Returning One Year Later

Revisiting the Montero School in Bolivia

It’s hard to believe it has already been a year since Luis and I were in Bolivia together, visiting projects in La Paz and Santa Cruz. Although Luis has been traveling to visit sites for many years now, it was my first trip with Children Incorporated, and it marked the launch of our On the Road series. Looking back, it was incredible to have had the chance to visit our affiliate projects in Bolivia, and […]

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Book Series

A Best-selling Author Challenges Her Readers to Help Children in Need

Hearing from our President and CEO Ronald H. Carter

I am blessed. Let me just say that now, and get it out of the way. I am incredibly blessed in many more ways than I can even begin to count! I have a nice home, a dependable car, food, clothing, and more material possessions than I need. My family is stable, and my spouse and I are able to provide for our children in a manner that keeps them fed and safe and warm, […]

Repairing a Smile and Self-esteem

Our Hope In Action Fund steps in to fix a student’s teeth

It goes without saying that our Hope In Action Fund, which allows Children Incorporated to provide for sponsored children and their families in emergency and special circumstances, comes to the rescue quite often. Whether funds go to purchasing cleaning supplies after families have been affected by flooding, or to replacing a pair of eyeglasses when a child falls and breaks them on the playground, Hope In Action is such an important part of how Children […]

The Impact of Optimism

A positive-minded brand gives back to Children Incorporated

At Children Incorporated, we’re used to positive people who want to make a difference. That’s one of the best things about our jobs here — meeting other people who share our passions. But every so often, someone surprises us with a creative way to give back, and inspires us to look at the world in a new and different light. We recently spoke with Micah Greer, the founder of Operation Optimist, a new web-based clothing […]

The Road Ahead

Catching Up with On the Road’s Shelley Callahan

Around this time last year, Children Incorporated’s Director of Development, Shelley Callahan, and Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, boarded a plane and set off on the first of many adventures together, On the Road. Side by side, the two traveled to dozens of projects around the globe, from as far away as Ethiopia, to as close to home as Kentucky. The idea was simple: give readers a first-hand look at the impact of child […]

A Future for Children in a Kentucky Without Coal

With the loss of jobs in Eastern Kentucky, many families worry about how they will support their children

Nobody’s better at wearing a brave face than a kid — whether they know it or not. If you drive around Eastern Kentucky, you’ll see children at school playing outside and laughing. At first glance, it’s not likely that you’ll truly understand the impact that increasing poverty is having on their families. It’s coal country here, with mining dominating Kentucky’s industries since 1820. The Western Coal Fields, part of the Illinois basin, and the Eastern […]