Earning Bucks for Good Behavior

An Affirmative Behavior Initiative at Pinon Community School is helping children in school

*Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work. *** The remote community of Pinon is located amid the […]

Valuable Lessons Learned in Manizales

Mothers of children at Centro de Orientación are teaching their children about the importance of education

For our Director of International Programs, Luis Bourdet, and me, our trip to Colombia ended in Manizales, where we visited the last of our three affiliated projects in the country, Centro de Orientación. Established by an order of nuns, Centro de Orientación functions as a community center to rehabilitate mothers who have fallen victim to the ravages of poverty, often having no other choice than to work on the streets of Manizales to make money. […]

A New Kitchen for the Lou Ann Long Girls’ Hostel in India

Thanks to donations from our donors, much-needed renovations took place

In many developing countries, food is often cooked over open fires in poorly ventilated kitchens. It is estimated that 3 billion people worldwide cook over an open flame, which releases toxic smoke that is dangerous to health and safety. The new kitchen is safer for both children and staff members. At one of our affiliated project, the Lou Ann Long Girls’ Hostel in India, the cooks prepared meals for the students […]

The Light of Sponsored Children’s Lives

Thank you for your support of children in need

For children in our program living in poverty, their sponsors are more than just providers of basic needs — they are often the light of their lives in an otherwise dark world. Blake* is a young girl who suffers from several mental health disorders that cause bursts of anger and social defiance in school. Her grandparents are raising her because her parents are incarcerated. According to our volunteer coordinator who works closely with Blake, her […]

No Money for a Librarian at Red Rock Day School

In Arizona’s Navajo Nation, lack of funding means lack of adequate staffing

*Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work. *** The remote community of Red Valley — home to Red […]

A Need for New Bedding and Clothes in Arizona

Bedbugs and lice create difficulties for children and administrators at Page Middle School

*Note: This blog was written prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although much has changed regarding our sponsored children’s learning experience in the past months, our On the Road stories remain relevant in regards to our volunteer coordinator’s work and the impact of sponsorship on children in our program thanks to our sponsors. We are pleased to continue to share stories with you about our work. *** The town of Page is located amid the stark […]