A Future for Children in a Kentucky Without Coal

With the loss of jobs in Eastern Kentucky, many families worry about how they will support their children

Nobody’s better at wearing a brave face than a kid — whether they know it or not. If you drive around Eastern Kentucky, you’ll see children at school playing outside and laughing. At first glance, it’s not likely that you’ll truly understand the impact that increasing poverty is having on their families. It’s coal country here, with mining dominating Kentucky’s industries since 1820. The Western Coal Fields, part of the Illinois basin, and the Eastern […]

A Chance at the American Dream

A sponsor story in Kentucky

When Ann and Bob Underwood first signed on as sponsors through Children Incorporated in 2006, they were looking for an opportunity to help poor children in the U.S. Ten years and 27 sponsored kids later, they remain steadfast in their commitment to helping give underprivileged children a chance at the American Dream. To date, eleven of the children sponsored by the Underwoods have successfully graduated from high school. We contacted the Tennessee couple to find […]

Paying It Forward: Life After Sponsorship

A story from a former sponsored child in Kentucky

Aimee learned a lot of things too early in life as she watched her father nearly succumb to leukemia, his resulting painkiller addiction, and the financial and psychological quicksand her family struggled in as a result. Growing up in a small town in Eastern Kentucky, Aimee was surprised to find herself and her family staying with neighbors while her dad suffered in a nearby hospital. It seemed so sudden, the onset of his illness, and […]

Educating Girls Is Critical to Reducing Poverty

Children Incorporated supports women to dive them more opportunities in life

International Women’s Day is coming up next week, on March 8. It’s a time for us to reflect on the contributions women make to society, despite the massive challenges they face here and around the globe. Anyone can see that women and girls are still less valued than men and boys in many cultures. Women – even educated women – still earn significantly less than men in the job market. And in some cultures, young […]

History, Heritage, and a Helping Hand

Shonto students conserve Navajo culture while working for their futures

Shonto Preparatory School isn’t like other public schools. Located in northern Arizona, the school is in the heart of the Navajo Nation, and serves children who are economically poor, but rich in culture and history. Most Shonto families don’t have running water or electricity, but they take daily classes to learn a language that was first written down only a generation ago. They have little money for clothes and school supplies, but they supplement their […]

Creative Solutions to Food Insecurity in the Navajo Nation

Our U.S. Feeding Program is helping children in need in Arizona

At first glance, it would seem like the Navajo community in the Arizona high desert has little in common with the inner city neighborhoods of Washington, D.C. Both areas though, are food deserts, where residents can’t buy produce or other healthy foods because there aren’t any to be found. In Washington, D.C. and other major U.S. cities, food deserts are located in low-income areas. There are no grocery stores there – just corner markets where residents […]