Back to School in Eastern Kentucky

Supplying children with education and supplies

“Back to school” is a phrase that, to many of us, conjures up images of shopping for a new pair of jeans or a new backpack, and getting as much as we can out of the last days of summer. To retailers, it means a jump in consumer spending on clothes and supplies. But for the 15 million children living in poverty in the United States, the phrase “back to school” is just another reminder […]

From Kentucky to Kenya

The universal truth of children

“I don’t know who gave us these bikes, but tell her I love her!” The boy’s words keep echoing in my mind as we make the eight-hour trek from Kentucky back to Richmond, Va. Over the course of the last several weeks, we’ve met with so many children I’ve nearly lost count, but their faces and words stand out in my memory. Kentucky and Bolivia are worlds apart, but there are many similarities between the […]

Two Wheels and the Wind in Your Hair

Cyclist donates bikes to Kentucky children

Nothing is close in eastern Kentucky. Schools are an hour apart, and each one can easily be an hour away from the children who go there. Walmart – the only place to buy a bike in the entire region – is an even longer drive. In a rented pickup truck, we trekked out to Walmart on a mission: to pick out and purchase bikes for underprivileged elementary and middle school children. The bikes would be […]

Virginia Woman Sends Help and Gifts to Young Kentucky Friend

Sponsors have special bonds with their sponsored children

We arrived in Jackson, Kentucky on Wednesday and caught up with some of the kids at LBJ Elementary School. The children here seem like typical kids. Some are shy, some are rambunctious, but each has faced incredible hardship in their short lives. Jackson is one of the poorest cities in the state. Several have lost one or both parents to the rampant drug epidemic in the region and live with a single parent, grandparents or […]

Sponsored children in Jackson County, Kentucky

The Hidden Face of Americana

Looking at our work at our affiliated projects in Eastern Kentucky

Bolivia is still fresh in my mind as we head out on I-64 to get to our next destination: Williamsburg, Kentucky. I am joined this time by Shelley Oxenham, who manages relationships with all of our U.S. volunteer coordinators. Shelley has worked for Children Incorporated for eight years. She works closely with our volunteers and has watched many of the children we serve grow up and graduate. One of the great things about a road […]

A Helping Hand Calls More Helping Hands to Act

One family in Kentucky benefits from our Hope In Action Fund

On a recent trip to visit Children Incorporated projects in the United States, our U.S. Sponsorship Manager, Chuck Smith, and our U.S. Project Specialist, Shelley Oxenham, stopped by the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnett, a couple who has been married for 54 years. They are currently raising their three Children Incorporated-sponsored great-grandchildren, Francis*, Alex, and Tracy. Mrs. Arnett is in her eighties now, and suffers from a variety of health conditions, including a heart […]