Receiving Technical Training and an Education in Guatemala

The Juan Apostol School offers a wide range of learning for children

Yefiny Mena, our International Programs Specialist, tells us about her visit to the Juan Apostol School in Guatemala and Children Incorporated Director of Programs Luis Boudret. The Juan Apostol School allows impoverished children to get an education and participate in skills training programs. “The Juan Apostol School, founded in 1990, is located in Villa Nueva. This area is about 25 miles from Guatemala City, but due to the recent expansion of the city, it has […]

Our Shared Hope Fund Helps Students in Desperate Need

A Letter from our Director of U.S. Programs

Dear Friends, Our Shared Hope Fund, which provides basic needs support for children waiting for a special sponsor, is one of our most valued funds. Recently, I saw yet another example of its importance and how it helps students who are in immediate and sometimes desperate need of help. The story touches my heart, and I believe you will feel it, too. Alex’s Story One of our volunteer coordinators at a newly affiliated U.S. high […]

Benefiting Now While Thinking About the Future

In Sri Lanka, children with sponsors are able to consider higher education

After leaving India, our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, traveled to Sri Lanka to visit our two affiliated sites in the country. His first stop was the Touch a Life with Hope Center in Colombo, the capital. Here, girls from low-income families are pursuing higher education thanks to support from their sponsors. Luis’ Visit “The Touch a Life with Hope Center is a home for girls in Colombo. The Ceylon Association supports the home, […]

Increasing Aid to Those that Need It the Most

The Chrishanti Center has grown over the years in order to help more families in the community

As he finishes his visit to our affiliated sites in Sri Lanka, our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, meets with our volunteer coordinator, Dr. Rodrigo, at the Chrishanti Lama Sevana in Colombo, which she established many years ago out of her home in order to help some of the most impoverished children in her own neighborhood. Learning about the Center “The Chrishanti Center is located in the Kirulapone area of Colombo, in the capital […]

Ensuring Every Child Can Attend School in Antigua

At Sagrada Familia in Guatemala, sponsors pave the way to educational opportunities

Sagrada Familia is located in Antigua, a small city surrounded by volcanoes in the south of Guatemala. This is a center administered by a group of sisters that was founded in 2002. The children meet every month to receive subsidies, which consist mainly of food supplies or school supplies, at the beginning of each school year. At Sagrada Familia, our coordinator is Sor Isabel Reynoso, who has been our coordinator since Sagrada Familia opened its […]

A Namesake School in New Orleans

Samuel J. Green Charter School has stayed true to its roots

After four wonderful visits to our affiliated sites in New Orleans, I couldn’t believe our trip was coming to an end as we arrived at our fifth and final school, Samuel J. Green Charter School. As we had done with all of our other visits, Maria met Shayne, Renée, Kristen, and me in front of Samuel Green before we entered. As we made our way down the walkway, Renée noticed that the name Samuel J. […]