Attending, Learning and Graduating

Our volunteer coordinator at Boyd County High School works hard to make sure her students succeed

Students in attendance at Boyd County High School in the small rural town of Cannonsburg, Kentucky are fortunate to have their resource center volunteer, Vickie, in their lives. Thanks in large part to Vickie’s efforts, the school has a high success rate — much higher than many other schools in Eastern Kentucky. As of last year, 93% of students at the school graduate within four years, and 65% enroll in some type of higher education. […]

Pride in Her Students

Our Coordinator praises children at Ponderosa Elementary School for giving back

For years, Catlettsburg, where our affiliated sites Catlettsburg Elementary and Ponderosa Elementary Schools are located, was known as “The Gate City” because it was here that barges were loaded with coal to be shipped down the Ohio River to other ports. The decline of the coal industry in Kentucky and West Virginia has severely diminished the city’s economic importance, and commerce is now minimal. Today, this area of Boyd County, Kentucky suffers from high rates […]

Two Schools, One Volunteer Coordinator

At Fairview Independent Schools in Eastern Kentucky, our volunteer coordinator has a large workload

Fairview Independent School comprises two campuses, Fairview Elementary and Fairview High Schools, located just a few blocks apart from each other in the small community of Westwood, Kentucky. Like many communities in Eastern Kentucky, Westwood has suffered significantly from the decline of the coal and steel mining industries that used to dominate this area. At one point, Armco Steel employed the majority of the Westwood workforce and made it a prosperous town. Today, only 1300 […]

Backpacks Full of Food to the Rescue

More than 100 children at Boyd County Middle are part of the school’s Weekend Backpack Feeding Program

Boyd County Middle School is located in the isolated and rural town of Cannonsburg, Kentucky. Like many of Kentucky’s Eastern Coal Field communities, Cannonsburg has suffered significantly from the decline of the coal mining industry. At the height of the coal operations, Boyd County was an essential and active port city for the transport of coal along the Ohio River. Today, many of its residents live in dismal poverty. Illiteracy and high dropout rates are […]

Support for the Long-Term

Our Hope in Action Fund provides more than just one-time aid for kids in Kentucky

When our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, was contacted by Deb from Carr Creek Elementary School in Knott County, Kentucky twelve years ago, Renée had no idea how much of an affect that one phone call would have on children in need. Deb had heard about the Children Incorporated sponsorship program during a regional Family Resource and Youth Services Center meeting among administrators and staff. After hearing about what sponsors were doing for children […]

A Culture of Giving

Our Partner, Vonage, believes in the importance of being a good corporate citizen

Participating in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been increasingly important for corporations in the last few years. Realizing the value of managing their business in ways that take into consideration how they can have an overall positive effect on society not only helps the community at large but also boosts employee morale. For those corporations that choose to embrace CSR, such as our partner Vonage, donating to organizations such as Children Incorporated is considered a […]