Children Incorporated’s Hope In Action Fund supports our affiliated sites in a variety of ways, from emergency relief to construction projects and beyond. As one of our oldest and most valuable funds helping children and families living in poverty, it is amazing how this special fund touches lives in so many positive ways.
“With the Hope In Action Funds, I started a Fall garden at the school that includes kale, lettuce, beets, collard greens, cabbage, rainbow chard, arugula, peas, and pole beans. It has been so much fun!”
Today, we hear from our volunteer coordinator, Sydney, at G.H. Reid Elementary School, about how our Hope In Action Fund allowed her to create a new school garden, and how it has not only been educational for students, but a lot of fun as well!
A letter from Sydney
“With the Hope In Action Funds, I started a Fall garden at the school that includes kale, lettuce, beets, collard greens, cabbage, rainbow chard, arugula, peas, and pole beans. It has been so awesome!”

The school garden is bringing smiles to the faces of children at G.H. Reid.
“I am sharing a photo of a student in the Children Incorporated sponsorship program named Maria.* Maria was having a tough morning a few weeks ago, and her teacher asked if I could spend some time with her so she could have a break from the classroom. I was watering the garden at the time, so I asked Maria if she’d be interested in helping me.”
“While we tended the garden, I taught Maria about the different parts of the plants (leaves, roots, stems) and showed her how to water directly at the roots. We found some beets that were ready, so she pulled them up. Afterward, I called her mom to see if they would eat beets at home. Her mom was so excited, she happily accepted! Maria took the beets home with her that day.”
Meeting Giselle
“I have also shared a picture of another sponsored child named Giselle.* Giselle used to have a garden at her house in El Salvador, but she doesn’t have enough yard space at her new apartment in Richmond to have one. She loves to help me in the garden and said when she’s grown up, she wants to have plants of her own.”
“We also were able to invite fourth and fifth grade classes out to the garden last week on ‘Hamburger Day’ to add fresh picked lettuce to their hamburgers. The kids thought it was so cool! They were able to try arugula, red leaf lettuce, kale (soaked in water, salt, & olive oil), Great Lakes Head lettuce, and a salad bowl mix.”
“I truly can’t thank you enough for supporting our school garden. It has brought so much joy to staff and students alike! We couldn’t do it without your support.
Warm regards,
*Names changed to protect the children.
How do I sponsor a child with Children Incorporated?
You can sponsor a child in one of three ways: call our office at 1-800-538-5381 and speak with one of our staff members; email us at; or go online to our sponsorship portal, create an account, and search for a child that is available for sponsorship.