Sponsors Making a Difference for Billy

A sponsored child in Kentucky receives much-needed support

“Being raised by a single parent is hard nowadays,” Genevieve, the Children Incorporated coordinator at LBJ Elementary School, commiserates. She is referring to Billy*, a student enrolled in our sponsorship program at her school, who is being raised by a single father.  Genevieve tells us that Billy’s father attends all budgeting classes and parent-night functions. “He always stays after to help me and the other volunteers clean up the gym,” she adds. But despite the […]

Students in Need Struggle in the Cold

Our Warm Clothing Fund provides clothing for children living in poverty

Winter can be especially difficult for children living in poverty.  Fiercely cold weather, when compounded by poverty, is not just a moderate source of discomfort or inconvenience; it becomes a true obstacle, making it difficult for students to keep warm, attend school, and receive nutritious food. Our schools in Eastern Kentucky, for example, have already seen their fair share of inclement weather and especially cold temperatures this season, resulting in widespread school closings.  Even when […]