Our Spring 2024 Newsletter

Celebrating 60 Years of Children Incorporated

Dear Friends,  Before joining the staff of Children Incorporated in 2003, I worked for another child sponsorship organization for over a decade. During that time, I occasionally heard about Children Incorporated from my then co-workers, but no one seemed to know a great deal about the organization founded by Jeanne Clarke Wood in 1964. Children Incorporated was often downplayed and written off as being rather insignificant in comparison to the much larger organization where I […]

A Family Helping Other Families

An interview with Sandra and Michael Ruddick

Michael and Sandra Ruddick are a family that I have had the pleasure of spending time with over the last 20 years, although their support of our organization far exceeds the time that I have been with Children Incorporated. I recently took some time to ask them some questions about how they became dedicated donors and what drives them to continue to be involved in our work so many years later. RC: You started with […]

Depending on Our Sponsors in Kentucky

Ron Carter continues his visits to Martin County

As I continued my trip to visit our affiliated sites in Martin County, Kentucky, I visited Eden Elementary School, where I had the chance to reconnect with our volunteer coordinator, Marlena, after a few years. She and her assistant, Kelli, welcomed me with open arms as I arrived to the resource center. SEEING EDEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Marlena and Kelli are very appreciative of the Children Incorporated program, and I got the impression from them, as […]

A Colorful Future Ahead of a Monotone Landscape

Kristen Walthall visits the To’Hajiilee Community School

It is always a tremendous privilege to have the opportunity to meet the dedicated folks who make our programs possible at their schools. Our U.S. Division checks in with each of our affiliated sites in person about every other year, on average, so that we can stay up-to-date on goings on with our sponsorship program, as well as address and adapt to changing student and school needs. In our travels, we not only tour the […]

Our March 2024 Impact Report

A letter from Jessica at Piney Creek Elementary School

We love receiving letters from our volunteer coordinators because they offer such amazing insight into how our sponsors are helping children in need around the world. Today, we share a letter from Jessica at Piney Creek Elementary School about how she is able to help her students, all thanks to our supporters. Jessica’s Letter “The 2022-2023 school year has been a grateful return to normal after the uncertainties and changes presented by the global pandemic. […]

Visiting our Affiliated Sites in Martin County

Ron Carter travels to Kentucky to visit with our volunteer coordinators

While visiting Martin County, Kentucky last fall, I first met with Kara, our site coordinator at Martin County High School, and I was absolutely blown away by her caring nature and the extent of services she and her assistant offer the young people at her school. Kara stated that she feels her main goal is to help the teenagers at her school look and feel good, just like everyone else, so that they will fit […]