Help Save Children in Honduras

Facts about child poverty in Honduras and how Children Incorporated is helping

Nestled in northern Central America, Honduras was once home to several Mesoamerican peoples — most notably the Maya. This ecologically diverse land — with its rainforests, cloud forests, savannas, mountain ranges, and barrier reef system off the northern coast — teems with life. Its wealth of natural resources is equally impressive, including a variety of minable minerals and agricultural exports such as coffee, tropical fruit, sugar cane, and lumber. Moreover, its growing textiles industry serves […]

Our Impact Report: October 2022

Thanks to you, we have provided children and families around the world with support

As a part of our ongoing Stories of Hope blog series, we want to share with you our October 2022 Impact Report as a way to say “thank you” to all our supporters who make our work possible. Beyond what you already provide to children through our sponsorship program, your donations to our Special Funds and Special Projects allow us to help families and communities as well, often in times of crisis. YOUR IMPACT AROUND THE […]

Our Fall 2022 Newsletter

Stories of Hope from Around the World

We are happy to share with you our Fall 2022 Newsletter, highlighting our work around the world thanks to our sponsors and donors and their generosity and dedication in helping children in need. Enjoy! Children Incorporated Responds to Major Flooding in Eastern Kentucky  Historic thunderstorms struck southeastern Kentucky in July, producing 16 inches of rainfall within a five-day period and triggering flash flooding throughout the region. Buildings, homes, and roads were damaged due to high […]

Alleviating Stress in Virginia

Our volunteer coordinator Kimberly writes about her first-year experience

We feel strongly that the most powerful way we can show you, our supporters, how you are having an impact on children is by sharing stories from our volunteer coordinators who are directly in contact with sponsored children throughout the year. Today we hear from Kimberly at Swansboro Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia, about how sponsorship helped a family through an incredibly difficult time of need and why she is so grateful for our sponsorship […]

Our Donors to the Rescue

Donations for emergency relief in Eastern Kentucky has raised over $22,000

In late July of this year, we reported on the massive flooding that occurred in Eastern Kentucky, which devastated many of the communities in which we work. Storms followed by rising water damaged homes and schools, leaving families of our sponsored children without a place a live — and in dire need of emergency relief. In the first week after the flooding, our Director of U.S. Programs, Renée Kube, sent $1000 to each of the […]

Help Save Children in Kenya

Facts about child poverty in Kenya and how Children Incorporated is helping

Located in the Great Lakes region of eastern Africa, Kenya is known for its fertile highlands, grassy savannahs, wildlife, and its namesake peak, Mt. Kenya. Its economy relies heavily upon agriculture and tourism. Kenya is also a cradle of civilization, rich in cultural heritage and diversity. The nation’s wealth of natural beauty, resources, and culture, however, belie the poverty in which most of its residents live. Tragically, destitution and weak government institutions permit frequent violations […]