A Doctor for the Poor

The clinic at Casa Betania serves an entire community in need

Located southwest of the capital of Nicaragua is Boaco, a town that was built on such a steep hill that it is described by locals as having two floors – a first floor with homes and businesses, and then another tier of houses and shops high above the first, considered the second floor. It was fitting to hear that the city is referred to as having two floors because part of our visit to the […]

The Power of Shoes: A Pair of Organizations Working Together

An Interview with Andrew Kroes from Because International

If any organization can attest to the power of small things making a big difference, it’s Children Incorporated. We understand just how important a notebook, a pencil, a new shirt, a toothbrush, or a pair of socks can be for a child who doesn’t have these basic necessities in their life. There is nothing like a new pair of shoes for a child, especially when they have never had new shoes – ever. It’s a […]

Repairing a Smile and Self-esteem

Our Hope In Action Fund steps in to fix a student’s teeth

It goes without saying that our Hope In Action Fund, which allows Children Incorporated to provide for sponsored children and their families in emergency and special circumstances, comes to the rescue quite often. Whether funds go to purchasing cleaning supplies after families have been affected by flooding, or to replacing a pair of eyeglasses when a child falls and breaks them on the playground, Hope In Action is such an important part of how Children […]

Creative Solutions to Food Insecurity in the Navajo Nation

Our U.S. Feeding Program is helping children in need in Arizona

At first glance, it would seem like the Navajo community in the Arizona high desert has little in common with the inner city neighborhoods of Washington, D.C. Both areas though, are food deserts, where residents can’t buy produce or other healthy foods because there aren’t any to be found. In Washington, D.C. and other major U.S. cities, food deserts are located in low-income areas. There are no grocery stores there – just corner markets where residents […]

Fruits and Vegetables Blossom in the Middle of a Food Desert

In Washington, D.C., schools are stepping up to provide fresh produce to students

It’s hard to imagine a lack of food in the nation’s capital — but there is one. A “food desert” is a place where fresh fruit and vegetables can’t be purchased, and Washington, D.C. is just such a place. Large parts of the city — specifically the poorer — don’t have grocery stores. Instead, they have corner markets where one can purchase snacks and some canned goods, but not nutritious whole foods. “If families have […]

Spreading Warmth as Temperatures Drop

Our Warm Clothing Fund provides coats to children in need

For most children, winter is a time of joy as they wait hopefully for snowfall and deep freezes. For those without warm clothes, however, winter is a season of cold and hardship. That’s a problem volunteers and donors at Children Incorporated have been working to fix for almost 25 years. Children Incorporated’s Warm Clothing Fund raised $35,000 this year to provide coats, gloves, boots, and other warm clothes to children in need. More than 3,500 children around […]