A Haven in Colombo

The Chrishanti Lama Sevana Center is a refuge for poor children in Sri Lanka

The country of Sri Lanka has always valued the importance of learning, and even more so after gaining their independence from Britain in 1948. Since then, the government has made education a high priority, and it has paid off. The literacy rate is over ninety percent — the highest in all of South Asia – and enrollment in school for both boys and girls is just as high. This is in large part due to […]

Touching the Lives of Children in Sri Lanka

The Touch a Life with Hope Center offers children a chance at a better life

Sri Lanka is an island country in South Asia, just below India, that is known for its natural beauty, wildlife, and tea and cinnamon exports. Its heritage rich in Buddhism, Sri Lanka is the oldest democracy in Asia. And although thriving with regard to tourism and commerce, many people in the country live in poverty — especially children who have been removed from their homes by the government because of abuse and neglect, like those […]

A Drop in the Bucket: Our Partnership with Wine To Water

Providing clean water to children in India and Sri Lanka

Earlier in the summer, as Luis Bourdet, Children Incorporated’s Director of International Programs, and I discussed our upcoming trip in August to India and Sri Lanka to visit twelve of our affiliated projects, I asked Luis what the children living in this particular region of the world could benefit from most outside of what sponsorship already provides for them. He said he would reach out to our volunteer coordinators to find out.

A Tremendous Impact: An Interview with Kristine Carlson

The wife of the late Dr. Richard Carlson speaks with our CEO, Ron Carter

When I started working for Children Incorporated in 2003, one of the first things I heard about was Dr. Richard Carlson’s mention of the organization in his landmark best-selling book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff. I was told that Dr. Carlson’s kind words about Children Incorporated had generated literally thousands of new child sponsorships, and that even more lives had been changed by contributions resulting from the same. I recall that Mrs. Marian Cummins, who […]

Making Memories with Back to School Shopping

A perspective by Renée Kube, Director of U.S. Programs, on the importance of our Back to School Fund

According to the National Retail Federation, last year’s back to school shopping reached $27 million. It is the second largest shopping season for retailers, after the winter holidays. In fact, the beginning of a new school year is a little like Christmas; the children are excited, and everything is shiny and new. But just like during the holiday season, many families wince at the economic pinch they feel as fall approaches, having to stock up […]

Appreciating the Sweetness in Life

An interview with sponsor Kathy Niles

After hearing story after story from her friend Hilary about child sponsorship through Children Incorporated, Kathy Niles decided she wanted to sponsor a child of her own. Little did she know that sponsorship would lead to unforgettable travels with her friend, getting to know several children – and an even deeper understanding of and appreciation for Native American culture. We caught up with Kathy to find out about her experiences as a child sponsor, and […]