The Power of One: A Legacy in Action

A large donations opens up many possibilities for our organization

It’s not every day that a small nonprofit—even one that’s been around as long as Children Incorporated—finds out that they’re receiving a donation of $1.75 million. Thousands of children will benefit from Mr. Foy’s donation. I suppose that’s why I remember the day so well. We had been saddened in 2015 to hear of the death of Mr. Glenn Foy, an engineering innovator and adventurous spirit who had passed away at such a young […]

Letters from Abel

A veterinarian shares her sponsor story

Let’s get right to it: We would be nowhere without your support. Sponsors make it possible for Children Incorporated to help hundreds of thousands of children around the globe rise above poverty. Kids like Abel, the tenth grader that I and Luis Bourdet visited last June in Ethiopia, depend on sponsors for supplies and flourish because they know someone out there cares about them. Abel is in the top five of his class!

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving

Our top four On the Road food stops

In the eight months since we first launched our On the Road series, Luis and I have traveled some 20,000 miles around the globe visiting the families and communities your contributions support.       In the spirit of Thanksgiving, we thought we’d share some of our favorite food samplings from around the world. We are so grateful for the opportunity to report on the impact sponsorship has on the children we serve. We’ve met some pretty amazing people […]

Finding Family for Mexico’s Most Vulnerable Children

Reflecting on visits to our affiliated sites

Mexico is such a modern, developed place that in many respects reminded me of America – but high unemployment rates have cities grappling with spikes in poverty and crime. As a result, there are many children who have been abused, neglected, or flat-out abandoned by family members in distress. In several cases, the parents are unable to care for their children because they are incarcerated. Children without families to help keep them safe, healthy, and to […]

Creating a Safe Space for the Children of Monterrey

Visting our affiliated site Hogar Santa Maria in Mexico

If you travel around Mexico, as we have, you’re sure to notice that Monterrey feels a little different from the rest of the major Mexican cities. It may be wealth. After all, it’s the second wealthiest city in Mexico. But this capital of the state of Nuevo Leon is a distinctly more modern feeling. Its population of 1.1 million produces iron, steel, glass, furniture, automobiles, and electronic equipment amidst the Sierra Madre Mountains on all sides. […]

The Light in Guadalajara

The La Luz Home works to keep families together in Mexico

The city of Guadalajara has a lot of things going for it — it’s considered the home of mariachi music, the historical area’s plazas and museums are sought-after by tourists, and overall, it’s considered to be the cultural capital of the Americas. With the surrounding areas considered, the population exceeds four million, making it the second most populated area after Mexico City. In 1986, a priest named Father Ramon Aguirre decided to start a home for […]