25 Years in Pike County

Children Incorporated celebrates two and a half decades of work in Pike County with a coordinators’ breakfast

Recently, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, and our U.S. Projects Specialist, Shelley Oxenham, visited one of our longest-standing and most stable partnerships – the Family Resource and Youth Services Center (FRYSC) of Pike County in Kentucky. Children Incorporated began our outreach in Kentucky not long after the founding of our organization in 1964. At that time, our program was in only one county in the state: Menifee. Unfortunately, when our volunteer coordinator in Menifee […]

What You Need to Know About Sponsorship in the United States

We answer all your questions about sponsoring a child in the United States with Children Incorporated

In the United States, we work in Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana and Washington, D.C. to give children in need a chance at a brighter future. Your support of children in these places provides them with food, clothing, school supplies, and hygiene items through our sponsorship program. We also fund feeding programs, and support unsponsored children through our Shared Hope Fund. In addition, our Hope In Action Fund allows us […]

Praise from Our Coordinators

Our volunteer coordinators in the United States share their stories of gratitude for our programs

Without a doubt, our volunteer coordinators are the backbone of our organization. Without help from these special teachers, guidance counselors, and resource center coordinators at our affiliated schools, we couldn’t reach thousands of children living in poverty every year, helping them to receive the basic needs they require in order to focus on getting an education. We have found that our volunteer coordinators are just as grateful for our programs as we are for their […]

A Letter of Appreciation

Our Volunteer Coordinator at Salyersville Elementary School writes about why our program is so special to her

Located in the idyllic mountainous Eastern Kentucky Coalfield, Magoffin County, where our affiliated project Salyersville Elementary School is located, holds the unfortunate distinction of having one of the highest poverty rates in the state. The coal mining industry once employed the majority of the area’s workforce. However, with the recent sharp decline of the industry, many area families have turned to small-scale and low-wage farming in order to provide for themselves; and unemployment and poverty […]

Achieving Their Dreams

Our Higher Education Fund gives young adults the chance to receive an education beyond high school

The purpose of our Higher Education Fund is to assist young people enrolled in our sponsorship program with financial support so that they can attend college, university, or certification courses once they graduate from high school. The assistance they receive is one of the best ways to help break the cycle of poverty because higher education gives them the skills and training they need to make a living wage or better when they enter into […]

Going the Extra Mile for Kids in Need

Denise Stepp goes above and beyond when it comes to the children at her school

Summers can be rather boring for children. While kids usually love the thought of being out of school and free from homework assignments, they often have a difficult time staying occupied and active. One woman from Warfield, Kentucky found a way to change that this summer. Denise Stepp, who serves jointly as the coordinator for the Warfield Elementary School Family Resource Center and as a volunteer coordinator for Children Incorporated’s child sponsorship program, established a […]