Mexico, our volunteer coordinator, Steven, says:

“We have a high poverty rate and a lack of infrastructure in the children’s homes here, especially when it comes to access to water. Thankfully, the children are able to live in the dorms on the weekdays and transfer to regional schools — but with COVID-19, we faced some unique challenges.

“Our volunteer site coordinators were so grateful for the extra support for our special projects.”

With your generous gift, we purchased cleansers, disinfectants, and supplies including face masks. It is important for us to be able to provide and maintain well sanitized living spaces as we continue to work to keep our students and their families safe, especially since the Navajo Nation has been hit so hard by the pandemic. We are deeply appreciative.”


How do I sponsor a child in the United States?

You can sponsor a child in the United States in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child in the United States that is available for sponsorship.


Dear Friends,

I often share personal stories about the positive effects of our work on children and families. Our Hope In Action Fund is one of the most meaningful ways we improve lives, and our volunteer coordinators, both in the United States and abroad, can testify to that fact on a regular basis, as they witness first-hand the changes among the children in our program that they serve.

Our Hope In Action Fund is one of the most meaningful ways we improve lives.

At Sparta Elementary School, in the scenic foothills of the North Carolina mountains, our volunteer coordinator, Mandy, has these words to share:

“All of our sponsored students received a Holiday Meal Bag before the Thanksgiving Weekend in 2021. Each bag included a country ham, a 10-lb bag of dried pinto beans, biscuit mix, cobbler mix, jam or jelly, fresh fruit – and a little bit of candy. While
picking up the food items, our parents and guardians repeatedly expressed their gratitude to Children Incorporated for providing these meals during the holiday season!”

Maria, from the Visayans Community Center at Bliss in the Philippines says:

Donations to our Hope In Action Fund continuously change the lives of children in our program.

“Thanks to contributions from Children Incorporated’s Hope In Action Fund, I was able to purchase homemade peanut butter from the mother of one of our sponsored children. Instead of buying from one of the big grocery stores, we opted to buy twenty jars of her homemade peanut butter to help augment the family’s income. The pandemic has had a huge impact on this and many other families’ ability to generate money. Parents struggle to find ways to earn and secure food. We are so happy that through the funds received from Children Incorporated,we are able to help them make ends meet.”

Josephina, our volunteer coordinator at the Laboure School in El Salvador, writes:

“Last year, we enrolled a little boy named Ricardo in the Children Incorporated program. In the comment section of his forms, we indicated that Ricardo is deaf in his left ear, is partially deaf in his right ear, and that he needed hearing aids. I made Children Incorporated aware of this, and within days, I heard from the director of their International Division, stating that they could help. Soon after, Hope In Action Funds were sent to us for Ricardo so we could purchase the hearing aids he needed. They were life-changing for him.”

At the St. Mary’s Girls’ Hostel in India, our coordinator, Rao, says:

“Thank you very much for providing funds so that we could purchase 103 packages of sanitary napkins. Thanks to funding from the Hope In Action Fund, we will have enough of this product to last for up to six months. Many of our girls face a great number of difficulties when it comes to sanitation and hygiene, so we really appreciate your contribution to help and support them during these hard times. Our children convey their highest regards to the donors for their kindness, generosity, and caring.”

Please consider making a donation to our Hope In Action Fund today.

These are just a few of the hundreds of comments that we have received about how our Hope In Action Fund regularly impacts the lives of children and their families. Unfortunately, our funds are limited, and there are needs that sometimes go unmet. Our goal is to meet more and more of those needs in 2022,  to improve many more lives, and to alleviate suffering in as many situations as possible.

With your help, we can continue to make a difference and, as I like to say, “change the world, one child at a time.” Please consider making a donation to our Hope In Action Fund today.

From the heart,
Ron Carter