Without our sponsors, children living in poverty would go without so much — including food, clothing, hygiene items and crucial educational materials they require to do well in school. Today we hear from Traci at Valle Crucis Elementary School in North Carolina as she expresses her appreciation for our sponsors, who have a huge impact on children in need.
“Children Incorporated has positively impacted so many children in our school. It’s a wonderful organization.”
Traci’s letter
“Children Incorporated has helped children in our school in so many ways over the years. Sometimes, we have children who stay in the Children Incorporated sponsorship program their entire time at Valle Crucis, which can be all the way from pre-kindergarten to 8th grade.”
“The sponsorship program makes a tremendous difference in these children’s lives. Our school is located in the mountains of Northwest North Carolina, so winter and summer clothing are both very needed due to our vast temperature variation throughout the year. Children Incorporated helps provide new shoes, summer and winter clothing for our sponsored children who need updates to their clothing sizes, and seasonal wardrobes which are constantly needed for growing children! We also try to make sure they get a few fun or wish list items to really put big smiles on their faces!”

Thanks to their sponsors, kids are receiving much-needed items all year round.
“This year, right before Christmas, each child got to pick out individual items the child needed such as winter clothing and boots. In addition, we were also able to give them a cozy winter goody bag to take home with them over break that included a pullover sweater in their size, fuzzy socks, a mug with a hot chocolate bomb, a toothbrush and toothpaste, candy, and a snow sled! We do get quite a bit of snow every winter where we live, and we weren’t sure if some of these children had sleds, so it was a great item for them to have so they could get outside to enjoy the snow!”
“We also did another shopping order for summer items the children needed before school got out. The guardians and children do a really great job at being good stewards of the money from their sponsors. The bulk of things on their lists are always clothing items, but other helpful items are included such as water shoes, books, sandals, sports balls and equipment, bug catcher kits, swimming suits, socks, tennis shoes, puzzles, hair ties, lotion, school supplies, pajamas, stuffed animals, underwear and Crocs. Our Children Incorporated students left when the school year ended with the items they needed to get through the summer and have a little fun too!”
“We want thank the sponsors and everyone at Children Incorporated who makes this program possible!”
“We also received a Hope In Action grant this year that enabled our Children Incorporated enrolled 8th graders to get financial help to go to the Outer Banks in March. A few of our Children Incorporated students had never even been to the ocean before so that was a major highlight of the trip. They also got to stop at the Asheboro Zoo along the way, build their own kites, and fly them with Kitty Hawk Kites. They also visited the Outer Banks Wildlife Museum, fished on Jeanette’s Pier, participated in the Eco Program at the Coastal Studies Institute and went to the Wright Brothers Memorial & Museum. All of our students really enjoyed and benefited from this amazing experience. This was quite possibly a once in a lifetime trip for some of our students.”
“Children Incorporated has positively impacted so many children in our school. It’s a wonderful organization, and we thank the sponsors and everyone at Children Incorporated who makes this program possible!”
How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?
You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at sponsorship@children-inc.org; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.