Checking In at Our Largest Site in Sucre

The La Inmaculada School serves hundreds of students from impoverished households

Although all the schools we work with in Bolivia were large, serving hundreds of children from neighboring communities, the La Inmaculada School was by far the largest I had seen during my time in Sucre. Our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, and I were scheduled to visit the school on a Thursday morning, but come to find out, that was a day that was scheduled for a city wide teachers strike, in which schools […]

Thank you for a Wonderful 2023

A letter from our CEO and President, Ron Carter

I am a big believer in the idea of maintaining “an attitude of gratitude.” I have discovered over the years that I can weather crisis, hardships, trials, and difficulties much better when I remind myself of just how blessed I am. Even during my most trying days, I am aware that there are always others who perhaps struggle more, face greater challenges, and lack many things that I daily take for granted. I try very […]

Children’s Education and Poverty in 2024

What you should know about how poverty affects childhood education

At Children Incorporated, we believe that education is a way out of poverty for children, both in the United States and globally. Many barriers stand in the way of children receiving an education, from unaffordable school fees and a lack of basic facilities, to discrimination and low-quality instruction. These are often compounded by some cultural practices such as early marriage, as well as by the general preference of boys over girls, both of which make […]

A Safe Place for Children to Learn in Bolivia

Despite a history of violence in the country, Sucre is a peaceful city

Bolivia is a country known for its tumultuous history, dating back decades, in which a series of coups and countercoups have made the country unsafe for residents and tourists alike. And although in more recent times, with a democratic ruling party, Bolivia has seen less civil unrest than previously, the country is still facing problems with violence due to modern-day political interference. Being smaller in size than the larger Bolivian cities of La Paz and […]

An Educated City

In Sucre, Bolivia, public and private schools are in abundance

After spending the day visiting the Santa Rosa School outside of Sucre, Bolivia, it was time for our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, and me to visit the Gattorno School — also known as the Santa Ana School — in the center of the city. As one of eight schools we are affiliated within with in the small area that makes up downtown Sucre, I would quickly find out just how important education is […]

Our Annual Fund Allows Us to Plan for the Future

A letter from our CEO and President, Ron Carter

Dear Friends, December is an important month. For some, it is the end of yet another year, a time to wrap up loose ends and bring matters, personal and professional, to closure. For others, both religious and otherwise, December is the season of advent, of fresh starts, of hope, peace, joy, and love. Sprinkled throughout the month are all sorts of days of special recommendation. For example, December 4th is “Wear Brown Shoes Day,” December […]