With Immense Gratitude During These Past Few Years

A letter from our CEO, Ron Carter, expressing his thanks to all our supporters

When the COVID-19 pandemic initially hit in early 2020, I admit that I was greatly concerned about the negative impact it might have on our ability to raise the funds so badly needed to provide services to the thousands upon thousands of children and families that rely on us for help. I was fearful that our donors might be overwhelmed by their individual burdens and concerns and find themselves unable to continue to support our […]

As 2021 Comes to an End, Your Help is Still Greatly Needed

A Letter From our CEO and President, Ron Carter

 Dear Friends, The years 2020 and 2021 have been among the strangest and perhaps most difficult years in recent history. With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in early 2020, our world was severely shaken. Most of what we considered normal behaviors and activities were suddenly stopped, and we found ourselves isolated and dealing with issues totally new to us. The changes that came about as the result of the pandemic were especially hard on […]

An Overwhelming Positive Change

Theresa at Floyd Central in Kentucky shares a heartwarming story

Today, we want to share a letter of hope and inspiration from one of our many incredible volunteer coordinators from around the world. If there was ever any doubt of the power of sponsorship, Teresa, at Floyd Central High School in Kentucky, confirms with a sweet letter just how much sponsors mean to children in our program: “Dear Children Incorporated Staff and Sponsors, First of all, I want to say thank you for everything that […]

Making the Year Extraordinary for Children in Need

Our coordinators in Letcher County, Kentucky express their gratitude for our sponsors

Today, we want to share a letter from our volunteer coordinators in Letcher County, Kentucky, who want to express their gratitude for everything that our sponsors have done for the children in our program over the last year. A note from Jennifer “Dear Staff and Sponsors, Letcher County Central High School, our Youth Services Center, and our students would like to thank Children Incorporated and its sponsors for all they have done for our students […]

A Letter from Lindsay

Our volunteer coordinator at Westover Hills Elementary writes about how sponsorship as helped her students

In today’s edition of On the Road, our volunteer coordinator, Lindsay, at Westover Hills Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia, shares her story of the impact that sponsorship has on the children at her school over the last year: Experiencing the impact “Dear Children Incorporated Staff and Sponsors, I have only been at Westover Hills (and with Communities in Schools) for two months, but I have already experienced the impact that Children Incorporated has on our […]

Thanksgiving Meals for Kids and Their Families

Thanks to our donors, children received food to take home for the holidays

Thanksgiving is a special time of year for many families in the United States, but for those living in poverty, the expense of purchasing food for the holiday can be something they just can’t afford. Thankfully, for many of our sponsored children, we were able to provide funding from our Hope In Action Fund and our U.S. Feeding Program Fund to purchase meals to send home before Thanksgiving break. At the request of our volunteer […]