While Waiting for a Sponsor, Children in Need are Not Forgotten

A message from our President and Chief Executive Officer Ronald H. Carter

Dear Friends, People often ask me how the Children Incorporated sponsorship program works. I love having the opportunity to share with them, for it’s my belief that our operation is one of the best. For more than half a century, we have been addressing the most basic and immediate needs of children in the United States and in numerous other countries, and our work has been honored with superb ratings from all of the major charitable monitoring groups […]

Isolated but Not Forgotten

Our sponsored children in Brazil are grateful for the support they are receiving from their sponsors

Although much of the world is living in some type of isolation for the foreseeable future, the support from our sponsors helps our sponsored children and their families feel loved and taken care of in these uncertain times. Our volunteer coordinator at our affiliated project, the Recanto Esperança Center in Brazil, writes to us about how the support of our donors is making an impact on children in need. “We are fine, still in isolation. […]

Heartfelt Gratitude from India

Our sponsored children share their thanks to their sponsors

Thanks to donations to our COVID-19 Response Fund, our affiliated projects in India are able to provide food and hygiene items to children to take home to their families. Like many countries around the world, COVID-19 infection cases have risen in India despite a strict lockdown that began in late March and was partially lifted at the end of May. Currently, India is the fourth worst-hit nation in the world behind the United States, Brazil, […]

A Need and Love for Extra Attention

Our volunteer coordinator from Genoa Elementary School reflects on this past school year

At the end of every school year, our volunteer coordinators from all over the United States write to us to let us know about the power of sponsorship and what it has done for children at their respective schools. We hear from Lara at Genoa Elementary School in Wayne County, West Virginia about how our sponsors have changed the lives of their sponsored children. “Dear Children Incorporated, I am writing in appreciation of your continued […]

A Meaningful Gift for Ms. Wilson

A story from our President and CEO Ronald H. Carter

This story was originally written before the COVID-19 outbreak and has been updated for publication.  In late February, I had the pleasure of not only attending the concert of one of our sponsors, Mary Wilson (of the legendary Supremes), but she also let me set up a table at the venue to let her fans know about Children Incorporated’s work. As concertgoers entered the building, they passed right by me, and many stopped to pick […]

Praise from a New Coordinator

Anita at Johns Creek Elementary School writes to Children Incorporated about her first year working in the Family Resource Center

It is always nice to hear from our volunteer coordinators about the impact that our sponsors have on children in our program as they are the ones that see first-hand the power of sponsorship. We recently received a letter from a new coordinator, Anita, from Johns Creek Elementary School about her first year working to support children in our program: “First of all, I would like to thank Children Incorporated for sponsoring children in my […]